World Bank downgraded global economic outlook in 2015

World Bank downgraded global economic outlook in 2015

11 June 2015, 14:28

The World Bank trimmed its outlook for global economic growth this year amid slowdown in emerging markets and weaker output in the United States.

The body now expects the world economy to expand by 2.8%, 0.2 percentage point slower than it estimated in January.

In its Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank said that economic contraction in Brazil and Russia, as well as slower growth in Turkey offset growth in the eurozone and Japan.

Many of emerging market economies are approaching the limits of their ability to grow without major policy overhauls that would open up markets, improve the business environment and spur productivity. There is a need of trillion of dollars to expand the arteries of economic growth: roads, railways, ports and other infrastructure, the bank said.

The institution meanwhile expects 2016 growth to expand 3.3% with U.S. Federal Reserve moving towards lifting interest rates.