Max Keiser: Zero interest-rate policy and QE

Max Keiser: Zero interest-rate policy and QE

18 April 2015, 16:11
Alice F

Why do some policies make the wealthy even wealthier while pushing the middle class on the verge of a precipice? Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser discuss the tendency.

"Those who plow ZIRP & those who sow QE" - that is how the new episode of Keiser report is called. In it, the two journalists discuss the monopoly of central banks and the damaging lack of competition in the society, banking and currencies. Japan appears to be the brightest example, where the banking system occupies huge percentage of the economy, while it is actually a parasite for the system. And if you pull the parasite out, it might collapse.

Like this, money printing under QE might define the essence of the economy.

Mr Keiser and Sandeep Jaitly then discuss negative yielding bonds.