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News Trader Pro


新闻操盘手专业版 是一个独特的机器人,让您使用您预先定义的策略进行消息交易。它从几个流行的外汇网站加载的每条消息的片断。您可以选择任何消息和预设的策略进行交易,之后新闻操盘手专业版根据选定的策略,在新闻来临时自动进行交易。


演示版: 由于这不是一个自动交易机器人 (它是半自动), 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5931

参考: 如果您只需要加载新闻 (无需交易), 您可以购买新闻加载机专业版: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5463


  • 包括所有 新闻加载机专业版的功能 (查看详情)。
  • 针对每条新闻构建您自己的策略,具有非常灵活的参数。
  • 支持五种高级策略,带有大量控制参数 (止损, 止盈, 尾随, 网格间隔, 手数缩放, 等等)。
  • 每条消息的交易都是独立运作,不会彼此冲突。
  • 采用先进技术,以尽量减少价格在新闻发布时的滑点。
  • 所有消息,所有符号/对的交易仅需在一个图表上加载,无需将机器人附加到每一个图表。
  • 允许在设置后调整和取消交易计划。
  • 特别功能: 在消息发布时, 避免宽幅点差并自动调整止损和止盈距离。
  • 工具内部有直白的描述和说明,所以即使是业余者也可以理解策略。



1. 新闻预测


2. 挂单陷阱


3. 网格挂单陷阱

类似于挂单陷阱策略, 但网格挂单陷阱策略设置一系列挂单 (像是一个网格)。这种策略捕捉价格变动较小的部分,并积累出最后的结果。

4. 马丁格尔挂单陷阱

也被称为 "永不言败" 策略, 马丁格尔策略使用增加手数]来覆盖以前的亏损 (如有的话)。与消息结合,这也许很不错,因为价格通常会有较大移动。但是,不要设置过大的初始手数,因为如果在消息发布时产生尖刺,在价格向某个方向移动前,您的账户会爆仓。

5. 立足真实报告



  • Fixed pending: 挂单会持续建立,但可能会在消息发布前,因某一时刻价格错误的无序移动而触发。
  • Floating pending: 挂单会一直与当前的买入/卖出价保持一定距离,直到消息发布,所以它们通常只会由消息影响触发。
  • 有些参数, 设置值为零 (0) 意味着不设 (止损, 止盈, 尾随, 取消时间) 或无限 (马丁格尔循环次数)。
警告: 消息交易有风险。这在很大程度上取决于您的经纪商的订单执行品质。这个工具不是全自动化的机器人。它仅根据您的定制策略进行交易。您要为您自己设置的策略的交易结果责任。
评论 18
Krishnanand Soondur
Krishnanand Soondur 2024.03.06 09:15 

I have been using this excellent News Trader Pro EA for MT4 in my trading setup, and it helps greatly to predict tangible price movement on forex pairs likely to result in successful and profitable trading. It adds another confirmation steps when it is combined with a technical analysis on the chart before you place your trade. The creator of this EA is very supportive to his customers queries and to offer help as needed. The EA gets regularly updated and fixes applied. This is a highly recommended MT4 or MT5 indicator for a FX trader.

Bristolian 2023.02.07 13:32 

This EA offers exactly the setups that I want to program when I can not be at the screen for the event (or maybe anyway) - plus it enables set up of more complex grid pending trap orders which cannot be manually done quickly enough in the last minute pre-event anyway. And add to that, that the author is extremely helpful in responses about getting the EA installed etc; and tolerant of an EA novice too! Top dollar and the EA is cleverly designed.

Yasutaka Nukina
Yasutaka Nukina 2019.10.29 09:12 

When I am having a URL problem the developer helped through remote access. Great support!

