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Bonnitta EA


Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。

不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。

Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。


策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 5 月 31 日期间在 EURUSD H1 上赚取了超过 3,800,000.00 美元。净收入包括赚取的 3,801,900.00 美元。 自动资金管理和回撤=28%。 您可以通过下载演示版本并进行测试来获得类似的结果数据。 您只能使用电脑 (PC) 测试和下载演示,不能使用手机。

Bonnitta EA 真实账户:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/605975

Bonnitta EA MT5 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/52212

Bonnitta Gold MT4 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/87829

Bonnitta Gold MT5 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/95186


支持 OneChart 选项中的多种货币

支持新闻过滤器和自动 GMT 时间





推荐存入1000 USD - 0.01 和 3 对同时交易 2 对

评论 20
Zhi Song Tuo Ge Ti Mu Xuan Li Ning


Versace26.- 2023.06.19 18:03 

I started using Bonnitta Ea from November 28th, up to now it has given me great satisfaction, this EA with very high capitals is a real bomb, my capital is gradually growing and thanks to this EA I am sure that I will reach my goals !!

Viachaslau Kulakou
Viachaslau Kulakou 2023.06.01 07:28 

Долго тестировал перед покупкой. Тысячи часов тестов, облачные вычисления и т.д. Могу сказать следующее: советник ЗАРАБАТЫВАЕТ. Проверить это достаточно просто: поставьте тейк, равный стопу, например 4% и смотрите, растет ли баланс или нет в течение года. Если да - то тогда уже можно заниматься оптимизацией и думать о покупке. Этот советник зарабатывает при таких параметрах, даже на проблематичных участках истории, к примеру 2008 год. Далее, по поводу жалоб некоторых пользователей, что советник якобы слил их счета. Базовые настройки робота - очень агрессивные, это своеобразный Ilan, но только в отличие от илана он может давать прибыль не на удачу, а по системе, поэтому рекомендую делать собственные тесты и подбирать параметры с низкой агрессивностью - со стопами, с меньшим риском и меньшим количеством сделок, как это сделал я и подобрал сетапы. ). Нужно запастись терпением и тестером стратегий, обязательно в прогонах использовать стопы, размер которых вы подберете. Варианты решений, разумеется есть, и уважаемому разработчику следовало бы давать консервативные настройки покупателям, которые он использует сам на своих счетах, а не риск 1000 на 0.01 лота и 100 позиций в рынке, эти настройки могут запустить в космос баланс, или вас без баланса) конечно будут нытики, когда рынок пройдет 500 пунктов не туда, что и произошло по евродоллару и еврофунту недавно. погуглите MKcapital на myfxbook, там люди подобрали мало агрессивные параметры, и советник зарабатывает и прилично даже сейчас, а также сделали агрессивный мультипаровый счет, который рекомендует автор. Результат агрессивного счета - просадка в 74% сейчас, консервативные счета - все в плюсе. Все дело в параметрах, и уважаемому разработчику следует уделить больше времени не на агрессивный маркетинг, а на оптимизацию своего робота и дать людям настройки со стопами, менее агрессивной торговлей, чтобы они не укатывали баланс в ноль при любых раскладах. Теперь дальше, в отзывах версии МТ5 - там один человек приложил скрины по еврофунту, что мол советник сливает. Эти скрины - не результат работы советника, так как там сделки при балансе в 5000 долларов и сделки по 0.2, 0.4 лота, вместо стандартных 0.04 лота. Человек сует руки и усредняется, чего делать ни в коем случае нельзя. Если уж купили советника, не мешайте не лезьте, и подберите параметры, потратьте время, купите тикстори, архив потиковых котировок, закиньте денег на облачный тестинг и прогоняйте по проблемным участкам истории, пока не добьетесь просадки в 10-15% при наличии стопов. Для чего нужны стопы? дело в том, что открыв максимальное количество позиций, советник будет ждать, пока совокупную позицию не выпустит в прибыль. в 99% это случается, но не всегда. И на помощь вам придет стоп. Потому что потом система быстро его отыграет. По тестам, восстановление после стопа в 16% занимало максимум пару недель, что реально круто. Но стопы нужны и важны, это часть стратегии. Каково мое резюме, я на сайте здесь с 2008 и уже много чего повидал и много каких советников испытал. Стоит ли покупать бониту? Стоит. Стоит ли она своих денег? определенно да, отложенные ордера - фактически хорошая борьба с уловками брокера по открытию по рынку. Но обязательно вам нужно подбирать параметры самостоятельно, которые подходят под ваш стиль торговли и управления рисками. Этот советник реально может заработать миллионы при разумном управлении рисками.

Также я проверял еще и отзывы - типа тестирование не соответствует реальности. Соответствует. Человек просто лукавит, говоря, что подобрал настройки с 20% DD, а оно слило счет. При тестировании на теперяшних данных, оно счет бы и слило. Но если будет стоп, то оно уже и отыграло бы его. Я проверил, действительно, оно покупало евродоллар и еврофунт даже по тестам, и действительно там большой минус по еквити, что еще раз доказывает то, что нужно подбирать настройки со стопами и никак по другому. Если, к примеру, прогнать этот год и по евро и про еврофунту с настройкой - 4 профит, 4 стоп, этот год будет в плюсе, даже несмотря на теперяшнюю ситуацию. Так что мой совет, запаситесь терпением, тестером стратегий и подберите такие настройки, которые пройдут с низкими просадками минимум 18 последних лет.

Например, по франку и еврофранку проблемный не только 2023 год, но еще и 2014 и 2015, без стопов тоже идет пролив счета, а со стопами советник идет в плюс.

проблема большинства людей, что они хотят волшебную палочку, которая все сделает за них. а так не бывает. А также автору реально минус за то, что он дает агрессивные настройки для агрессивного маркетинга, не заботясь о последствиях. Сделать прибыльную систему мало, надо научить еще ее не терять деньги при различных ситуациях, благо истории для тестов хватает.

Касаемо результатов в тестере, вполне такое может случится, что, к примере при уровне тейка в 2.3% у советника пролив по еквити будет 40%, а с тейком 2.4% будет профит. это значит, что просто повезло, потому как пока ждало 2.4, не открыло плохих сделок по 2.3, следовательно, тесты останавливаем до тех пор пока не этот участок истории не будет пройден с "проблемным" тейком и меньшими рисками, стопами и тд. В общем, рутинная задача по оптимизации.

