Greece Public Opinion Polls Support The Lender

Greece Public Opinion Polls Support The Lender

3 July 2015, 23:33

Greece Public Opinion Polls Support The Lender


Greece PM Alexis Tsipras and its international creditors each other survive while waiting for the implementation of the referendum Sunday (5/7) about the savings program is required of creditors when a public opinion polls tend to receive the savings program. When the retirement of rationing begins in the first week of capital controls, a survey shows more people opposing the Government's appeal to Greece voted against the requirements of lenders for more help.


The final compromise offer from Tsipras, who urged his people to vote "no" was refuted by other Member countries of the euro, until the negotiations here had to wait until the results of the referendum are acquired.


Now the voting appears to be samasekali longer inevitable because Greece is more willing to have difficulty financially without the prospect for its economic slump ending soon. Political attitude – along with the end of the bailout deal and the inability to pay the debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – covering kenekatan and lost hope when the economy slumped and money is getting out.


"The Bailout long instead of being over, but has indeed ended. Now to achieve a new agreement becomes increasingly difficult, "said Holger Schmieding, analyst at Berenberg Bank.


If would mean remain in the euro single currency bloc, then the majority of the people of Greece would have voted against the Government they choose five months ago to opinionated against austerity.


A public opinion poll said, 47% of the people of Greece are likely to vote "Yes", with those who vote "no" to be embedded not far 43% through interviews against 1,000 adults on Tuesday (7/6), four days after appeal Tsipras untukmengadakan referendum. The margin of error 3.1% points in that poll.


In a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi and IMF Executive Director Christine Lagarde, Tsipras refused their request about retirement and tax reduction for the islands of Greece.


Delays In Implementation Of Reforms


He proposed the postponement of the implementation of the zero deficit clause for pension funds and other retirement reform to October than July, and maintain a 30% discount on top of the sales tax for the country's Islands. He also wants the process further with various changes to the regulations offer a collectives-was opposed by the borrower.


The keditur insist on the reform of pensions, which will result in savings of up to 1% of GDP per 2016 and immediate steps to eliminate retirement benefits and other allowances for smaller pensions.


In Athens, the queue of pensioners in some banks open on Wednesday (1/7) confirms about poor conditions in Greece. At 7 am the time of seetempat, a few dozen people retirees are outside a branch of the National Bank of Greece. They will receive at most 120 euros ($ 132), compared with an average monthly payment they are around 600 euros. Many have returned home without success after being told for the day only those with last names starting from A to K will be paid. Shout of the eurozone finance ministers did not manage to calm the situation.


"At this stage we do not see any basis to continue the negotiations," said Minister of Netherlands and Chairman of the Eurogroup (the Minister of finances of the eurozone) Jeroen Dijsselbloem. "Now we can only wait for the results of the referendum on Sunday and take into account the results of the referendum," he said.


In Frankfurt, the ECB maintains support daruratnya for the bank-bank of Greece after the failure of Greece to repay $ 1.7 billion debt to the IMF. With bank-banknya is now closed and the people of Greece took in bank withdrawals are limited to only 60 euro, the decision by the ECB to give decision makers more time to Greece for a political solution to success.


Following numerous reports about his letter to the borrower, Tsipras asked his subjects in order to eliminate the speculation circulating in social media that he cancel the referendum. Instead he increasingly confirms its call to reject the austerity program which he will strengthen his bargaining position.
