CAD: No Fireworks in the Forthcoming BoC Meet – RBC CM

CAD: No Fireworks in the Forthcoming BoC Meet – RBC CM

20 May 2016, 14:47
Roberto Jacobs

CAD: No Fireworks in the Forthcoming BoC Meet – RBC CM

Research Team at RBC Capital Markets, suggests that the BoC meeting (no press conference or MPR) comes on Wednesday with an unchanged 0.50% overnight rate universally expected.

Key Quotes

“Key events since the April 13th forecast update include non-energy goods export growth at flat y/y, soft private CapEx intentions for 2016 (-10.9% y/y for manufacturers,) and of course the impact of the Alberta wildfires. We expect the Bank to look through the transitory economic impact of the latter— Q2 growth will likely be downgraded at the next forecast round in July, while Q1 growth looks set to be close to their most recent forecast of 2.8% q/q annualized.

On non-energy exports and investment intentions, they have warned in the past that the Canadian economy’s complex adjustment will be “uneven”. Finally, the BoC is likely to note that movements in the Canadian Dollar (~2 cents stronger than assumed in April) are consistent with fundamentals, including commodity prices.”