The Arrow Scalper
Fawwaz Abdulmantaser Salim Albaker
1 (2)
Dear Friend..  I share with you this simple Expert Adviser .. it is full automatic  this Expert Adviser following the trend of the pair you install on or any stocks or indices , it is works like that: - when the trend on H4 chart show a start of up trend the expert will wait till the 15M & 1H charts show an up trend the EA will open a buy order directly , and do the same for down trend and open a sell order the buy or sell  order lot size and take profit and stop loss will measured manually  by
Candle EA MT4
Mansour Babasafary
4.43 (49)
This expert is based on patterns The main patterns of this specialist are candlestick patterns Detects trends with candlestick patterns It has a profit limit and a loss limit, so it has a low risk The best time frame to use this expert is M30 time frame The best currency pairs to use with this expert is the EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD currency pairs Attributes: Can be used in the EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD  currency pairs Can be used in M30, H1, H4 time frames Has profit limit an
Nadiya Mirosh
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mo
Forex Mastery Escort EA
Nardus Van Staden
5 (2)
Introducing "Forex Mastery Escort EA," a game-changing Expert Advisor (EA) specifically designed for the MQL5 market. This innovative EA combines the power of multiple indicators, including IMA (Intrabar Moving Average), CCI (Commodity Channel Index), and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), to provide you with unparalleled trading accuracy. Forex Mastery Escort EA leverages a sophisticated algorithm that meticulously analyzes market conditions, taking into account the insights derived
This EA requires a broker having Market Execution (ECN, NDD, STP accounts), low spread, zero StopLevel (or close to such level), no commission if possible (as it influences on the profit amount). Order executin time should be measured in milliseconds, not minutes, requotes and slippage should not happen too often. Deposit: Minimum deposit is $50 (MinLot = 0.01) or $500 (MinLot = 0.1) Recommended currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD No Martingale / No grid / No a
GMMA Trade X is an EA based on GMMA. GMMA parameters such as MovingAveragePeriod1-24, MovingAverageMAShift1-24, MovingAverageShift1-24 and CandlestickShift1-24 can be adjusted. GMMA Trade X applies BTN TECHNOLOGY's state-of-the-art intelligent technology to help you create optimal results for your trades. May your dreams come true through GMMA Trade X. Good luck. = == == Inquiries = == == E-Mail:support@btntechfx.com
Bear vs Bull EA MT4
Bear vs Bull EA Is a automated adviser for daily operation of the FOREX currency market in a volatile and calm market. Suitable for both experienced traders and beginners. It works with any brokers, including American brokers, requiring FIFO to close primarily previously opened transactions. *In order to enable the panel, it is necessary to set the parameter DRAW_INFORMATION = true in the settings;  Recommendations Before using on real money, test the adviser with minimal risk on a cent tr
GoldSurge Phantom
Bernard Petrus Le Roux
4 (1)
GoldSurge Phantom GoldSurge Phantom is a cutting-edge Expert Advisor (EA) meticulously engineered for trading gold (XAUUSD) on the 1-hour (H1) timeframe. This EA integrates a sophisticated breakout trading strategy, enhanced with multiple risk management features, and is optimized for low spread brokers to ensure efficient trade execution and maximize profitability. Low Frequency set High Frequency set Key Features: Breakout Trading Strategy: Utilizes historical price data to identify key lev
LUNA iGold
Mao Jun Hu
欢迎使用 LUNA 交易程序! 我们自豪地介绍 LUNA,这是一款专门为 XAUUSD 设计的EA。由拥有超过 15 年交易经验的作者经过多年的研发,最终取得技术的突破。 ————————————————   —————— Live Signal(mt4): Click here mt5: Click here ————————————————   —————— 特 点: 诚实的交易系统: LUNA不使用 AI神经网络、马丁格尔策略等技术。不会作弊以实现完美曲线。 高级算法: LUNA 使用高级算法来确定市场方向,并在关键突破点进行交易,确保最佳进入机会。 高效的损失管理: 每笔交易都有止损,分为多笔交易,并逐渐盈利平仓,直到所有亏损头寸被消除。 自动头寸调整: LUNA 根据您的账户规模和最大允许回撤调整手数。也可以选择自定义手数。 救援系统: 当损失达到一定水平时,LUNA 包含的救援系统会激活。此功能可以通过面板手动关闭。 简便安装: 安装过程简单,默认设置适用于大多数使用 GMT+3 服务器时间的经纪商。如果您的经纪商使用不同的服务器时间,只需进行少量调整。 体验 L
Vadim Podoprigora
Forest is a Trend Expert Advisor based on the analysis of a unique mathematical model of trend lines, which allows you to determine the trend movement. The Expert Advisor is most suitable for the currency pair "USDCHF" on period "H1". The EA can work on any type of accounts, and with any brokers. The EA uses mathematical analysis to open trades and applies loss control to open trades. At its core, the EA does not use any risky systems with the increase in the volume or increase in the number of
Profalgo Limited
4.4 (10)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent high and lows and will trade the breakouts.  The actual execution of this strategy however, is what makes this EA truly shine.  Entry calculations and exit algorithms are not only unique but also very advanced. LIVE RESULTS: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/7
交易者工具箱是一種多功能工具   基於對常見交易策略的廣泛培訓而創建,以使這些策略和計算自動化。     (由Jason Kisogloo設計和編程)   特徵:   19個獨立信號   -這些信號   中的   每個信號   都   以神經網絡樣式配置進行偏置,以構成最終/整體結果。   每個信號都有其自己的設置   ,可以根據   需要   對其進行   自定義或優化。     綜合上   -   屏   -   顯示   -六搭扣,全面的信息和工具提示走板。   (單擊面板邊框可折疊或折疊...自動為每台儀器保存的設置):     信號面板   -顯示帶有偏差信息和信號詳細信息的信號分析。     新聞小組   -和未來甚至有消息   牛逼   小號   基於   預測   的   影響與倒計時事件當前的儀器。   (   針對此功能,必須將   內部M     T     5經濟日曆與   外匯工廠刮板的   選項   -https:   // www.forexfactory.com   添加到Metatrader中允許的網站上)         EA設置面板   -根據止
