Top considerations for choosing a business account

1 May 2015, 07:57
Sherry Wilson
The term business banking refers to a range of products and services that are specifically designed for business owners, both small and big. These products and services cover business loans, business savings and transactions accounts, and business credit cards, amongst many others to help business owners run and manage their business in a smooth and easy manner.

If you are a small or mid-sized business owner, you must bear a few considerations in mind before choosing any business account.

The first and indeed the most important thing that you must consider is the volume of your monthly, financial transaction. There are business accounts for low-volume transactions, and high volume transactions. If you fail to choose an appropriate business account that suits your business transaction behaviour and cash flow, you may end up incurring a lot of expenses. It is advisable to review your business operations in the past 6 months to determine your monthly transaction volume and then choose the business transaction account whose features and costs meet your individual needs.

Next, you must be clear about the type of transactions that you make. How do you pay salary to your staff? Do you use ATM or internet banking for making payments for raw material and machinery? How do your clients pay you? Analyse the type of transactions that you make before choosing any particular business account.

When you are choosing the business account, find out what fees and charges are levied on those transactions by different small business banks in Florida. Small business banks usually charge monthly account fee, branch deposit fee, cheque deposit/withdrawal fee, over the counter transaction fee, and electronic transaction fee on business transaction account. Carry a thorough research before opting for any particular business account. If there are any fee-free thresholds, find out how much fee would be charged once the thresholds have been exhausted.

Does the small Business Banks in Florida offer online banking? Online banking is not only convenient and time-saving, it also helps save money. You may use a payroll package or bulk payment template to make payments to your employees. It would be counted as only one debit transaction on your account which would save you business banking fees. If you get multiple cheques, bundle them up into one deposit. Use direct credit via internet banking to pay your bills.

It consumes a lot of time keeping track of cheques and balancing them. Electronic transfers are not only quick, they are also cost-effective. Consider streamlining your customer payment options. It would help you in choosing a simpler and affordable business bank account that best meets your individual needs. Choose the right bank and manage your small or mid-sized business easily.
