The Art of Copy/Paste Blog Posts.

21 October 2014, 03:20

What To Do When Bloggers Copy Your Original Blog Content? I hope this article will improve the kind service of all our blog posts that we don't give credit for! For those who have problems in understanding the moral issues, there are legal issues to correct the problem. Thank you for your kind and honest attention.

Please add the source of the article, and understand that as in regards to SEO issues, the original post will have problems with the SEO rating, because we are copying their articles, and the search engines are not supplying the traffic to the main source, that is why it is not legal to copy and paste articles from other sources, and if you do, don't copy the whole article, the least contribution you can do to the writer of the article is copy 1-2 lines of their blog post and forward more internet users to the original source, so that they will get the whole credit. Do you feel the honesty of being kind to others? Thank you.