Fed official: Surprised by how much strong dollar influences US economy

Fed official: Surprised by how much strong dollar influences US economy

26 March 2015, 15:25

Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said in an interview to CNBC that he was surprised how much the stronger dollar seemed to be impacting the home economy. 

Lockhart said that at first he had downplayed the dollar's surge as a factor because the U.S. economy was not export-driven.

But now "the impact of the dollar is something I have upgraded in terms of importance," he said. The stronger dollar "is a doubt, a question mark."

Although Lockhart doesn't consider that the impact from the strong dollar would be "terribly significant," it could have "some dampening effect," he said.

Lockhart said the first quarter growth rate looked "very soft," but added that it was likely "transitory."

He reiterated that he sees the first interest rate hike coming "mid-year or a little bit later."