US Existing Home Sales Surged and Increasingly strengthen the positive trend

US Existing Home Sales Surged and Increasingly strengthen the positive trend

22 June 2015, 19:28
This June the sales trends of properties include homes and condos exceeded the expectations of economists. It is estimated only going up to the amount of 5.28 million units turned out to be the hope of successfully achieved with the denied record highs during the year 2015 this with figures perched on the 5.35 million units.

The thrill of buying began to tall

The condition of the economy of the U.S. is getting digelontor with optimism after property sales data tonight appeared with the trend the better. The increase in sales of allegedly comes from the emergence of the new buyers who have never had a home. They registered a share of 32 per cent of total sales, up from 27 percent on a year ago, according to noted. The market they are looking for any variety of new home for small family, condos and even second-hand houses market began warms up with his presence. Indeed there are facts that make sense before this month's surge occurred, several things are due to the effects of the rise in the level of wages, the housing credit interest rate is still quite low, access credit easier to get and the creation of new jobs the more brought a fresh breeze for the property industry in the US. site proclaims, supplies properties that are associated with the appropriate residence housing association members report increased to 3.2 percent or about 2.29 million units. The figure is 1.8 percent better than last year. Seen from the acceleration of sales, the amount of supplies are expected to be sufficient for the duration of 5.1 months or slightly faster than last April which pegged at 5.2 months.

The u.s. dollar remained confident

This morning up to the middle of the afternoon session, the Greenback suffered a bit of a correction to some of the main pair. With Japan Yen briefly succumbing to 0.17 percent. Fight with Cable tertohok 0.19 percent even had time to leap over the psychological line at 1.5900. The u.s. dollar most feel the grief-stricken after the Looney with pitted with feel defeat about 0.44 percent on the day. But in the end the night slowly back the Greenback showed gregetnya by replying to against his opponents. Japan Yen should be perched on the level of 123.30, translucent 1.5815 level Cable while the Looney left behind in numbers should want to 1.2283.