H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
Andrey Kolmogorov
This is a universal adviser working in several directions. The first and main thing is assistance in various situations that arise during trading. The second is scalping or positional trading according to the trend, open orders, at the same time, insured with support orders using the model of a quantum set of algorithms. Main Advantages Work in several directions; Increase in account balance during drawdown; Maintenance of already open orders; Building a grid lock; Scalping and/or trend trading
This is a fully automatic trading robot for the EURCHF currency pair.  But this robot can be configured to trade for other currency pairs. TURBO SCALPER PRO using a trend following strategy based on MACD, Parabolic SAR and Moving Average indicator. The robot works in full automatic mode, on the M1 timeframe. The trader does not need to set it up for trading. Open EURCHF and attach TURBO SCALPER PRO only to EURCHF M1 using the default settings. Advantages of the TURBO SCALPER PRO :  We show y
Greedy Bob EA mw
4.25 (4)
GREEDY BOB EA - 是基于价格行为研究的完美日内交易系统! 这是“一劳永逸”的智能交易系统,它正在为您完成所有交易工作! 7 设置文件可用! 交易理念基于著名的强大价格行为模式,并与剥头皮技术相结合! GREEDY BOB EA 正在欧盟和美国会议期间制定上半年时间框架 使用“注释”部分中的设置文件来使用/测试 EA 贪婪鲍勃EA特点: - EA 可以同时运行 7 对 - 相应的 Set_files 在“评论”部分等待您 - 根据账户余额自动计算手数 - EA默认内置复利资金管理。 - 止损和止盈是动态的——它们默认可以适应市场波动。 - 每笔交易都有经纪商看不到的止损和止盈。 - 智能过滤系统:趋势过滤器、震荡指标过滤器、工作日过滤器、工作时间过滤器、价差过滤器 - 内置 SPREAD 显示 - 运行机器人所需的最低账户余额仅为 100 美元 - 账户杠杆:1:30至1:500即可 -交易对:EURCHF、EURUSD、NZDUSD、USDCHF、AUDUSD、GBPAUD、GBPCAD -时间范围:H1 -
Olga Zhdanova
對您利潤豐厚的專家顧問組合來說是一個很好的補充。該策略基於在特定時間段內突破已構建水平的算法。 EA 有一個固定的止損,允許您保持最小的回撤。 使用報價數據套件對所有報價進行測試,並使用最接近的真實交易條件,觀看視頻。 前 10 位買家的價格為 75 美元(請在評論中發布您的報告) 推薦:低點差的優秀 ECN 經紀商。 推薦貨幣對 EURUSD。可以使用其他貨幣對,例如 GBPUSD 和 USDJPY。 評論中的設置文件。 如有任何問題,請聯繫您的私信! 我很樂意為您提供幫助! 在 M1 上為上面列出的貨幣對安裝“EA 交易”,加載設置文件。 請務必通知我交易結果! 在交易中不使用危險(有毒)的交易方式導致整個存款(鞅,網格,套利等)的急劇損失; 每筆交易都有止損和止盈以保護您的存款;
Van Hoa Nguyen
AlibabaEA is an advanced grid system that has been running on real accounts for many years. Instead of adjusting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do), the system is designed to exploit existing market weaknesses. Therefore, this is not a "pure scalping" system, but this system exists only by using DCA at high-reversal price zones. At the same time, this system uses real market mechanisms to its advantage to make profits. Note: Price will increase by $20 every 24h or 48h L
The King Advisor MT4
Guillem Boix Martin
4.09 (11)
The King Advisor   是一种高度先进的和 神经网络 算法。其策略基于通过 复杂的自学系统 和多年经验与工作设计出的 交易系统 识别支撑位、阻力位和趋势线。 由经验丰富的交易员团队开发。 请注意,200 个示例为限 --> 已更新的售出总量  195 我们正在促销下一款 EA。请在购买后联系我们领取。此为限时优惠。 The King Advisor   能够 控制执行 。在进行交易之前,机器人会评估交易对的 流动性吸收 情况,最大限度地减少滑点,确保在 最佳条件 下执行交易。 The   King Advisor   拥有非常出色的 风险管理能力 ,可以控制订单。该专家顾问在最恶劣的市场条件下进行了 严格测试 ,证明了其适应不同市场情况的能力。此外,该专家顾问经过 20多年的 优化和测试,建模质量达到 99.9% 。   Dukascopy . 国王顾问》的详细评测。 配置和指南 常见问题 配置 符号 欧元兑美元 时间段 H1 建议的杠杆作用 1:30 或以上 最低余额 $ 100 与其他专家合作的可能性 是 关于产品 购买产品
Climbing Scalper
Liudmyla Bochkarova
3.8 (5)
Climbing Scalper EA is a night scalper that trades during the calmest periods of the market. During this period the markets usually fluctuate and the advisor will trade within these ranges. Each trade will have an initial stop loss and take profit, but the EA also uses advanced stop loss management algorithms that will assess the strength of the trades. 8 copy left at 399, next price 499 Buy this EA, post a feedback and get  Golden Future  for free The advisor works on all pairs with a stable s
Jet Punch
Didit Haryadi Saputra
Jet Punch is another best expert advisor for MT4,  can help you make money while you sleep by automatically entering and exiting trades. It trades by opening trades every day and closing them at the right time to ensure you always earn a profit. The software is very simple and can be used by both beginner and experienced traders.  Jet Punch was tested and has successfully passed the stress test with slippage and commission approximate to the real market condition. Recommendations: Currency pair
Magic Win
4.33 (3)
EA MAGIC WIN is the advanced trading system which was tested for long on different market conditions with heavy load tests. Based on our custom indicator which is backed with mean reversion concept along with few other algorithm this products fits itself into the current market conditions and act accordingly.  Supported currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD Recommended TF: M15. Setfile can be downloaded from here : Click Here Features Easy Setup: You just need to drag th
Baby Shark
Tran Quang Trung
5 (2)
This is a price action trading robot, the EA will stick to the medium term trend and price to deliver trades. Orders are always protected by the user set stop loss points. With the capital management system, it will help that EA operates in accordance with its purpose. Telegram : https://t.me/trungtqIT Timeframe is H1. Minimum account balance: $100. Attention is Important: EA only test live on demo or real accounts. Backtest results are just random and inaccurate. Features: Every trade is prot
Synaptic Ai
Synaptic AI is a fully automated professional Expert Advisor that utilizes the power of artificial intelligence and is supported by over a decade of historical data. This allows for the identification and modeling of recurring patterns on the GBPUSD pair. The result is a strategy based on a proprietary algorithm and complex calculations that detect the signals sent by these patterns, allowing for anticipation of market movements with a statistical advantage. Key Features Few basic parame
Forex Auto Trading EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Forex Automatic 100%. - Min depost: 5,000$ for each Pair - Timeframe: D1 - Setting: Default Setting - Good Trading Pair: Best pair is AUDCAD, or Forex Pair have Daily Price range from 0.8 ~ 1.1, and have H1 H4 sideway chart. - First, before attach EA to chart, you need add   http://calendar.fxstreet.com/   in the list of allowed url in the tab 'Expert Advisors'   (Tool —> Option —> Expert Advisors —> Allow WebReque
The algorithm of the adviser's work: When the Expert Advisor is launched at a specified distance from the price (first_step), BuyStop and SellStop orders are placed. Further, depending on which way the price went, one of them becomes market, and the other begins to crawl after the price. When the price rolls back, it also becomes market. If we have reached a set profit in some direction, the order is closed and a creeping pending order of the same direction is placed again. If the profit is n
Albatross ver4
Yvan Musatov
5 (1)
Professional trading robot   Albatross : Your reliable assistant in the Forex market Albatross is an innovative trading robot designed to analyze the market using a specialized algorithm. This expert uses advanced methods to assess the strength and amplitude of price movements, which allows it to accurately predict trend reversals and make optimal trading decisions. Benefits of using Albatross Unique analysis algorithm: Albatross analyzes market data for a certain period of time, assessing th
Joel Protusada
Vizzion is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using GBPJPY currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks o
