(20 September 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 3:Momentous House vote cannabis banking bill

(20 September 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 3:Momentous House vote cannabis banking bill

20 September 2019, 13:47
Jiming Huang

A historic full vote in the U.S. House of Representatives that might changes the US cannabis industry forever will happen later this month. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, plans to put the SAFE Banking Act to a vote before the end of September. According to CNN “The SAFE Banking Act would provide protections for banks that work with marijuana companies since the substance is still illegal under federal law, despite several states having legalized medical or recreational marijuana”. In short, this bill will allow financial institutions to service cannabis-related companies and ancillary businesses without fear of federal prosecution. In March, the House Financial Services Committee advanced the bill by a decisive 45-15 vote. The full House bill approval is expected.

By Peter Rosenstreich