Blow to Serious Fraud Office as brokers are cleared of plotting to rig the Libor rate with crooked trader Tom Hayes

Blow to Serious Fraud Office as brokers are cleared of plotting to rig the Libor rate with crooked trader Tom Hayes

28 January 2016, 06:21
Francis Dogbe
Five stockbrokers – including one nicknamed Lord Libor – have been cleared of plotting to fix the banking rate in a bid to make millions of pounds of profit. The gang were accused of teaming up with crooked trader Tom Hayes in the ‘dishonest scheme’ to manipulate Libor – the rate used when banks lend to each other. Hayes, a former UBS and Citigroup trader, was jailed for 14 years last year – since cut to 11 on appeal – for conspiracy to rig the global Libor rates. In a major blow to the Serious Fraud Office, Colin Goodman,......