This Expert Advisor is a trading strategy targeting the EURUSD on the 1-hour chart. It is based on entry and exit reversals using specific technical indicators and performs trend-following trades.   I don’t want to rely on just one EA; I want to build a portfolio and diversify my risks..." If that sounds like you, this EA is perfect for your needs. This EA is designed with portfolio management in mind, making it an excellent complement to other EAs to achieve stable performance.   The Benefit of
Price Action Trader EA - 是基于价格行为研究的完美自动交易系统! 这是“一劳永逸”的 EA 顾问,它正在为您完成所有交易工作! 7 设置文件可用! 交易理念基于著名的强大价格行为模式   - PinBar ! 价格行为交易 EA 是一项非常好的投资 - 它将为您工作多年,所有 Set_files 都具有正的数学预期! 使用“注释”部分中的设置文件来使用/测试 EA 价格行为交易者 EA 功能: - EA 可以同时运行 7 对 - 相应的 Set_files 在“评论”部分等待您 - 系统不会像许多黄牛那样浪费钱来获取高额佣金 - 没有严格的点差要求 - EA 可以在任何账户上使用 - 系统未使用任何危险的网格方法。 - EA默认内置复利资金管理。 - 每笔交易都有经纪商看不到的止损和止盈。 - 止损和止盈是动态的 - 它们默认可以适应市场波动。 - 补偿模式可在 EA 设置中使用 - 内置趋势、震荡指标和日过滤器 -交易对:AUDUSD、AUDNZD、NZDJPY、GBPJPY、CADJPY、GBPAUD、EURCAD -时间范围:D1 -
Fundamental Robot MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Fundamental Robot is an Expert Advisor based on Fundamental Signals Indicator. The Fundamental Signals Indicator has a powerful calculation engine that can predict market movement over 30000 points. The indicator is named fundamental because it can predict trends with large movements, no complicated inputs and low risk.  The EA works with low margin levels and thus has low risk. Using EA : The EA is very simple and without complicated input parameters. These are main parameters must b
Fibonacci System
Maksim Neimerik
The system applies Fibo levels. Apart from basic Fibo levels (23.6; 38.2; 50.0; 61.8; 100.0;), the EA features custom levels (34.0; 36.0; 64.0; 66.0;). You can decide the levels trading is to be performed from. Sample trade: when the market is bullish and the price rolls back to the levels (as we remember, we select the levels on our own), the EA opens buy orders. The opposite is true for sell orders. The EA can work in three modes. Each of the modes is a separate Fibo levels construction method
Forex Vanguard Gold MT4
Ariunbaatar Gunge Sersendemid
Forex Vanguard Gold MT4 is an advanced expert advisor meticulously designed to enhance trading on the Forex market. Engineered for precision and adaptability, it integrates robust trading strategies, a dynamic news filter, and strategic risk management tools to maximize profitability and safeguard investments. Key Features: - Adaptive Lot Sizing: Utilizes both exponential and addition-based lot sizing methods to optimize financial exposure according to the evolving market conditions. - News Avoi
The Expert Advisor trades the signals from an artificial neural network with one hidden layer. Presence of a signal is checked at the closing of the specified period. MAIN PARAMETERS Net option - setting the order grid. When placing a market (not pending, Pending order offset=0 ) order according to a signal, the grid order is set. The following direction are available: follow the trend , against the treand and both directions . The number of placed orders is taken from the ...maximum deals with
Advisor FU PULSAR  - is a scalper with high accuracy of market entries. The EA is able to work with medium spreads (for testing we used a spread of 20 points on GBPUSD), it is not critical to slippage, and it is also not demanding on trading conditions. It uses Stop Loss as protection for orders, and uses virtual trailing stop as a percentage of the balance as order support. It does not open orders often but as accurately as possible. FU PULSAR does not use indicators. The algorithm contains
Alpha Striker Smc King V3
Shokhboz Mamarasulov
Alpha Striker SMC KING is unique Expert Advisor that continues the Alpha Striker series of  expert advisors. Innovative methods of the programme's approach to trading, and promising performance results are possible thanks to the use of modern technologies and methods. The Alpha Striker SMC KING is a fully automated EA designed to trade currencies only. Working pairs recommended EURUSD. Expert showed stable results on currencies in 2022-2024 period. No dangerous methods of money management used,
EA RSI Pending Grid
Zafar Iqbal Sheraslam
"RSI" usually refers to the Relative Strength Index, a technical indicator used in financial markets to analyze the strength or weakness of an asset's price. "Pending Grid" may suggest a specific trading strategy that combines pending orders with grid trading techniques. RSI EA : RSI (Relative Strength Index) is a technical indicator used in trading to assess whether an asset is overbought or oversold. It measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI values range from 0 to 100. Typically
FSG Expert
Sergey Shergin
FSG Expert   - это полностью автоматизированная торговая система, которая особенно эффективна при торговле на популярной валютной паре: GBPUSD. Система использует в торговле основные закономерности рынка Форекс - возврат цены после резкого движения в любом направлении, с использованием Фибосетки и ее уровней. Рекомендации Настройки по умолчанию на скрине ( можно поиграть с настройками) Символ: GBPUSD  Таймфрейм: H1 Минимальный депозит: $100 Тип счета: ECN Минимальный депозит составляет $100 при
IRobot Alligators
Paranchai Tensit
IRobot Alligators is an Expert Advisor based on the chaos theory and the Alligator technical indicator. This expert advisor consists of three lines, overlaid on a price chart, that represent the jaw, the teeth and the lips of the Alligator. It was designed to help confirm that a trend is in effect and in what direction. As with all moving averages, the shortest one (green) moves first, followed by the middle (red) and then longer average (blue). If the three lines are entwined, then the Alligato
Ilan MT4
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
The original Ilan EA for MetaTrader 4 This is the original Ilan EA for the MetaTrader 4 trading terminal. The strategy needs no advertising as it is well known even to novice traders. Settings of the Expert Advisor The Expert Advisor can easily be set, while allowing you to adjust any important parameters of the strategy. Available Features: Unique  MagicNumber  for identification of trades; Trade direction option ( Trade direction ): buy only, sell only, or both directions simultaneously; Ste
Hamster Original (Very Fast, Easy Setup, More Power!) You can check live Hamster Original trading  on  Telegram_Channel The  Hamster Original  is a Trading Robot with no use of Classic martingale. Schedule scalping Options. it uses some Indicators as a filter to maximize Correct entries. Recommendations :  Lot = 0.01. ( if autolot enabled  Allow (initial Lot) per (xx)USD  = 50 ). Balance  = 100 USD. Pair = EURUSD. TimeFrame = 5Min. Broker = Trusted Brokers Inputs descriptions :  Initial L
Bar Boss
Iurii Tokman
5 (1)
Bar Boss   Expert   Advisor 使用 FletBoxPush 指标来分析市场并确定交易信号。该指标内置于“EA 交易”中,不需要在图表上额外安装。交易发生在定义为平台边界的水平上。使用损失限制。 顾问设置说明 TimeFrames - 图表周期,指标设置 颜色 - 定义为平面的价格区域的颜色,为指标设置 矩形 - 显示定义为平坦的价格区域,为指标设置 手数 - 起始交易量 MagicNumber - 订单的幻数 Count_LOSS - 连续亏损交易的数量,之后将设置为零利润(退出为零) FlatPips - 以点为单位确定平台,设置指标 FlatBars - 用于确定平面的柱数限制,为指标设置 MinBarsClosedOutside - 收盘价固定在特定平面水平之上/之下的柱数 CoefficientLot - 亏损后后续交易手数的乘数 CoefficientTakeProfit - 根据确定的平台的通道宽度计算的利润乘数 PercentLoss - 损失百分比,如果顾问带来的总损失低于此值,交易停止,该值必须设置为负数,例如:-33.3 顾问如何工
Mentfx Mmanage
Anton Jere Calmes
5 (15)
The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
Forex Market View Dashboard and CSM
Opengates Success International
5 (1)
