Adam Hewison and his 10 Golden Rules of Trading

Adam Hewison and his 10 Golden Rules of Trading

25 September 2014, 12:11
Adam Hewison is former floor trader, retired hedge manager and the President of

In this video, Adam Hewison shares some very simple, yet powerful, trading rules that would benefit each of us in one way or another.

1. Have a Game Plan.
This is one of the most important elements in trading and you should not be trading without one. When you have a game plan, it allows you to get in and out of the market in a non-emotional way.

2. Follow the Game Plan.

3. Use Stop Loss.

4. Reduce Your Risk.
Did you ever have your Grandmother tell you not to put all of your eggs in one basket?

5. Filter Your Trades.
It’s important to determine a set of criteria you can use to narrow down which markets will make good trades.

6. Trade With The Trend.
To trade successfully, you must trade with the trend. Trends tend to persist for long periods of time and it is possible to make large amounts of money catching those trends.

7. Do Not Listen to the News.
Many stories are planted by traders to affect the market. Within half an hour the news will be gone and the market will be doing something else, it’s just that simple.

8. Do Not Listen to Your Broker.
Your broker has a vested interest in putting money in his pocket and not yours. There is a conflict of interest there, so do your homework and make your own trades.

9. Money Management.
You really have to be good at managing your capital. This refers back to what I said before with diversity, stop-losses, and profit objective. All of these come under money management, which is a very important part of trading.

10. Disciplined Trading.
To me, discipline is the key element to successful trading. I’ve made this the last rule because this is the one I really want you to listen to and remember. Being disciplined is following your stops, your game plan, and taking your profits when they hit an objective.