Emotions, the Main Enemy of the Trader!

20 February 2016, 18:39
Sherif Hasan

This is a very touchy subject for many traders, why people go into the currency markets – is to make money. If this business that does not yield positive returns is generally something people do not wish to come back in this work.

In order to become a professional trader for which trade is a real job, you need to have the special abilities of intelligence, self-discipline and a strong desire. Have excellent trading system, effective and modern software platform is no guarantee of success. In the end, it all depends on the nature of the trader and his ability to control his emotions.

Anyone who decided to achieve success in trade, must constantly work on his character. Only the ability to control emotions can develop the discipline of trading. Most often a trader for himself is the worst enemy. Of course, much depends on the success and market environment, but it is emotional control determines the success in trade. Trader should learn to control his emotions, and he can count on success. The fact that the trader can not keep their emotions under control, said the fact that he can not stop, when he loses.

To learn how to control your emotions, you need to cultivate the patience to concentrate on the trading system, and not on the results of the trade. Trader has to immerse themselves in what is happening here and now, and remain in this state during operation. He must immerse themselves in the trade, read charts, study indicators to track pulses. Thus, the trader keeps in touch with the market and to cope with the motives at the level of emotion. Do not try to outsmart the volatile market. We need to step back from the final results, to maintain its objectivity, to stay focused on the importance of not allowing to form negative thinking.

Trader, taking a decision, taking on his shoulders the heavy burden of responsibility, he is worried about the consequences of this decision for fear of failure. The trader is at this moment under high pressure. For him, the important question is solved: life or death? When a trader speculates on the consequences of his decision, he loses concentration, apart from the most important, that it can bring success. And that there may be more important than the process of sequentially executed trade? When a trader starts to understand, he gains control of himself and gets in the way to success.

A trader needs to remember that he can not control the market, but can control their reactions to the market situation. To react to a particular situation, you can only learn to control their emotions. A trader may be subject to pressure from relatives opposed to trade, to have a little money in the account, often face setbacks, but if it will develop the idea that no matter what, will succeed, he can turn the situation to the other side . The trader must train a patient attitude to all things around, how would slow them down. So do professional athletes and military when they fight stress, mentally slowing the course of things for myself, have seen output, we make the right decisions and succeed.

The trader is better to opt for the market, the movement of which he seems slower to determine for themselves trading methods, time intervals, are such that slower in terms of signals. This approach allows us to slow down what is happening around the trader to buy him control over his emotions, make decisions deliberately. You can explore the practice ways that allow a person to remain calm in the most difficult situations, and hope for the best. There are software products that allow to develop good patterns of action, appropriate goals. Still, the most important of all this is to take an informed decision about what you need to learn to keep his emotions in check, control their actions, not to give in to his feelings interfere with achieving the main goal. Trader daily have to fight with yourself, but eventually he gets the confidence that can cope with them in a difficult situation. Of course, it is impossible to get rid of all emotions, but you need to learn to control himself and manage emotions. The only way to achieve good results.

Have a nice trade, every day!