Three guys walk into a financial planner’s office with a Powerball ticket

Three guys walk into a financial planner’s office with a Powerball ticket

14 January 2016, 09:29
Francis Dogbe

So three guys walk into a bar, plunk down $5, and ask the bartender for beer and advice.

Nah, that’s so 2015! Here’s a joke for today: Three guys walk into a financial planner’s office, plunk down a $1.5 billion Powerball ticket and ask for advice. What should they do?

Since there is no other question that matters in American finance on this fine, cold Wednesday, I put it to a handful of financial-planner types. And their answers were unanimous on one point: What you do with your money matters much less than what you let the money do to you.

Now, there is no shortage of great, funny plans circulating around social media. They are:.......