10 Reads

10 Reads

12 January 2015, 03:11

• Facts and fantasies about commodities (Reuters) see also OPEC Tries Stamping Out Frackers (BloombergView)
• Closely Watched Inflation Gauge Falls to Lowest Level in 14 Years (WSJ)
• ECB Weighs Bond Purchases Up to 500 Billion Euros to Juice Economy (Bloomberg) see also What Returns Can Investors Expect in Long-Term Treasuries? (Wealth of Common Sense)
• Windfall for Taxpayers Coming to an End (NYT)
• The shale oil revolution is in danger (Fortune) see also 26 Earthquakes Later, Fracking’s Smoking Gun Is in Texas (Daily Beast)
• The Little-Known Programming Problem Inside Dynamic Scoring (Businessweek)
• Days After Zero Hedge Report Of Its Plunging Ratings, CNBC Stops Using Nielsen (Zero Hedge) see also CNBC to Stop Using Nielsen for Ratings (WSJ)
• Joe Wiesenthal: Boosting Bloomberg’s ‘shares’ (Columbia Journalism Review)
• Amazing fact: Obamacare ‘beyond repair,’ yet brings insurance to millions (LA Times) see also How the GOP could unintentionally drive up Obamacare enrollment (WonkBlog)
• 7 Offensive Images The New York Times Wasn’t Afraid to Publish (Gawker)

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