10 Wednesday Reads

10 Wednesday Reads

7 January 2015, 17:22
Sergey Golubev

  • Shiller Spotted the Last Two Bubbles―Here’s What He Says About the Bond Boom (Money) see also Soaring Bond Prices May Sound an Economic Warning (Dealbook)
  • The (Real) Bank of America (Politico)
  • Value Managers Root for More Market Turmoil (Bloomberg)
  • The inflation chicken littles were so wrong: The dollar is on a tear (Washington Post)
  • House Republicans Change Rules on Calculating Economic Impact of Bills (NYT) see also White House Budget Director Blasts GOP ‘Dynamic Scoring’ Plans (Real Time Economics)
  • Nerd Intersectionality (Epicurean Dealmaker)
  • Massive spike in Okla. earthquakes may be due to fracking (WaPo) see also Nine Earthquakes Rock North Texas In Less Than A Day (CBS)
  • So Many Earth-Like Planets, So Few Telescopes (NYT)
  • North Korea boosted ‘cyber forces’ to 6,000 troops, South says (Reuters) see also North Korea Follows Only One American on Twitter―This Guy (MoJo)
  • The Shameful Triumph of Football (Atlantic)

What are you reading?