Curve Basic
Roberto Sau
5 (2)
BACKTEST NOW!  (or see backtest sreenshots below, last update: 30/4/2021 ) ( How to backtest any system correctly ) LIVE SIGNAL :  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/995254 CURVE is a Honest, Secure and Automated Software for Generation of Daily Profits on Forex Market. With its fully automatic architecture, CURVE is an autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions. Martingale, Grid, Averaging and other dangerous strategies are NOT used.
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT4 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT5  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic R esponsive A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhapse most popular) Inn
Universal MT4 RSI
Volodymyr Hrybachov
RSI 指標上的交易機器人 這是交易機器人的簡化版,它只使用一種進場策略(高級版有超過 10 種策略) 專家福利: 剝頭皮交易、馬丁格爾交易、網格交易。 您可以僅使用一個訂單或一組訂單設置交易。具有動態、固定或乘數步長和交易手數的高度可定制的訂單網格將允許您使 EA 交易適應幾乎任何交易工具。 回撤系統,重疊虧損訂單和余額保護 網格交易容易受到非反彈價格變動的影響,這已不是什麼秘密,但由於訂單恢復系統,顧問將能夠擺脫大多數回撤。回撤的退出是通過將最遠的無利可圖的訂單與最接近市場的獲利訂單重疊來執行的。交易機器人可用於恢復賬戶中的虧損頭寸、手動交易或其他專家開立的交易。它可以通過幻數接收和處理所有訂單。 交易開放過濾器。 任何交易策略都應該有信號和交易開盤的過濾器。在這個機器人中有幾個:MA 的趨勢方向過濾器、波動率過濾器、價差擴大過濾器、一周中的某一天和工作時間、用於多交易的直接和反向相關過濾器。具有手動確認信號的功能。 開倉和平倉訂單的虛擬級別。 所有交易開倉水平、止損、止盈、追踪止損設置都是虛擬的。多虧了這一點,您可
Magic Grid
Aliaksandr Charkes
4.46 (24)
Magic Grid is an indicator-free advisor that uses a grid strategy. The strategy is based on automatic reopening of grid pending orders, after closing their market positions (by Take-Profit, Stop-Loss or manually). Pending orders are placed with a specified step from the initial prices, which can be entered manually or generated automatically ( one time at the beginning of the trade ). The robot can trade on any time frame, on any currency pair, on several currency pairs, and on any number of di
PipFinite EA Breakout EDGE
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
5 (4)
The Official Automated Version of the Reliable Indicator PipFinite Breakout EDGE EA Breakout EDGE takes the signal of PipFinite Breakout EDGE indicator and manages the trade for you. Because of numerous financial instruments to consider, many traders want the signals to be fully automated. The EA will make sure all your trades are executed from entry to exit. Saving you time and effort while maximizing your profits. The Edge of Automation Effortless price action trading is now possible
H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
Brexit Breakout (GBPUSD H1) This EA has been developed for GBPUSD H1.  Everything is tested for H1 timeframe . Strategy is based on breakout of the This Bar Open indicator after some time of consolidation. It will very well works on these times, when the pound is moving. It uses Stop pending orders with  FIXED Stop Loss and Take Profit . It also uses PROFIT TRAILING to catch from the moves as much as possible. At 9:00 pm we are closing trading every Friday to prevent from weekly gaps. !!!Adjust
Red Star
Evgeniy Zhdan
The RedStar trading robot combines a unique system for determining the increase in the amplitude of trend movements and a unique system for tracking market positions within these trends. The built-in algorithm for determining narrow price ranges at the stages of their origin allows the adviser to gently exit the drawdowns with minimal losses and continue to increase profits. It is recommended that you use a VPS server. Trading Instruments (TF - 5M): EURJPY, EURGBP, EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, GBPUS
体验  Professional Manager Trader  的强大力量,将您的交易推向新的高度。我们一起自信地在外汇市场中航行,深知成功不仅取决于发现获利交易,还在于通过有效的资金管理来保护资本。 凭借 对风险和资金管理的高度关注, Professional Manager Trader   将成 为您成功交易的关键。它以敏锐的风险管理和严格的头寸规模,在不可预测的外汇市场中航行,保护您的资本并限制下行风险。 我 们创新的交易界面始终走在市场周期的前沿,无缝适应金融市场不断变化的特性。通过广泛的研究和先进的算法分析创建,为您提供可靠的交易解决方案。 为了展示其性能,我们提供了访问我们个人真实账户的机会,交易界面在此账户上已成功运行数月。亲身目睹这个强大工具如何提升您的交易水平。 真 实账户监控: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1968277 体 验  Professional Manager Trader   的 强大力量, 将您的交易推向新的高度。我 们一起自信地在外汇市场中航行,深知成功不仅取决于发现获利交易,还在于通过有效的资金管理来保护资
Barclays Trend Scalper EA using trend following technic based on the candle stick color and pattern to enter the trade, it follow the trend with predefined filter value for best performance trading experience. Using fix and dinamic SL on the last candle and dinamic TP with 2x reward ratio, you can adjust this setting (fix or dinamic) depend on your preferences. This robot comes with feature : 1. Time Filter ( Server Time). 2. Martingale feature that you can swith on and off, you can adjust mar
ALT Income
Maksim Bogdanov
ALT Income  - Автоматизированный    советник. Написан для пары EURUSD. .  Торгует  на тайм фрейме M5.  Рекомендованные условия торговли при плече 1:500 Минимальный депозит  - 100 условных единиц (EUR, USD) .  Процент загруженного депозита при продаже -    MaxRiskSELL   от 1 до 15;   Прибыль от одной сделки - TakeProfitSell от 50 до 100.0; Рекомендованные условия торговли при плече  1:40 Минимальный депозит  - 100 условных единиц (EUR, USD) .  Процент загруженного депозита при продаже -    Ma
Mr Beast Heiken Ashi
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
