USD Longs Dropped, EUR Shorts Reduced - Rabobank

USD Longs Dropped, EUR Shorts Reduced - Rabobank

25 April 2016, 14:25
Roberto Jacobs

USD Longs Dropped, EUR Shorts Reduced - Rabobank

Research Team at Rabobank, lists down the IMM Net Speculators’ Positioning as at 19 April 2016.

Key Quotes

“Despite the dovish position of the ECB, speculators have reduced their net EUR shorts for five consecutive weeks. They now stand at almost one quarter of the size of their December high.

Net USD longs dropped a little further last week. Positions are at their lowest since June 2014 just prior to the sharp increase in USD buying in H2 2014.

JPY longs continued to rise. They have recently pushed up to multi year highs suggesting that talk of FX intervention was not taken seriously. The yen dropped in the spot market late last week on speculation regarding the outcome of the forthcoming BoJ policy meeting.

Net sterling shorts climbed for a fifth consecutive week, to their highest point since June 2013. GBP remains vulnerable to political uncertainty ahead of the June 23 referendum on EU membership, though the better position of the ‘Remain’ camp in the opinion polls lent the pound some support in the spot market last week.

Net CHF long positions continued to move higher last week to their strongest levels since June 2015. The SNB last month reiterated its threat that it could intervene to offset demand for the CHF.

Net AUD long positions increased for a fifth consecutive week on optimism around the domestic economic outlook and stronger iron ore prices. CAD net positions held in positive territory for a third consecutive week. Oil remains a key influence.”
