18 Juni 2022, 21:03
Raimund Bauer

Okay, today is one of those typical days. 

There are days where everything goes totally well but today is not one of them! 

A whole lot of things went wrong. 

I actually got up this morning just after 6am and was highly motivated to program something for my MQL4 YouTube channel. 

But often reality is what happens while you're making other plans, right? 

In fact, today it turned out that I have several technical problems. 

First, my Windows virtual machine crashed and now it can be restarted, but it crashes again within a few seconds. 

119 Error in the Windows event log!

This seems to be a problem with the virtualization software on Linux. 

Due to the fact that my virtual machine is not working anymore, I did not manage to program the video for MQL4 for tomorrow. 

Sorry for that!

And because I didn't manage to do that I tried to create the translation for another video with a very good software. 

But in the last version the developer changed the software in a way that you get eight different speakers for a normal audio file with one speaker. 

So I couldn't really use the software productively either. 

And at the end of the day, 12 hours have passed and you have the feeling that you haven't done anything at all. 

Do you know this? 

And are you often dissatisfied with your trading and your results? 

Well, I personally believe that these are the days when you have the chance to keep going and not give up. 

I believe that most money is made on the days when nothing really works at all. 

Simply because you don't give up but just keep going. 

And it's the same with automatic trading! 

Of course, there are enough emotional reasons to give up and close the account every day. 

In fact, even after half a decade of automatic trading, it still feels like you should stop immediately. 

And this is exactly one of the reasons why brokers earn so well! 

Because your broker knows pretty well that the vast majority of all beginners will give up and close their account within the first 6 months. 

And most of the traders who start with it close their account at a loss and that's why the broker earns so much. 

So, if in the next few days you also have one of these typical days where nothing works at all, just try to remember that it is exactly on these days that the most money is made - by simply not giving up. 

Because to become good at trading or anything else you simply need to keep going, even when you feel like giving up.

That's it for today, thanks for listening and see you in the next video!