Sell GBP/USD on rallies, NZD/USD higher, WTI Oil and Gold heading sideways

Sell GBP/USD on rallies, NZD/USD higher, WTI Oil and Gold heading sideways

4 April 2016, 15:52
Vasilii Apostolidi

In today's technical update, we look at GBP/USD, NZD/USD, WTI Oil and Gold prices, with Richard Perry, Market Analyst for Hantec Markets, also joined by Zak Mir, Technical Analyst for Zak's Traders Café, and Bill Hubard, Market Analyst for, on the Tip TV Finance Show.

"Fed monetary policy - Yellen wants to remain dovish but voices on the committee are looking other ways.."

"...seeing USD weaker in the last few days, corrected a little from the downside but expect this weakness to continue"

"Federal Reserve not moving on the data, going on the global economy with USD strength a real worry as well as China"

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"GBP/USD unwound back to downtrend channel, Brexit cloud still hanging over with rallies a chance to sell"

"NZD/USD finally broken out and followed the AUD higher, nice uptrend channel, resistance at 0.69 has been broken, configuration on momentum indicators, anything back to 0.69 a good opportunity to buy"

"WTI Oil played into Yellen being dovish, hasn't helped the commodity prices, series of red candles, a range play"

"Gold seeing technicals going against the fundamentals, have lost the upside momentum, not bearish but not pushing beyond the $1280"

"Commodity prices will be building a new sideways trend phase"