Gorbachev explained Merkel refusal to come on May 9 in Moscow

Gorbachev explained Merkel refusal to come on May 9 in Moscow

7 May 2015, 11:11
Alexey Mashkovtsev
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev commented on the refusal of leaders of several European countries and the United States to come to Moscow for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism.
- Ignore the opportunity to demonstrate its relevance to the struggle against fascism, which was conducted by the Soviet Union - a lack of respect to the peoples who have suffered enormous losses, it is disrespectful to the limitless courage that people demonstrated in the fight against the "brown plague" - said Gorbachev.
Gorbachev was convinced that without Russia to achieve this victory would have been impossible, "if some politicians do not understand - this is their problem, but I am convinced that the people of the world understand this." According to the politician, there are Americans, and the American authorities have to solve their ideological and political tasks, so they refused to come to Moscow.
Moreover, Gorbachev said that the refusal of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Moscow on May 9 due to strong pressure on it by the US authorities.
- To her I respect and understand its behavior. I am convinced that the solution of this problem is due to the strong pressure of the US government. Politics is politics - said the former president of the USSR.
But, he said, did not come to these days in Russia Merkel could not, because it takes "attitude and is a supporter of the anti-fascist mission of liberation from the Nazis, and pays tribute to all those who fought with arms or hiding in the woods and even prison, "reports" Interfax ".
- When she arrives, she will represent the new Germany, which freed from fascism the Soviet army, and have contributed to an ally, and the Germans who fought against the "brown plague", - concluded Mikhail Gorbachev.
Recall, the day before it became known that the celebrations in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Moscow will arrive 27 heads of state.