"Haskell" The Language. How do we use it in Developing Ea's?

1 July 2023, 18:44
Nardus Van Staden

Hey friends. Today we have something very exciting, Something called the Haskell language.

So....what is Haskell, exactly?

Haskell is a purely functional programming language that focuses on strong type systems and immutability. It is designed to provide a concise and expressive way of writing code by leveraging advanced concepts such as higher-order functions, type inference, and pattern matching.

Lets look at an example i have created.

-- Simple moving average indicator
movingAverage :: [Double] -> Int -> [Double]
movingAverage prices n =
  let sums = scanl (+) 0.0 prices
      windowSums = drop n sums
  in zipWith (-) windowSums (0 : take (length windowSums - 1) sums) / fromIntegral n

-- Expert Advisor strategy
eaStrategy :: [Double] -> Bool
eaStrategy prices =
  let ma = movingAverage prices 10
      lastPrice = last prices
      maValue = last ma
  in lastPrice > maValue

-- Entry point
main :: IO ()
main = do
  let prices = [100.0, 105.0, 98.0, 110.0, 120.0, 115.0, 130.0, 140.0, 132.0, 150.0]
  let isBuySignal = eaStrategy prices
  putStrLn $ if isBuySignal then "Buy Signal" else "No Buy Signal"

In this example, we define a simple moving average indicator ( movingAverage ) that calculates the moving average of a list of prices given a window size n . The expert advisor's strategy ( eaStrategy ) checks if the last price in the given list is greater than the last calculated moving average.

The main function serves as the entry point for the program. It creates a list of prices and applies the expert advisor's strategy to determine if there is a buy signal. The result is then printed to the console.

Pretty straight forward stuff. But how is Haskell different from other languages? Why is it unique?

Well i have 7 points i can discuss.

  1. Purely Functional: Haskell is a purely functional programming language, which means that it emphasizes immutability and avoids side effects. In Haskell, functions are mathematical entities that take inputs and produce outputs, without modifying state or having any hidden effects. This purity leads to code that is more predictable, easier to reason about, and less prone to bugs.

  2. Lazy Evaluation: Haskell employs lazy evaluation, meaning that expressions are not evaluated until their results are actually needed. This enables the language to handle potentially infinite data structures and improves efficiency by only computing what is necessary. It allows for elegant and concise code that can express computations as infinite streams or as data-driven pipelines.

  3. Strong Type System: Haskell has a powerful type system that leverages static typing to catch many errors at compile-time. The type system ensures that variables and functions are used correctly and provides strong guarantees about program correctness. Haskell's type inference feature automatically deduces types, reducing the need for explicit type annotations and allowing for more concise code.

  4. Higher-Order Functions: Haskell treats functions as first-class citizens, which means they can be passed as arguments, returned as results, and stored in data structures. Higher-order functions enable powerful abstractions and support functional programming paradigms such as map, filter, and fold. They promote code reuse and help create more modular and composable programs.

  5. Pattern Matching: Haskell provides powerful pattern matching capabilities, allowing developers to destructure and match complex data structures in a concise and expressive way. Pattern matching simplifies control flow and enables elegant handling of different cases or scenarios.

  6. Type Classes: Haskell's type classes provide a mechanism for ad hoc polymorphism, allowing functions to operate on different types as long as they satisfy specific interface requirements. Type classes facilitate generic programming and enable abstraction over common operations shared by multiple types.

  7. Concurrency and Parallelism: Haskell provides built-in features for concurrent and parallel programming. The language encourages the use of immutable data structures and provides abstractions for managing concurrent computations, making it easier to write correct and efficient concurrent programs.

  8. Yes, i said there were 7 points, but note that getting into software development will have you continuously learning for the rest of your life. Languages are fun, how they are structured, and their abilities. Typically you will find languages such as Java and C++ to be the go to languages when it comes to EA development. Building complex systems sometimes require other languages. It's the beauty of the development world.                         Enjoy......