ea start

26 May 2017, 14:17
Jatin Patel
//|                                           fast-start-example.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "http://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>                                         //include the library for execution of trades
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh>                                  //include the library for obtaining information on positions

int               iMA_handle;                              //variable for storing the indicator handle
double            iMA_buf[];                               //dynamic array for storing indicator values
double            Close_buf[];                             //dynamic array for storing the closing price of each bar

string            my_symbol;                               //variable for storing the symbol
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   my_timeframe;                             //variable for storing the time frame

CTrade            m_Trade;                                 //structure for execution of trades
CPositionInfo     m_Position;                              //structure for obtaining information of positions
//|                                                                  |
int OnInit()
   my_symbol=Symbol();                                      //save the current chart symbol for further operation of the EA on this very symbol
   my_timeframe=PERIOD_CURRENT;                              //save the current time frame of the chart for further operation of the EA on this very time frame
   iMA_handle=iMA(my_symbol,my_timeframe,40,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);  //apply the indicator and get its handle
   if(iMA_handle==INVALID_HANDLE)                            //check the availability of the indicator handle
      Print("Failed to get the indicator handle");              //if the handle is not obtained, print the relevant error message into the log file
      return(-1);                                           //complete handling the error
   ChartIndicatorAdd(ChartID(),0,iMA_handle);                  //add the indicator to the price chart
   ArraySetAsSeries(iMA_buf,true);                            //set iMA_buf array indexing as time series
   ArraySetAsSeries(Close_buf,true);                          //set Close_buf array indexing as time series
   return(0);                                               //return 0, initialization complete
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   IndicatorRelease(iMA_handle);                             //deletes the indicator handle and deallocates the memory space it occupies
   ArrayFree(iMA_buf);                                      //free the dynamic array iMA_buf of data
   ArrayFree(Close_buf);                                    //free the dynamic array Close_buf of data
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   int err1=0;                                             //variable for storing the results of working with the indicator buffer
   int err2=0;                                             //variable for storing the results of working with the price chart
   err1=CopyBuffer(iMA_handle,0,1,2,iMA_buf);               //copy data from the indicator array into the dynamic array iMA_buf for further work with them
   err2=CopyClose(my_symbol,my_timeframe,1,2,Close_buf);    //copy the price chart data into the dynamic array Close_buf for further work with them
   if(err1<0 || err2<0)                                    //in case of errors
      Print("Failed to copy data from the indicator buffer or price chart buffer");  //then print the relevant error message into the log file
      return;                                                               //and exit the function

   if(iMA_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && iMA_buf[0]<Close_buf[0])   //if the indicator values were greater than the closing price and became smaller
      if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol))                     //if the position for this symbol already exists
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);  //and this is a Sell position, then close it
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) return;                              //or else, if this is a Buy position, then exit
      m_Trade.Buy(0.1,my_symbol);                          //if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
   if(iMA_buf[1]<Close_buf[1] && iMA_buf[0]>Close_buf[0])  //if the indicator values were less than the closing price and became greater
      if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol))                     //if the position for this symbol already exists
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);   //and this is a Buy position, then close it
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) return;                             //or else, if this is a Sell position, then exit
      m_Trade.Sell(0.1,my_symbol);                         //if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
extern string sy1;
extern string sy2;
extern string sy3; 
extern double take_Profit = 1;
extern double stop_loss = -100; 
double  profit = 0 ;

string symbols[3];
symbols[0] = sy1;
symbols[1] = sy2;
symbols[2] = sy3;
int arraySize=ArraySize(symbols);
// calculate total profit of each symbol
for(int i = 0 ; i<arraySize ; i++){
profit = profit + m_position.Profit();

if(profit > take_Profit || profit < stop_loss){
for(int i = 0 ; i<arraySize ; i++){

int               iMA_handle[3];

for(int i = 0 ; i<arraySize ; i++){
iMA_handle[i]=iMA(symbols[i],my_timeframe,40,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);  //apply the indicator and get its handle   
if(iMA_handle[i]==INVALID_HANDLE)                            //check the availability of the indicator handle
 Print("Failed to get the indicator handle");              //if the handle is not obtained, print the relevant error message into the log file
 return(-1);                                           //complete handling the error

for(int i = 0 ; i<arraySize ; i++){
iMA_handle[i]=iMA(symbols[i],my_timeframe,40,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);  //apply the indicator and get its handle   
if(iMA_handle[i]==INVALID_HANDLE)                            //check the availability of the indicator handle
 Print("Failed to get the indicator handle");              //if the handle is not obtained, print the relevant error message into the log file
 return(-1);                                           //complete handling the error