MR BEAST HEIHIN ASHI RECOMMENDED H1 EUR USD The Heikin Ashi Strategy is a candlestick analysis technique used by the Expert Advisor to identify trends and make informed decisions in the financial markets. This strategy is based on the interpretation of modified Heikin Ashi candlestick patterns instead of traditional candlesticks. I use this robot every day on my real accounts. This Forex trading robot has been developed by MRBEAST as a tool to facilitate day trading. Please note that us
Neural Average
Vladislav Filippov
Neural Average is a fully automated trading advisor. In addition to the scalping algorithm, the system for monitoring the market through the volumes and coefficients of oscillations and filtering the opening of transactions through custom macros - determinants, a neural network emulator is also integrated into the software basis of this advisor. The above structure allows you to effectively filter the flow of potential deals based on the relevance of the context and conjuncture, as well as by t
Black Out EA
Jason Thato Hartley
Thank you for visiting us. We would like to introduce our new BLACK OUT EA which comes along with a moving average indicator for better trading This EA open and closes trades for you, no need to stress yourself. You can trade on any broker using any time frame . there are no restrictions!! You can easily increase your Lot size on the EA settings Backtest was done for two months. stay tuned for more !!!
Diamond PRO
Fanur Galamov
5 (19)
Diamond PRO is enhanced powerful version of Diamond for advanced traders. Pro version includes optimized cores, new impoved entry points filters, new multistage profit closure algorithm and сontains number of external control parameter that allows build and fine tune own tradind decisions and algorithms. The system provides more accurate market entries, analyzes and filters upcoming economic news, contains spread protection and an advanced position management algorithm. Main goal of Diamond PRO
EA Black Box
Vitali Vasilenka
EA Black Box Expert Advisor 已經領先於時代! - 包含關鍵諧波模式的交易算法 具有諧波模式: 看漲_5-0_模式 看跌_5-0_模式 看跌三驅 看漲三驅 我們社區的 Telegram 頻道 - https://t.me/EAQuantumLab 官方社區網站 - https://eaquantumlab.com 真實信號可在此處獲得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/vitalvasa/seller 交易最低存款 1000$ 使用點差最小的賬戶 交易M15-M30-H1-H4的最佳時間範圍 最佳交易對:XAUUSD。 歐元兌美元。 英鎊兌美元。 美元加元.新西蘭元美元。 英鎊日元。 加元日元。 歐元日元 重要信息! 按照說明設置顧問! 重要信息! 前兩週,在模擬賬戶或美分賬戶上進行交易(為自己選擇最佳交易條件) 在 VPS 上安裝交易顧問 真實賬戶利潤每週五(交易週結束時)記錄 外匯/差價合約交易具有高風險,並不適合所有人。 如果市場狀況發生不利變化,您可能會損失部分或全部本金。 您應該只投資您可以承
趋势EA“缔造者”4.1.8版本最新产品,联系方式qq398867673 ,微信15940404448,(qq不经常登录,电话微信均可)都是实名认证的。国内按授权开户数量限制、授权交易仓位限制、授权使用时间限制为参考依据定价,不管您是大资金还是小资金都有相应的权限价格。黄金缔造者经过多次更新现在的交易获利能力有目共睹如图。 购买须知: 1.提供所想要授权账号,用于写入EA授权; 2.报备账户资金额度以及所想使用的时间(半年起),用于写入EA授权; 3.添加微信,有一个简单的培训; 4.本产品只适合XAUUSD的交易; 5.产品为趋势类EA,所以震荡行情会小亏,属于正常,趋势行情大赚。 (注:交易一定是有亏有赚,主要看盈亏比例,我们不会说“放心用单单都赢利”这种骗人的话)。 虽然在官网售卖,但我们有修改权限的权力,有人不相信可以联系我们,先给你写一个简单的EA都是可以的,也可以你购买产品后,额外为你写一个你自己的策略EA,算是赠送。定价高低自有意义,我们只会给最好的产品,定最合适的价格。本产品为mt4使用 EA介绍: 1.EA没有任何参数,所有的算法我们全部封存在EA里了,使用简单
Joel Protusada
Vizzion is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using GBPJPY currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks o
Alexander Buseinus
A professional Expert Advisor designed for trading any instrument of the Metatrader 4 platform. Work Features: A large number of input parameters, with a wide range of settings, allow you to work on all instruments with any broker trading conditions. Depending on trading conditions, it can work with direct market positions or dynamic pending orders. When switching the corresponding input parameter, the Expert Advisor always opens only one trading position at a time, or it can open many posit
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
GoldScalper 是专为 MT4 平台和 XAU/USD 对设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人每天 24 小时分析市场,在 5M 时间范围内进行交易。多亏了它,它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护的止损。 机器人 GoldScalper 的工作原理。 机器人始终执行交易,具有战略性和高质量的结果,请耐心等待,让机器人启动并检查结果,请耐心等待机器人。有时它会在一天内进入许多交易。它的策略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 XAUUSD 对(5M 时间范围)图表上运行它,最低存款为 100 美元以交易 0.01 手大小。1000 美元以交易 0.1 手大小和 10000 美元交易 1 手大小。 购买后记得联系我获取设置
Price Action EA V3
Mehmet Haluk Tunc
Price Action EA for scalping. Open trades by bar height when bar height meet complex math calculations. Timerame is fundamentally M1 and works all forex symbols. Percentage trailing system. Time limitation. Autolot by percentage of balance. Settings by ea automatically. Close safety by time in minutes and close your order after x minute even if it is not in profit or loss by you. Set stoploss and takeprofit values automatically market price. Every major settings can be set automatically by robo
CSM System
Michal Milko
The CSM System is currently fully automated with all the special features and functions, controlled and regularly monitored. Its evolution, parameters and the individual algorithms are professionally evaluated and optimized by experienced development group of programmers who are developing new updated versions of system. Unlike the other systems, we focused to create the system where the backtesting successful results matching the real life situation. Our core lies in identification of these bi
Kryptosystém automaticky   Automatický kryptosystém je v súčasnosti plne automatizovaný so všetkými špeciálnymi vlastnosťami a funkciami, je kontrolovaný a pravidelne monitorovaný. Jeho vývoj, parametre a jednotlivé algoritmy sú odborne vyhodnotené a optimalizované skúsenou vývojovou skupinou programátorov, ktorí vyvíjajú nové aktualizované verzie systému. Na rozdiel od ostatných systémov sme sa zamerali na vytvorenie systému, v ktorom je spätné testovanie úspešných výsledkov zodpovedajúce situ