FFXMV Dashboard + CSM is a custom indicator combined with Currency Strength Meter . It is created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful trading. Before attaching this Indicator to your window chart, go to your MT4's Market Watch panel and HIDE all the Currency pairs you don't need or trade and leave the rest there. The reason is that FFMV Dashboard will DISP
Gann Model Forecast
Kirill Borovskii
5 (1)
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FTMO Protector 7
Vyacheslav Izvarin
PROTECT YOUR FTMO Account in a simplest way Must-Have   Account Protector for any Prop-trading Account and Challenge MT4 / MT5 Expert Advisor that protects your Forex Prop Trading account from an unexpected drawdown! FTMO Protector  is a Tool that lets you manage trades and control your profit and loss across multiple Robots and currency pairs using a simple parameters and settings. Use as many EAs and Instruments you need, the Protector will: 1.   Calculate your midnight (01:00 System time) Bal
FTMO Sniper 4
Vyacheslav Izvarin
Dedicated for FTMO and other Prop Firms Challenges 2020-2024 Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Best results on GOLD and US100  Use any Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before  US HIGH NEWS, reopen 2 minutes after Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday Recommended time to trade 09:00-21:00 GMT+3 For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 -------------------
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
Semi Automated EA for working as your trading assistant. Overview Trading planner will make you act like professional traders in real markets. Before entering markets, they make a plan for their trades, screening out all opportunities in all time frames. Trading Planner can be used for all Time Frames (M1 ~ MN). Simply draw trendline as a trend and Support/Resistance . At this version , market opportunities will be taken by trendline using strategy of 1, 2, 3 . Simply draw the trendline by defi
Pairs Trade
Oleg Pechenezhskiy
The Pairs Trade indicator is a utility for semi-automatic pair trading. It allows combining the charts of two arbitrary instruments, even if the schedules of their trading sessions are different. It displays a spread chart in the form of a histogram with an overlaying moving average. It calculates the swap that will be charged for the synthetic position (in the deposit currency). It is possible to set a level for automatic opening of a synthetic position on the spread chart (analogous to the 'se
This Stacker EA will: Automatically set Stop loss on a new order Automatically set Take profit on a new order Stack (or open up to 4 additional orders at the same time) when a new order is placed, the SL/TP can be preset individually for each order. Provides a transparent replacement for the standard 1-click trading buttons in MetaTrader 4 (1 click still works and SL/TP will automatically be set as well as Stacking). Automatically calculate lot order size according to preset risk management perc
FXFledgling Exit Tool is a complete risk management tool that analyzes both the open trades and the direction of the pair of open trades. As long as the suggested entry and lotsizing management presented here is followed strictly, you will have a high chance (but no guarantee) of surviving the trade. What It Does It is used as an exit tool. It helps the trader to manage any manual trade that he transacted. It does the following: Trail Stop Dynamic Stop Loss - a calculated stop-loss that change
Crypto Market Pro
Daniil Kurmyshev
5 (2)
New opportunities for analyzing cryptocurrency in the usual MetaTrader 4. For example : We select the symbol of the cryptocurrency and attach any indicators, Expert Advisors or scripts. Startup Mode View cryptocurrency; Data collection. Capabilities Work as with a standard currency chart; Automatic update of open charts; Selection of individual cryptocurrency for updating; Selection of individual timeframes for updating; Work on the desired timeframes; Open charts do not affect the work of C
斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具 适用于MT4平台的斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具,非常适合于利用帝纳波利点位交易法和黄金分割交易的交易者 主要功能: 1.可以直接画线多组斐波那契折返,重要折返点之间的关系一目了然 2.可以画出斐波那契扩展 3.画线的斐波那契折返和扩展均可左右移动方便观察,有数值显示 4.图表显示非常清爽 5.可通过数字键切换周期 功能键: 1.按 [ 画折返,按需画折返,最多可画8组 2.按 ] 画扩展 3.按 \ 删除当前周期下的所有扩展和折返 4.移动、删除折返和扩展 (1)点击第一组折返的F5线条, 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可删除该焦点的折返。 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动折返到合适的位置 (2)点击COP的线条 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可该组折返 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动扩展到合适的位置 5.修改折返和扩展: (1)选择焦点F或反弹点数字(F或反弹点字体变大,变成黄色),移动鼠标。 (2)选择ABC三点中的某一个(字体变大,变成黄色),移动鼠标。 如何使用可以看相关视频
Советник риск-менеджер с огромным арсеналом возможностей защиты вашего депозита. Для инвесторов, которые решили передать капитал в доверительное управление. Когда у трейдера нет доступа к настройкам - нивелирует торговые риски. А также для трейдеров, которые осознали необходимость стороннего контроля за их торговлей для улучшения торговых результатов.  Для максимальных результатов - должен стоять на отдельном VPS сервере и у трейдера не должно быть возможности менять настройки в торговый период.
Grid Hero War Pad
Chock Hwee Ng
3.4 (5)
Grid Hero War Pad is a  GRAPHICAL MANUAL TRADER version of the original Grid Hero EA, designed and created for ADVANCED TRADERS who are experienced in plotting their own market entries. It is coded using ADVANCED GRAPHICAL INTERFACE programming, that combines the power of discretionary trading with Grid Hero algorithm in the form of a graphical console with button-click easy execution. It allows you to execute trades manually using Market Orders and Pending Orders, and then automatically uses t
Eugenio Bravetti
The new version of  MirrorSoftware 2021  has been completely rewriten and optimized.  This version requires to be loaded only on a single chart because  it can detect all actions on every symbol and not only the actions of symbol where it is loaded. Even the  graphics and the configuration mode  have been completely redesigned. The MirrorSoftware is composed of two components (all components are required to work):  MirrorController  (free indicator): This component must be loaded into the MAST
Open charts
Maksim Slovakov
Скрипт открывает графики по всем инструментам находящимся в окне "Обзор рынка" и по желанию может задать для всех графиков один шаблон. Так-же можно удалить все графике открытые в терминале Мт4. В скрипте имеются следующие настройки: "Таймфрейм" по умолчанию M30;             (Можно поставить свой: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN.) "Задержка" по умолчанию "0";                  (Задержка перед открытием следующего графика в миллисекундах.) "Шаблон" по умолчанию "True";                (True=пр
Quantized Trend
Oleg Pechenezhskiy
This utility automatically draws the trend channel on the price chart. For the time interval from the specified date to the current bar, the drawn channel is almost optimal. Placing the beginning of the channel at a more distant historical price extremum, you get a visualization of a longer-term trend. Channel slope is not a continuous value, but takes one of discrete values (in AxB format, where A is the number of price points (points), and B is the number of timeframes). This program works ONL
Forex copier
Alexandr Bryzgalov
