Morning Meeting

25 November 2014, 11:34
Francesco Sgarbossa

Stable euro on major counterparts in on the square Asian endthanks to the better than expected reading of the last cyclical index on German business confidence released yesterday. Dollar / yen down in the meantime about a third of the figure on the basis of the most recent comments of the Japanese authorities. In the opinion of the Governor of the Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda the recent exchange rate depreciation is positive for exporting companies but harms consumers and small businesses, along with the services sector, penalized by the rise in imports. At around 7.45 euro / dollar 1.2428 / 32 to 1.2442 last night closing in New York, the dollar / yen 117.89 / 94 from 118.26 and EUR / JPY 146.50 / 56 from 147.11