What are your trading goals for 2020

What are your trading goals for 2020

31 December 2019, 12:36
Bernhard Schweigert

What are your trading goals for 2020

The New Year provides us with a fresh start, a blank slate if you will, to begin anew and try to rectify any big problems we may have had over the past year.

If you want to be different in 2020 than you were in 2019. No matter what goals you think you failed to achieve in 2019, I want you to forget about that as it’s the past. The past is the past, as they say. All we can do is look to the future and try to correct our behavior so that we stick to our plans and improve ourselves in the upcoming New Year.

It’s a sad but true fact of human nature that most of people simply lack the mental ‘tools’ to make a plan and stick to it.

Here I want to give you a trading strategy which worked for me and thousands of clients:

Please read the full trading-system,

The Trading strategy with double-GAP, buy strong and sell weak!

28pairs currency strength with impulse trading system

and here.

Happy New Year and all the best for your trading success in 2020!

