10 Reads - Jobless Future, Emerging markets, Goldman Sachs in Ventureland, and more

10 Reads - Jobless Future, Emerging markets, Goldman Sachs in Ventureland, and more

10 August 2015, 21:11
Sergey Golubev
• Goldman in Ventureland: The inside story of how-and why-Goldman Sachs became a tech-investing powerhouse (Bloomberg)
• Will Advances in Technology Create a Jobless Future? (MIT Technology Review)
• Emerging markets: Redrawing the world map (FT)
• Inside the sad, expensive failure of Google+ (Mashable)
• How baseball’s tech team built the future of television (The Verge)
• The Friedrich Hayek I knew, and what he got right – and wrong (New Statesman)
• How corn made its way into just about everything we eat (WonkBlog)
• How I Gave Up Alternating Current (Mostly Harmless)
• The True Story of an Ex-Cop’s War on Lie Detectors (Bloomberg)

• Billy Beane on Making Better Decisions and Avoiding Biases (Farnam Street)

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