We offer simple and reliable software that can  copy trades  between any MT4 accounts. Easy to use MetaTrader copier which saves valuable time Reliable, so you are protected from technical issues Powerful, with a lot of features available Who can use this MT4 copier? Forex Copier is a solution for individual traders or account managers who need to execute trade signals from external sources or who need to  manage several MetaTrader 4 accounts  at the same time. We do not offer you “yet another
Joel Protusada
NewsReady is a semi-automated Expert Advisor that uses a smart straddle methods It needs to be set in charts 2 to 10 minutes before Economic Data release with a red-flag impact on currencies related to the news. Then it run pending orders in specified number of minutes indicated in the time-period parameter. After the specified time, it will stop trading and will remove all pending orders. Important You can not backtest this tool because it is semi-automated and can only be set and run a few mi
Advanced Smart Renko and Heiken Ashi Candle Trader is ONE STOP SOLUTION based semi/fully - automated multi-currency EA carefully engineered for traders to enter the trade based on their Analysis or in fully automated mode for scalping, trend trading, candle breakout trades and also automated news trading with inbuilt trade management solution.    Advantages    No grid / Martingale Works on Classic Renko, Renko Heiken Ashi charts and classic Heiken Ashi charts    Features Multi-Currency Ma
Binary expert
Dmitriy Konogorov
Expert for a binary options on mt4, he have  two built-in a indicators and many different settings. The expert has one a level of martingale, but it is recommended to use it on  the instruments with a yield of 85 percent. it can be used simultaneously on a variety of currency instruments. All settings have already been made, but you can also configure them yourself . Currency for do trading is a Russian ruble. Good trading to everyone.
This program is created by algorithm which economy based logic in the trading market. 1. The program able to work with all of currency and trading items  2. Take profit and loss are basically handled by EA program Recommendation: EUR_USD is the most preferred. Please use this program only for MT4. LOT should be managed depends on own deposit. Otherwise, high risk will be driven(e.g 0.1~0.2 lot is recommended when the deposit is 10,000 dollar)
1.   记录每一个Tick交易的价格数据。     数据文件内容:“Tick时间”、“ASK价格”、“BID价格”、“SPREAD价差”、“Tick报价数量”。 2.   同时,生成一个1分钟周期的报价数据文件。     1min数据文件内容:“ASK时间”、“ ASK OPEN价格 ”、“ASK HIGH 价格”、“ASK LOW 价格”、“ASK CLOSE 价格”、 “ BID 时间”、“BID OPEN价格 ”、“ BID HIGH 价格”、“ BID LOW 价格”、“ BID CLOSE 价格”、 “Tick报价数量”。 3. 每天将所有报价数据保存在一个文件中,方便使用者进行数据分析和数据整理。 4.这个EA程序,任何时刻加载到MT4图标中,就可以直接开始价格数据的记录。确保记录下市场中出现的每一个报价。 5.文件存储位置:MQL4/Files/
Утилита-риск-менеджер для защиты вашего депозита от полной потери денег. Если вы инвестор и решили передать деньги в доверительное управление, вам нужен Trade Control. Так трейдер не нарушит свои же правила риск-менеджмента и не сольет все ваши деньги. Для этого Trade Control должен находится на вашем VPS. И у управляющего трейдера не должно быть доступа к настройкам данной улититы. В момент слабости, трейдер не сможет увеличить заложенные в торговлю риски. И не потеряет ваш депозит за один неуд
Flash Trade
Bai Jiang Zhou
5 (1)
# 如果您有任何其他需求或對合作感興趣,請聯繫 zion.quantech.london@gmail.com。 Flash Trade (FT) 最友善的手動交易工具。 使用最直觀的操作來確保您的資金。 FT的特點 點擊任意位置快速交易 FT支持市場訂單和掛單 兩次點擊完成訂單並設置SL和TP 三次點擊完成掛單並設置SL和TP 自動將每個訂單的止損金額設置為您設置的餘額百分比或固定金額 下訂單時實時預估利潤 超簡單的界面和操作 支持拆分訂單 使用方式 市場訂單: 點擊圖表決定止損價位 點擊Buy或是Sell鈕 掛單: 點擊圖表決定入場價位 選擇掛單類型 點擊圖表決定止損價位 暫停FT: 點擊右上方的"On/Off"按鈕來切換開關 當按鈕從綠(On)變為紅(Off),代表FT已被停止 點擊"Off"按鈕再次開啟FT 如果有任何疑問、改善建議或是bug回報都可以聯繫e50310@gmail.com或留下評論 功能將持續於未來的版本推出 將會製作MT5版本
L   H E D G E R   S C A L P E R    A fully automated Expert Advisor that uses counter-trend scalping, managed semi-martingale strategy and lock hedging to execute a complete trading scheme from entry analysis to risk-calculated money management to exit analysis plan execution.         V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T    You can use only ECN type of account. Otherwise, it's a disaster. You can use only the GBPJPY currency pair. Open and attach with 1 chart only. Use a minimum o
P Y R A M I D   E X P E R T    This Forex utility is a complex exit strategy and order management tool that executes four trading methods; scalping, pyramid style, hedging, and scaling method to close trades with a profit.           V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T     This is not a stand alone expert advisor. Use it with your own volatility-based strategy. Once you found the currency pair to trade, you can just attach this tool to the chart of the chosen pair and it will do
Tool sends trades when open and close with chart to telegram channel.  Tool can send multiple charts and magic numbers and pairs from a single chart. Send information of all type of orders: Opened (including Pending Orders), closed tiggered, and modified orders. Telegram Setup instruction Open your Telegram APP and search for "BotFather". Type  /start  and click/type  /newbot  to create a new bot. Give your bot a nickname and username (e.g., nickname: Bestnavisignal and username: Bestnavisigna
The EA Protection Filter ( MT5 version here ) provides a news filter as well as a stock market crash filter, which can be used in combination with other EAs. Therefore, it serves as an additional protective layer for other EAs that do provide such filters.  During backtest analysis of my own night scalpers, which already use a stock market crash filter, I noticed that the historic drawdown,  especially during stock market crash phases like 2007-2008, was reduced significantly by using such a fil
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
Trade Copier Pro MT5
Vu Trung Kien
3.67 (3)
Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.74 (89)
自动交易复制器旨在以 100% 的准确度在多个 MT4/MT5 账户/终端之间复制交易。提供商和接收方账户必须位于同一台 PC/VPS 上。使用此工具,您可以将交易复制到同一台 PC/VPS 上的接收方账户。所有交易操作都将从提供商复制到接收方,不会有任何延迟。此版本仅适用于 MT4 账户。对于 MT5 账户,您必须使用 MT5 的自动交易复制器。参考: 参考: 对于 MT4 接收器,请下载“Trade Receiver Free” 这里 . 对于 MT5 接收器,请下载“Trade Receiver Free MT5”  这里 . 对于同一台 PC/VPS 上的 MT5 提供商,请检查“Auto Trade Copier MT5” 这里 . 如果您需要通过互联网在不同的 PC/VPS 上进行账户复制,请查看“Trade Copier Pro” 这里 . 如果您需要通过互联网在不同的 PC/VPS 账户之间进行复制,且接收方数量不限,请查看“无限交易复制器专业版” 这里 . 以下是重点功能 在 MT4 和 MT5 账户之间复制。 一个提供商可以将交易复制到多个接收者的账户。 一
Auto Trade Copier 被设计成多的MT5账户/端子,绝对精度之间复制交易。 有了这个工具,你可以充当要么提供商(源)或接收(目的地) 。每一个交易行为将由提供商克隆到接收器,没有延迟。 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商可以交易复制到多个接收者的账户。     绝对兼容MT5的顺序/位置管理规则,该规则允许与调整容积为每个符号只有一个位置。     自动识别和同步代理之间的符号后缀。     允许高达5特殊符号的设置(即: GOLD - > XAUUSD ,等等) 。     多lotsize设置选项。     允许过滤的订单类型将被复制。     关断端子或电源关闭后恢复以前的设置和状态。     实时控制面板。     使用方便,界面友好。 用法: - 安装工具提供的MT5终端,并选择角色“提供者” ,然后启用它。 - 安装工具接收的MT5终端,并选择角色的“接收器” ,输入提供商的帐号,然后启用它(你可以有很多接收者的帐户,只要你想) 。 设置和参数:      特殊符号设置(菜单)
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro 是一个强大的工具,多账户之间进行远程复制的贸易超过互联网不同的位置。这是一个信号提供商的理想解决方案,谁想要与全球范围内对自己规则的人分享他的贸易。一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以得到贸易额从多供应商也是如此。 供应商和接收器可与供电内置的数据库管理系统来管理他的合作伙伴名单。 这个工具允许全局配置模式(copy过来互联网)和本地模式(在同一台PC/服务器内复制)之间进行选择。 要求: MetaTrader4的4.00版构建670或以上。 参考: 如果你只需要在本地复制与更低的价格,你可以检查Auto Trade Copier在: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/4676 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以从多个供应商收到交易。     供应/接收器可通过供电数据库管理系统,而无需额外的工具管理自己的接收器/供应商名单(添加,删除,编辑,启用/禁用)。     全球模式(copy过来互联