Night Vision EA
Mehmet Haluk Tunc
22.12.2020 New version is released. Bug fixed and exit by MA removed.Improved fully automated Expert Advisor without martingale. Follow the trend. Checking important trade levels. It is complex calculated to catch right trend strategy. Special candles, custom indicator and maths are used for entries. Live Results shown at here  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/669290   Default settings recomended for EURUSD m1/m5  gmt +3(or +2 winter time) .  Click here for the symbol sets you can make testing .
Global EA DJ
Global Scale Europe Consulting, S.L.
Robot experto diseñado para valorar las tendencias del mercado especialmente  y apropiado para operar sobre el índice Dow Jones. Realiza operaciones de forma automática siguiendo la tendencia del mercado en las últimas horas. Adecuado para todo tipo de usuarios interesados en un robot sencillo de gestionar, muy intuitivo y apto para personas no expertas.
海滩旅行EA 这款EA是为认真的交易者设计的,他们变得过于严肃,需要放松,并且仍然有一些不错的交易,设置如此简单,可以在任何图表上运行 机器人将在1分钟,5分钟和15分钟图表上连续扫描。请参阅《策略测试人员指南》以了解您的历史记录数据是否足够有效。 EA并没有针对任何一种货币进行优化,因此资金管理不会持续很长时间,也不会在某些货币对上形成不切实际的抛物线。 赢利,每月以新的更新资本设置重新启动EA。 阅读下图中的重要说明。 看看我的其他产品海滩波分流指示器,这对交易者来说也很棒。 如何自定义EA 在输入选项卡下,您将看到一些可自定义的选项,可以对其进行调整以在每个符号/对之间进行优化。 Beach Trip EA使用最少的设置进行自定义。 如果您认为技术分析有效(就像我一样!!),那么您就不必使选择过于复杂吗? EA与海滩波动指标一样,也意识到市场的差异。 强烈建议使用VPS来连续扫描市场 您可以更改以下内容: 1.指标的RSI周期。 (整数/无小数) 2.固定手数:设
除去暴力爆仓的观点,本ea以稳定盈利为中心 适用品种,audusd,usdchf,nzdusd,usdjpy等等走势相对平稳的货币 本ea提供图表参数,和快捷平仓按钮,桌面文字都是汉语和拼音拼写而成,更方便中国人观看,只需要简单拼读便可以理解变量意思,账户应该保持3000以上的资金,如果小于3000,请将xiadanlaing修改至0.01, 和jiacangjiange修改至900,如果不够可以用美分账户。如果资金量很大可以提高xiadanliang,但请不要高于0.2,jiacangjiange不要低于500. “如果ea盈利高于50%应当将盈利部分取出”保存利润才是交易的根本 解释“zuidazhisunjinekaiguan”最大止损金额开关.如果需要开启,请在输入栏输入“kai”当浮亏金额大于“zuidakuisunjine”就会清仓止损 xiadanliang----------------------------------------下单量 jiacangbeishu-------------------------------------加仓倍数 zhiyingd
随着AI行业的发展,有很多观点认为人类将被算法取代, 有些人担心工作会被机器人取代。 而有些人则认为机器人能比人做得更好(如果不是完美的话)。 “只有少数人意识到这是人类的创造力和洞察力与AI的失误和不知疲倦的结合 那将是真正的卓越。”-SomeGuy引用。 人们正在寻找合适的EA来长期进行投资, 根据先前的数据,从统计上讲,它有效。但是我们仍然会有疑问。 回测基于先前的数据,因此对于任何程序员而言,更容易将其EA绑定到特定环境下进行工作(对) 例如,他们知道的情况(在2017年上升,在2018年下降) 因此,有理由认为人们不会对自己的EA承担大风险,而只会对它承担小风险。 即使是最佳EA也只是下注。 首先,信任EA的人们应该已经看到了技术分析有效的证据, 然后,他们将尝试使用机器人寻找更简便的方法和更精确的方法。 尽管有挑衅性的标签“坚硬的石头贸易比你更好”。与其他EA不同。 所有EA均应符合可在任何时间任何对中使用的标准,并且它们必须在大多数时间工作。 表示它使用了统计上可以超时工作的通用
Soul Gou
Yuzhu Liu
Language of messages displayed (EN, RU, DE, FR, ES) - language of the output messages (English, Russian, German, French, Spanish). Price for open - open price. If set to 0, the orders will be placed on the following distance from the current price: current price + "The distance in the first order". Lot - lot size for pending orders. Use Order type - type of pending orders. The distance in the first order - distance for the first order in points. Count of orders - number of orders to be opened.
大银行可能输的不只是您的平均EA 已被证明是真实账户中有利可图的助手,基本上是您交易中的PRO交易者 以下是使该EA在产品其余部分中脱颖而出的原因: 1.准确的资金管理:您可以手动计算位数,在一对中花费10分钟,只是要意识到机会已经过去,甚至不值得交易 2.这不仅仅是一个剥头皮交易,您的保证金限制为每笔交易20点甚至10点,亏损额很大。 3.您将获得专业人士所知的独家订户知识:互联网上从未有过的独家秘密! 4.由一组具有成员数量的技术分析师组成局限性:采用复杂的策略,技术分析师往往比程序员具有更多的市场经验。 5.您作为交易员的终身职业的途径:使用它几个月后,您很快就会对市场有了更多的了解,并可能基于EA制定交易策略。 6.可以同时应用于任何市场:其他EA限制您将其应用于所有货币对的可能性是多少?我从来没有遇到过建议同时适用于这么多双货币对的其他EA,(我使用22对货币对,但坦率地说,上个月的结果表明,我可以在全部28对货币对中多赚30个货币) 7.有限的机会几乎可以立即成为专业交易员。 8.即使在手工交易中也可用于协助您
KAYDOZ AI EA This Expert Advisor is an advanced AI system , it doesn't use martingales or hedging . Runs perfect on pairs ( XAUUSD , US30, GBPUSD ) . Kaydoz EA achieves more than 100% net profits monthly . Any Trusted broker is good for KAYDOZ AI EA . " KAYDOZ AI EA " LIVE PERFORMANCE MONITORING LINKS : -------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2255968 -------------------------------------------------------------- Pairs and Time Frame Pairs :
Easter Egg 1 EA
Quang Nguyen Dien
The Easter Egg (EE) is developed and fully completed in 3 years. Transaction pairs performed by this EA are experienced backtest process ( with 99% accurate data )successfully at least 5 years, GOLD pair is 10 years. The robot is also tested on real accounts for more than 1 year, the rest results have a winning rate of over 90% and correct with the backtest results. EA designing is not based on indicators to limit errors caused by the tools themselves. It also do not use tactics which can cause
Magic Leo
Lui Shuk Ting
This is a   trading robot   to work on the   forex market . It uses a very special indicator trend and grid system that will bring you excellent results.   Backtest Now!    Special   OFFER   for this week     Discount price - $58. Next price $149.   BUY NOW!!! Backtest You can run the backtest from   2010.01.01   to   2021.03.01 , mainly in the   EURUSD   pair and preferably in H1 timeframe to do it faster. Use the default parameters, as shown in the below. Recommendations for effect
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
RippleBullRunwizard 是专为 MT4 平台和 XRP/USD 对设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人一天 24 小时分析市场,因此它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人 RippleBullRunwizard 的工作原理。 机器人很少进行交易,但它们的质量很好,所以请耐心等待,让机器人启动并在几个月内检查结果。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 XRPUSD(30M 时间帧)图表上运行它,最低存款为 100 美元。 购买后记得联系我获取设置文件 推荐杠杆为1:500 EA 交易设置 名称输入 交易期 40  风险百分比 1  滑点 6   时限 30M 注:每 100 美元 0.01 手
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
5 (1)
