May 2016 US durable goods orders -2.2% vs -0.5% exp m/m

24 June 2016, 14:41
Sherif Hasan

US durable goods for May 2016

  • Prior 3.4%. Revised to 3.3%
  • Ex-transport -0.3% vs 0.1% exp. Prior 0.5%
  • Ex-defense -0.9% vs 3.8%, Prior. Revised to 3.7%
  • Cap goods orders non-def ex-air -0.7% vs 0.4% exp. Prior -0.6%, Revised to -0.4%
  • Cap goods shipments non-def ex-air -0.5% vs 0.3% exp. Prior 0.4%. Revised to 0.6%

Shock horror, another durable goods report all over the place. A lot of the time this report is one step forward, two steps back.

US durable goods