News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT5 accounts only. For MT4 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT4 accoun
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
Trade Controller
Vu Trung Kien
5 (3)
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT
Binary Options Receiver Free is a free tool to copy binary options trades from other traders at different locations over internet, who use Remote Binary Options Copier to send. To start copying via this tool, provider must add a free license in his list first. That means you can use this free tool to copy binary options trades from a provider, who authorized you to do so and issued a free license. Reference : If you need both sending and receiving features, please check Remote Binary Options Cop
Auto Trade Driver
Vu Trung Kien
4.87 (15)
自动交易驾驶员 是一款强力工具 (作为 EA 运行),帮助您管理风险,控制订单,以及通过多重保护/尾随停止规则来最大化您的盈利。 此工具对于剥头皮和趋势跟随交易者都很有用。它不仅计算交易的准确风险,而且还可以实时地保护并最大限度地提高您的利润。 拥有这个工具,您所要做的唯一一件事就是根据您自己的策略入场交易,它会按照您选择的出场策略自动驱动您的持仓。 用于测试的演示版在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/4660 自动交易驾驶员结合了两种工具: 我的资金经理: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5398 交易控制器: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5405 以下是主要功能: 1. 下单面板 这个面板用来计算您能够接受的风险范围内的交易量。您可以选择指定的余额百分比作为入场价和止损,即您可承受的亏损点数 (包括佣金), 此工具将自动计算所需交易量。 之后, 您只需在 BUY, SELL, 或 PLACE ORDER (挂单) 按钮上点击一次,
Trade Report Pro
Vu Trung Kien
3.5 (2)
交易报告专业版 是一款支持自动和手动创建帐户交易历史专业图形报告的 EA。它还可以在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到您的移动终端或电子邮件。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 格式, 如同在 MT4 内部打开快速摘要报告窗口。 注意: 用于测试的演示版本可在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5054 。 以下是突出功能: 完整、专业的统计报告,它比 MT4 的内置报告更佳 (更多统计报告)。 自动实时报告,因此您可以帐户帐单持续更新。 在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到移动终端或电子邮件。 实时上载图形报告文件 (作为 index.html) 至您的网站。因此您可以通过网站查看或共享您的报告。 报告在单一 HTML 文件里包含余额的图形图表。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 两种格式。 在报告里剔除挂单,使报告更清洁,更容易跟踪。 可以手动导出全部或自定义区间的历史报告。 手动导出全部/单个/符号组的报告。 除了导出完整报告至 HTML/CSV 文件,还在 MT4 之内打开快速摘要报告以便即刻查看。 用法: 安装 交易报告专业版
Currency Power Meter
Vu Trung Kien
4.69 (16)
Currency Power Meter shows the power of major currencies against each other. The indicator shows the relative strength of currency/pair at the current moment in a period of time (H4, daily, weekly, monthly). It is useful for day traders, swing traders and position traders with suitable period options. Currency power is the true reason of market trend: The strongest currency against the weakest currency will combine into a most trending pair. As we know, trend makes money and all traders love tre
My Money Manager
Vu Trung Kien
5 (5)
我的资金管理 像是一个风险控制器, 它用符合您期望的亏损风险的确定交易量下单。 它也可以帮助您在下单之前预览您的入场/止损/止盈价位,只需在图表上拖拽这些价位即可,并在持仓期间持续报告。 拥有此工具, 您在决定开单时感觉更舒适, 而且可以预测您的订单的盈利/亏损。现在,下单将是十分精确和专业的工作。 此工具是从自动交易驱动器 https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/4217 中分离出来的资金管理部分。 注: 用于测试的演示版可在此找到: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5400 突出特点 计算精确的交易量以符合您期望的亏损风险 (余额 %), 包括经纪商收取的佣金费用。 允许在图表上直接拖拽入场/止损/止盈价位,可以在下单前预览。 提供所有订单类型的一键交易。 开单之后持续报告止损/止盈价位的评估。 实时控制面板。 停机或断电后恢复之前的设置。 设置参数 Commission Setting (Menu): 设置您的经纪商如何收取每手交易的佣金。它对于计算符合您的亏损风险期望的所需交易量很重要
News Loader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.33 (6)
新闻加载机专业版 是一款从若干在线数据源获取实时的详细信息,并自动更新财经新闻的工具。它采用了独特的技术,加载来自流行外汇交易网站的数据详情。在即将发布新闻时,发送提示到您的移动终端或邮箱。此外,它也在图表上标记新闻发布点,用于进一步查验和研究。 在外汇交易中,新闻可以说是推动市场的重要因素之一。关注新闻可以帮助您更好地做出交易决策, 如果您是新闻交易者, 更能助您进行正确的交易。 利用这款工具,整个新闻中心现在就可以加载到您的 MT4。 演示版: 由于这不是一个交易机器人, 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5897 参考: 高级版的新闻操盘手专业版, 可以自动进行新闻交易, 它在此提供: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5558 注: 您必须添加数据源的 URL, 选项 -> 智能程序 -> '允许 WebRequest 访问列出的 URL', 以便新闻加载机能够从数据源加载新闻数据。 请调整您的计算机时钟,以便新闻装载机可依据正确的定时器运行。 突出特点
Binary Options Trading Pad is a very useful tool for trading binary options on the MT4 platform. No need to setup plugins outside MT4 anymore. This is a simple and convenient panel right on MT4 chart. Demo: For testing purpose, please download the free demo version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/9981 Features One-click trading buttons on the panel. Trade multi-binary option symbols in one panel. Auto recognize all binary options symbols. Show order flow with expiration progress. M
Binary Options Copier Local is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts on the same computer. With this copier, you can act as either a provider (source) or a receiver (destination). All binary options trades will be copied from the provider to the receiver with no delay. Demo : Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10047 Reference : If you need to copy between different computers over Internet, please check Binary Optio
Binary Options Copier Remote is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts at different computers. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his trade with the others globally on his own rules. Provider can give free bonus license to 10 receivers. That means those 10 receivers can copy from provider by using Binary Options Receiver Free (no cost). From 11th one, receiver have to buy Binary Options Receiver Pro (paid version) in order to copy from
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
Forex Night Trader
Vu Trung Kien
5 (1)
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated
Super Custom Indicator allows you to design trading signals on your own without coding knowledge. You just need to input the trading rules and it will scan multiple symbols at multiple time frames to find the signals for you in real-time as well as in history chart. Real-time signals will be sent to your mobile and email also. The indicator can calculate and analyze every technical indicators, even custom indicators, with complex operations to give the signal exactly. Normally, it is hard for yo
Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
Currency Power Meter 显示了主要货币对彼此的力量。该指标显示货币/对当前时刻在一段时间内的相对强度(每天,每周,每月)。它是日间交易,波段交易和适期期权头寸交易者有用。 货币的权力是市场走势的真正原因:对最弱货币最强的货币将结合成一个最趋势对。我们知道,趋势使得货币和所有的交易者喜欢趋势。 你 有没有问过自己,为什么有些行业似乎有一个良好的信号,但仍然会失败?原因是你只看到个别的信号在您喜欢的一双,但没有对所有的人,这是更好地做出决定货 币权力的忽视。因此,这一指标显示哪些货币是最强的,哪些是最薄弱的,因此最趋势对。它也让你知道哪些货币(因而对)是中性的,你应该避免进行交易了。 突出特点:     实时和主要货币的视觉存在对他人的权力。     每日,每周,每月:分析周期之间切换。     提示信息时,货币或对改变它的电源。     通知发送到移动和电子邮件时货币或对改变它的电源。     选择字号以适应你的屏幕分辨率。 注: 指标可能需要一段时间来分析和安排货币细胞在第一次加载新的时间表,所以请等待,直到它完成。 用户指南:     指标得出的主要
My Money Manager like a risk controller, which places your trades with the exact volume that meets your desired stop loss risk percentage. It can also help you to preview your EP/SL/TP levels before placing an order by dragging these levels directly on a chart, and keep reporting about them during the position opening. With this tool, you will feel more comfortable when deciding to open orders, as well as forecasting your profit/loss with your orders. Placing orders is a very precise and profess
News Loader Pro is a tool that automatically updates every economic news in real time with detailed information from several online data sources. It uses the unique technology to load data with full details from popular Forex websites. An alert will be sent to your mobile/email before an upcoming news release. Moreover, it also marks the news release points on the chart for further review and research. In Forex trading, news is one of the important factors that move the market. Sticking with ne
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated t
Krishnanand Soondur
Krishnanand Soondur 2024.03.06 09:15 