BitcoinWhale是为MT4平台和比特币/美元对设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人一天 24 小时分析市场,因此它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人BitcoinWhale的工作原理。 机器人很少进行交易,但它们的质量很好,所以要有耐心,让机器人启动并检查结果,对机器人要有耐心。有时它会在一天内进入许多交易。它的策略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 BTCUSD (1M .Daily timeframes) 图表上运行它,最低存款为 100 美元以交易 0.01 手。 购买后记得联系我获取设置文件 推荐杠杆为1:500 EA 交易设置 名称输入 利润 20000  Roverp
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
IndexPro是专为MT4平台和Ger30等指数交易而设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。标普 500、US30 指数。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 该机器人每天 24 小时分析市场,在 Ger30 的 H1 时间范围内进行交易。 S&P500 的 H1 或 5M。 & 5M US30 。多亏了它,它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人 IndexPro 的操作原理。 机器人始终执行交易,具有战略性和高质量的结果,请耐心等待,让机器人启动并检查结果,请耐心等待机器人。有时它会在一天内进入许多交易。它的策略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 Ger30、S&P500、US30 指数对(Ger30 上的 H1,S&P500 时间帧上的 5M)图表上运行它
Christian Ricci
PROMO PRICE ONLY FOR LIMITED TIME  6 month at only 30$ (5$/month) RECOMMENDED VALUE: Timeframe: M1 ONLY FOR NAS100  SPREAD RECOMMENDED: 80 Test Broker: Vantage Fx EA SETUP: Lots: 1 for each 100€ (if Balance is 1000€, Lots = 10) TP: 5 SL: 0 min: 10 After buying EA, be sure to write to me in private messages. I am ready to help each buyer install and configure the advisor. If you have never used EAs before, I will show and teach you how to use it.
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
IndiceFire 是一个专业的自动交易系统,专为 MT4 平台和 S&P500、US30 指数对等指数的交易而设计和优化。 . 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人每天 24 小时分析市场,在标准普尔 500 指数的 H4 时间框架上开仓。多亏了它,它比人类更有效。 更新和优化将持续进行,并将提供给买方。 机器人将进一步发展,这将有助于在未来取得更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您失去互联网连接或电力供应,您的订单也会受到止损保护。 机器人 IndiceFire 的工作原理。 机器人总是执行交易,具有战略性和高质量的结果,请耐心等待,让机器人启动并检查结果,请耐心等待机器人。有时它会在几分钟内进入许多交易,一天几小时。它的策略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您终端上的标准普尔500指数对(标准普尔500时间框架上的H4)图表上运行它,最低存款为200美元交易1手。1000美元交易5手和 10000 美元在 S&
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
IndiceLion 是专为 MT4 平台和 S&P500、US30 指数对等指数交易而设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 . 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 该机器人每天 24 小时分析市场,在标准普尔 500 指数的 H1 时间范围内开仓。多亏了它,它比人类更有效。 更新和优化将持续进行,并将提供给买方。 机器人将进一步发展,这将有助于在未来取得更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您失去互联网连接或电力供应,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人 IndiceLion 的工作原理。 机器人总是执行交易,具有战略性和高质量的结果,请耐心等待,让机器人启动并检查结果,请耐心等待机器人。有时它会在几分钟内进入许多交易,一天几小时。它的战略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您终端上的标准普尔500指数对(标准普尔500时间框架上的H1)图表上运行它,最低存款为200美元交易1手。1000美元交易5手和 10000 美元在 S&P50
MelBar RealScalper FinTech RoboTrader Version  8.8. MT4 Real-Time Open Candle AutoTrading FinTech RoboTrader with inbuilt Buy/Sell Signal Alerts. Verified by MyFxBook. ONLY ONE (1) TRADER ACCOUNT USER LICENSE PER RENTAL. Try it on your demo account first & settings optimization.  Works on multiple charts. Niche FinTech Democratization Tool & Human Right to Accumulation of Wealth software.  A People's Right to Wealth software. Specifically designed FinTech RoboTrader Expert Advisor
Forex MasterMind Algo AI Multiple Trading Are 3 Type Of Trading Strategy   Velocity Trading Breakout Trading Reversal Trading   Velocity Trading Strategy:-                Velocity Trading Strategy Are Longer Then Candle Buy Or Sell Its Same Side More Than Trade. For Example, in Market Are Buy Side Long Candle, The EA Is Buy, Only Fixed Lot Is Working On Strategy  Breakout Trading Strategy:-                   Breakout Trading Strategy Instantly Place Order BuyStop And SellStop, Once Breako
"Check out MerkaDrive - the ultimate EA developed for contrarian trading. This powerful system is optimized for trading EURUSD, with a recommended period of H1 and a maximum spread of 10. To get started, we recommend backtesting MerkaDrive on every tick over a period of 3 months to speed up your analysis of past years. And don't forget to personalize your risk management strategy after analyzing previous years' drawdowns. Pro tip: it's always a good idea to test out new systems on demo accounts
A trading system based on divergences is one that uses divergences between technical indicators and market prices to identify potential trading opportunities. Here's how this type of trading system operates: Divergence identification: The divergence-based trading system seeks to identify divergences between technical indicators and market prices. A divergence occurs when the market price and a technical indicator move in different directions, which can indicate a possible trend reversal. Signal
Euro Miner不使用指标,也不需要复杂的设置,因为用户只需要上传已经可用的setfile即可。Euro Miner Pro非常适应市场波动,即使面对高影响的新闻,如NFP,FOMC等,也不必关闭自动交易。您可以24小时5天开启自动交易,只需要一次设置,然后忘记它,只需享受利润即可。 重要提示!如需完整支持和获得设置说明,请在购买后在评论选项卡中留言。 联系我Telegram:@willywijaya89 真实账户: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1733709?source=Site +Signals+My https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1850226?source=Site +Signals+Profile+From+Author 需求: +具有良好互联网连接的VPS。 特点: 马丁格尔-是 网格-是 跟踪-是 部分关闭-是 资金管理-是 时间控制 符号EURUSD 时间框架H1 测试期2017-2023 设置联系我获取最新的set文件 经纪人任何 最低存款1000(高风险) 建议存款2000
User friendly Interface. On panel fat finger protection. High speed for sending   manual  orders. Auto follow up for manual orders placed by the panel. Highly customized parameters for automated or manual buy/sell orders. Customized  money management system. Advanced users can choose their buy/sell decision according to their views and leave the rest to the EA to follow up their initial decisions. Beginners can fully rely on the built-in technology  to make transaction decisions. Users can limi
