Strategist: Are you sure about Greece's intentions regarding 'Grexit'?

Strategist: Are you sure about Greece's intentions regarding 'Grexit'?

2 June 2015, 16:20

There still are experts who are doubtful about Greece's intentions regarding a "Grexit" from the euro zone, even after Athens submitted its "comprehensive" and "realistic" plan of reforms for consideration.

"Nobody really wants the Greeks to exit, except the Greeks know that nobody wants them to exit and they're basically playing the game for as long as they can," Chantico Global founder Gina Sanchez said in an interview with CNBC.

One of the main reasons the European Union does not want Greece to exit the euro zone is because it would set a precedent, as the euro is supposed to be irreversible. So, if one country exits, it would make it reversible, in her opinion.

The comments were made after Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras urged its creditors to accept a reform plan sent to them on Monday.

"We have made concessions - because a compromise demands concessions - we know these concessions will be difficult but we have submitted a realistic plan for Greece to exit the crisis," Tsipras said.

But Sanchez said Greece has lost credibility and it is hard to believe what Tsipras now says.