I have been using this excellent News Trader Pro EA for MT4 in my trading setup, and it helps greatly to predict tangible price movement on forex pairs likely to result in successful and profitable trading. It adds another confirmation steps when it is combined with a technical analysis on the chart before you place your trade. The creator of this EA is very supportive to his customers queries and to offer help as needed. The EA gets regularly updated and fixes applied. This is a highly recommended MT4 or MT5 indicator for a FX trader.

Bristolian 2023.02.07 13:32 

This EA offers exactly the setups that I want to program when I can not be at the screen for the event (or maybe anyway) - plus it enables set up of more complex grid pending trap orders which cannot be manually done quickly enough in the last minute pre-event anyway. And add to that, that the author is extremely helpful in responses about getting the EA installed etc; and tolerant of an EA novice too! Top dollar and the EA is cleverly designed.

Yasutaka Nukina
Yasutaka Nukina 2019.10.29 09:12 

When I am having a URL problem the developer helped through remote access. Great support!

Investor 2019.08.13 18:21 

Very powerful tool if you know how to use it right. Thanks to very helpful author

Brian Smith
Brian Smith 2018.04.12 01:35 

This is a must have in your daily arsenal. I currently use this on my VPS and it is very very accurate and provides automated risk management to keep you from losing a lot of money in the event the trade is unsuccessful. Specifying lot sizes are important with this tool but I love the fact that if the market whipsaws you, it automatically will hedge and close the positions with profit. AWESOME JOB!

Payam Zolfagharian
Payam Zolfagharian 2017.03.15 22:17 

We would like to express our gratitude.

Jorge Llantoy Parra
Jorge Llantoy Parra 2016.10.24 17:17 

I don't recommend this EA. According to the author, it need about 1-2 minutes for the EA to update the news result. And, you must manually refresh some news

Fallet Willy
Fallet Willy 2016.10.11 20:58 

je ne recommande pas cet EA

Valeri Simov
Valeri Simov 2015.06.15 11:50 

I can describe in few words: THE PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST !!!!

This guy is amazing !! will always be here for you! always will help if something going wrong, always will answer all your inquiries

i am going to try this product just now .. so do not have anything to say yet .. but this company is so professional so you just can trust all of products they have !! 10 stars from me!

najemeddin 2015.06.07 13:52 

trading news is generally very risky...maybe this EA will work fine with certain brokers but for me I lost much more than I gained from this EA.

abdalla aldhuhoori
abdalla aldhuhoori 2015.05.22 07:52 

great EA


Marius Alin Druga
Marius Alin Druga 2015.04.18 16:01 

Great thing about this EA is that i rented it for one month and in 2 days i already make the money to buy it

Le Vu Nguyen
Le Vu Nguyen 2015.03.02 04:20 

Great EA!