Foli Pivots MT4
John Folly Akwetey
Expert advisor trades by pivot levels, support and resistance levels based on pivot levels. Also expert advisor takes into account volatility filter, uses standard Martingale and anti-Martingale systems, drawdown protection, standard trailing stop, trading time and trading Trade Order – direction of trading (only buy, only sell or buy and sell) Use Volatility Filter – enabling/disabling of volatility filter using Volatility Filter – value of volatility filter Count Of Days For Volatility Filter
Three Little Birds
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
这个 EA 对于那些关注 REBATE 生成器的人来说非常好。 Three Little Birds EA 是基于对冲和网格策略的 HFT EA 先进算法。 Three Little Birds EA 是先进的头皮交易系统,使用智能算法以最快的速度进入市场。它根据进场时的市场状态采用固定/动态止盈,并有多种退出模式。 EA 将根据先进的市场分析算法、止盈系统、管理安全风险、管理回撤来管理交易。 建议: 默认设置的最低余额为 5,000 美元 货币对:任意货币对(默认设置为 XAUUSD) 时间范围:H4(任何时间范围内工作) 通过使用此 EA,您必须拥有“适当”的资本。 当您实现每日/每周/每月的利润目标时,请勿在没有停止/休息和重新开始的情况下 24/7 运行 Martingale EA,否则会耗尽您的资金。 Three Little Birds EA 默认设置需要至少 5,000 美元的默认设置,并且需要如上所述停止或休息,即使质量结果为 99.9% 的回测也可以安全地连续运行一年(2021 年 12 月 27 日 - 2022 年 12 月 24 日
Enzo Fx Prop Firm EA is very smart scalper , EA enters the market after Fundamentals and technical analysis., it’s 100% automatic,ENZO FX EA is capable to scalp every different situation , Maximum Ms for VPS: 5, do not forget to get this Ms your broker's server address must be in the same place with your VPS address  Features: - No grid. No martingale- A small Stoploss  - Low Drawdown - multi currency   , EURUSD , USDJPY ,GBPUSD , AUDUSD -  Minimum deposit 100 USD.  Default setting EA  is  c
Bonnitta Gold MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (2)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
TrendLiness MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
If you want to find good trading opportunities, then you must trade near the Trend Line. This allows you to have a tighter         stop loss   on your trades — which improves your       risk to reward . But that’s not all… Because if you combine Trend Line with Support and Resistance, that’s where you find the best trading opportunities. Now you might wonder: “So when do I enter a trade?” Well, you can use reversal     candlestick patterns   (like the   Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, etc.) as your e
AI Nodiurnal EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
AI Nodiurnal EA是一款先进的外汇机器人,利用尖端的机器学习技术优化交易策略,在动态的外汇市场中提升性能。术语“Nodiurnal”反映了它的适应能力,不仅在典型的白天交易时间内运行,而且在非标准时段也能持续运行,为外汇交易提供连续和适应性的方法。 设置:货币对的默认设置:EURUSD H1。特殊设置仅在购买后提供。 实时账号信号在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1270367 MT5版本在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/74716 市场推出促销!仅剩下10份中的10份,价格为:5,500美元,下一个价格为:7,500美元,最终价格为:10,000美元 主要特点: 机器学习算法:AI Nodiurnal EA的核心优势在于利用机器学习算法。这些算法分析大量的历史市场数据,识别模式、趋势和潜在的交易机会。通过不断学习,系统优化其策略,适应不断变化的市场条件。 适应性交易策略:与静态算法的传统交易机器人不同,AI Nodiurnal EA设计为适应不断变化的市场动态。它可以动态调整交易
Ugochukwu Mobi
If you want to find good trading opportunities, then you must trade near the Trend Line. This allows you to have a tighter       stop loss   on your trades — which improves your     risk to reward . But that’s not all… Because if you combine Trend Line with Support and Resistance, that’s where you find the best trading opportunities. Now you might wonder: “So when do I enter a trade?” Well, you can use reversal     candlestick patterns   (like the   Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, etc.) as your entry
Unlock the full potential of your Forex investments with the Finvesting EA, your trusted ally in the world of currency trading. This expert advisor (EA) is designed to enhance your Forex investment and help you achieve your financial goals with confidence. Live Performance: Finvesting EA   has a live track record with stable trading.  Real account  Live performance MT4   and Here   MT5 Discover the potential of the Finvesting EA and join a community of successful Forex investors. It's time t
Bonnitta Gold
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.17 (6)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
Bonnitta EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.38 (21)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 202
AI Nodiurnal EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (1)
AI Nodiurnal EA是一款先进的外汇机器人,利用尖端的机器学习技术优化交易策略,在动态的外汇市场中提升性能。术语“Nodiurnal”反映了它的适应能力,不仅在典型的白天交易时间内运行,而且在非标准时段也能持续运行,为外汇交易提供连续和适应性的方法。 设置:货币对的默认设置:EURUSD H1。特殊设置仅在购买后提供。 实时账号信号在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1270367 MT4版本在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/69905 市场推出促销!仅剩下10份中的3份,价格为:5,500美元,下一个价格为:7,500美元,最终价格为:10,000美元 主要特点: 机器学习算法:AI Nodiurnal EA的核心优势在于利用机器学习算法。这些算法分析大量的历史市场数据,识别模式、趋势和潜在的交易机会。通过不断学习,系统优化其策略,适应不断变化的市场条件。 适应性交易策略:与静态算法的传统交易机器人不同,AI Nodiurnal EA设计为适应不断变化的市场动态。它可以动态调整交易参
Finvesting EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (1)
通过 Finvesting EA 释放您外汇投资的全部潜力,Finvesting EA 是您在货币交易领域值得信赖的盟友。 该专家顾问 (EA) 旨在增强您的外汇投资并帮助您自信地实现财务目标。 现场表演: Finvesting EA 拥有稳定交易的实时记录。 真实账户 现场表演 MT4: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1715664 MT5: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1973370 发现 Finvesting EA 的潜力并加入成功的外汇投资者社区。 是时候利用 Finvesting EA 最大限度地发挥您的潜力并让您的投资蓬勃发展。 今天就迈出迈向更光明的财务未来的第一步。 主要特征: 先进的算法:Finvesting EA 由尖端算法提供支持,结合技术分析、市场情绪和历史数据来做出明智的投资决策。 它不断适应不断变化的市场条件,以优化您的交易结果。 24/5 自动交易:无需 24/7 盯着电脑屏幕。 Finvesting EA 代表您进行交易,全天候执行订单并管理您的投资,让您即使
Zhi Song Tuo Ge Ti Mu Xuan Li Ning