Traders can use it for News Trading and Daily Trading very well!

Hemang Kotadiya
Hemang Kotadiya 2015.02.23 10:05 

its my life changing ea.

i make huge profit from this ea.


you can also subscribe my signal by following signal


Ralph Holdermann
Ralph Holdermann 2015.01.28 15:29 

5 Stars from me for this great trading-tool...I´m glad to have it...the hidden SL during high-spread-situations is a clever solution.

osogunle 2014.12.30 16:35 

its a nice EA am satisfy with it and I will like to recommend to friends

Andrew Pepera
Andrew Pepera 2014.11.11 20:47 

I have just purchased this EA and I am very happy with the author of this EA giving me prompt service. I must say that he is very understanding and will always be there for you 24 hours a day.

bullish15 2014.11.06 06:21 

This is an amazing EA. It has multiple strategies out of the box for you to trade. And it is more than just a news trading EA. You can set the time for it to trade X seconds before the news and virtually have it open and manage trades for you instantaneously.

It also gives you the option to close the opposite pending orders when one side of the stop/limit order becomes a market order or you can set it to keep the opposite pending orders there, or you can have it close the pending order based on X amount of time ellapse. A lot of features for you to utilize and trade effectively.

I absolutely love this EA and I will highly recommend it to anyone... and for those who think this is just a news EA, its more than that. I just used it to scalp few pips on my live account while testing it, and it worked like a charm.

And I'm one of those people who hate leaving reviews, unless I've had a bad experience and want to leave a warning review for others. But this is the second or third time in my history that I've been so pleased that I took the time to leave a positive and a very happy review.

The author of the EA is very helpful too, I had questions and sent him messages and he promptly responded... when my questions got a little detailed oriented, he was reachable on skype to chat and he answered all my questions and helped me understand all the features of this EA.

版本 2.33 2024.08.27
- Adaption: Use alternative function to replace malfunction MathRound() and MathCeil() of MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024.
版本 2.32 2024.07.30
- Adaption: MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024 has a bug that makes many EAs not work correctly. So, we have to change something in the code to avoid this bug of MT4 platform.
版本 2.31 2023.12.20
- Fixed: Correct Actual data from ForexFactory.
版本 2.30 2023.12.19
- Improved: Adapt with new data format of ForexFactory.
版本 2.29 2023.10.02
- Fixed: Adapt with new data format of ForexFactory.
版本 2.28 2023.09.01
- Updated: Adapt with new format of Myfxbook data source.
版本 2.27 2023.06.28
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 2.26 2023.04.05
- Improved: Better getting news.
版本 2.25 2023.04.04
- Added: Add TradingEconomics.com to data source.
- Fixed: Adapt with new format of Myfxbook.com
版本 2.24 2023.03.31
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 2.23 2023.03.31
- Updated: Adapt with new data format of ForexFactory.com.
版本 2.21 2023.01.07
- Improve: News array improvements.
版本 2.20 2022.10.13
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 2.19 2022.10.12
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 2.18 2022.10.12
- Improved: Better actual report catching.
版本 2.17 2022.09.23
- Fixed: Adapt with ForexFactory.com's new format.
版本 2.16 2021.11.10
- Fixed: Adapt with ForexFactory new data format.
版本 2.15 2021.03.12
- Updated: Update Forexfactory data feed's URL change.
版本 2.14 2020.05.28
- Fixed: Set millisecond timer issue.
版本 2.13 2020.03.19
- Fixed: Allows negative value for "Based on report" strategy.
版本 2.12 2020.01.29
- Fixed: Correct alert about WebRequest URLs.
版本 2.11 2019.10.02
- Improved: Faster connection to data server.
版本 2.10 2019.07.14
- Fixed: Allow to change default trade symbol at weekend.
版本 2.9 2019.06.26
- Changed: Better settings for "Base on actual report" strategy.
版本 2.8 2019.06.13
- Fixed: Correct data source URL in alerts.
版本 2.7 2019.06.11
- Updated: Adapt to Forexfactory.com data format change.
版本 2.6 2019.04.05
- Fixed: Update based on Forexfactory data feed's URL changed.
版本 2.4 2018.11.08
- Fixed: Adapt to new changes of Forexfactory.com data feed.
版本 2.2 2016.06.22
- Fixed: Different news with same name show same actual data.
版本 2.1 2016.06.13
- Improved: OnChartEvent() function is adaptable with MT4 version 4.00 build 971 (7 Jun 2016).
版本 2.0 2016.06.08
- Improved: Better reading news feed data.
版本 1.99 2016.05.20
- Improved: Better reading data from ForexFactory.
版本 1.98 2016.05.12
- Fixed: Correct actual data feed.
版本 1.97 2016.04.04
- Improved: Auto-recognize GMT and Server timezone.
版本 1.96 2015.06.10
- Fixed: Error when setting trade symbol as NULL.
版本 1.95 2015.04.29
- Improved: Increased start-up speed.
版本 1.94 2015.03.27
- Fixed: Unexpected "array out of range" error.
- Fixed: Agressive alert informing AutoTrading feature.
版本 1.93 2015.03.17
- Fixed: Minor bug about "out of array".
版本 1.92 2015.03.03
- Fixed: It was impossible to uncheck "Cancel opposite order .... if close in profit" checkbox.
版本 1.91 2015.02.03
- Fixed: Force to display all graphic objects to the front of the chart. They could be hidden at few low RAM computers with previous version.
版本 1.9 2015.01.23
- Fixed: Trading symbol recognition correction.
版本 1.8 2015.01.16
- Fixed: Expert Advisor's status message correction.
- Fixed: Eliminate potential zero divides.
版本 1.7 2014.11.26
- Fixed: Zero divide when file crashed (MT4 is shutdown suddenly) or untradeable pair exists in market watch.
版本 1.6 2014.10.29
- Added: Anti widen spread by hiddening the initial SL and cut SL at narrow spread only.
- Added: Auto adjust the SL and TP distance according to actual triggered EP.
- Added: Advanced trailing SL with trailing start point.
- Fixed: Duplicate setup with similar name's news
版本 1.5 2014.10.07
- Fixed: Typo bugs.
- Added: More news description details.
版本 1.4 2014.10.02
- Improved: Better news management.
版本 1.3 2014.09.30
- Fixed: Martingale strategy order's management.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.