M Wright
M Wright 2023.08.12 21:45 

There's no user support for this EA and it requires very close attention to keep from blowing up your account. MQL has much better EAs in the market for less than a thousand. The attention required for this EA is such that a trader should just get a cheap grid trading EA and do their analysis for the currency pair and trend direction.. wouldn't be much different.

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2023.08.12 21:56
We apologise for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the lack of user support for our EA. Your concerns have been duly noted, and we are actively working to enhance our support channels to better assist our users in their trading journey.
Versace26.- 2023.06.19 18:03 

I started using Bonnitta Ea from November 28th, up to now it has given me great satisfaction, this EA with very high capitals is a real bomb, my capital is gradually growing and thanks to this EA I am sure that I will reach my goals !!

osinvital 2023.06.01 08:39 

I made many backtests of various currency pairs before purchasing this EA. Was impressed with the results. It was important for me to test it for how much it can earn in a month, at least 35% monthly, backtests showed, and I decided to buy Bonnitta. I immediately launched it on 3 demo accounts and 2 accounts on prop firms where I tried to pass the challenge. After a month of real-time testing, I was very disappointed. All accounts went down. One prop evaluation account was suspended due to high daily account drawdown. Only one demo account that fluctuated plus $500, then - $500, then again up. The rest of the accounts are down by 5-10%. I could not understand how this was possible. Then I decided to make a backtest for the month of April, just for the month when EA traded in real-time. I ran the EA on different pairs. And what I saw was that Bonitta worked poorly and on some tests there was a 5% profit on others with negative results. I didn't understand why. In May, I received a message in MQL5 that a new version of Bonnitt is ready and that I can update it by downloading it from the site. I downloaded the new version on one of the MT4 terminals and decided to test the new version of Bonnitta for the same month of April. And you won't believe it, EA earned 25-35% on the same settings that I always did, especially with the settings file that the author sends when you buy EA. Same month and different results on the non-updated Bonnitta and the updated version. I understood that the seller is a fraud. He updates EA every month so that it looks good on backtests. You can try to check it yourself. When the author releases an update for the last month. Test the non-updated version for a period of 30 days before upgrading. And then download the new, updated version and try it with the same settings for the same time period. I have proof, screenshots, and videos. Which I will post in the comments. I will also write a complaint in support of MQL5. The author ignores me when I ask him to return my funds. I think that most of the positive reviews here are faked by the seller. Especially on the YouTube channel under the video about Bonnitta. One type of reviews. In one sentence. You don't have to be very smart to understand this. Just read them. I was blinded by the results of the tests, but I did not think that I would fall into a trap.

Viachaslau Kulakou
Viachaslau Kulakou 2023.06.01 07:28 

Долго тестировал перед покупкой. Тысячи часов тестов, облачные вычисления и т.д. Могу сказать следующее: советник ЗАРАБАТЫВАЕТ. Проверить это достаточно просто: поставьте тейк, равный стопу, например 4% и смотрите, растет ли баланс или нет в течение года. Если да - то тогда уже можно заниматься оптимизацией и думать о покупке. Этот советник зарабатывает при таких параметрах, даже на проблематичных участках истории, к примеру 2008 год. Далее, по поводу жалоб некоторых пользователей, что советник якобы слил их счета. Базовые настройки робота - очень агрессивные, это своеобразный Ilan, но только в отличие от илана он может давать прибыль не на удачу, а по системе, поэтому рекомендую делать собственные тесты и подбирать параметры с низкой агрессивностью - со стопами, с меньшим риском и меньшим количеством сделок, как это сделал я и подобрал сетапы. ). Нужно запастись терпением и тестером стратегий, обязательно в прогонах использовать стопы, размер которых вы подберете. Варианты решений, разумеется есть, и уважаемому разработчику следовало бы давать консервативные настройки покупателям, которые он использует сам на своих счетах, а не риск 1000 на 0.01 лота и 100 позиций в рынке, эти настройки могут запустить в космос баланс, или вас без баланса) конечно будут нытики, когда рынок пройдет 500 пунктов не туда, что и произошло по евродоллару и еврофунту недавно. погуглите MKcapital на myfxbook, там люди подобрали мало агрессивные параметры, и советник зарабатывает и прилично даже сейчас, а также сделали агрессивный мультипаровый счет, который рекомендует автор. Результат агрессивного счета - просадка в 74% сейчас, консервативные счета - все в плюсе. Все дело в параметрах, и уважаемому разработчику следует уделить больше времени не на агрессивный маркетинг, а на оптимизацию своего робота и дать людям настройки со стопами, менее агрессивной торговлей, чтобы они не укатывали баланс в ноль при любых раскладах. Теперь дальше, в отзывах версии МТ5 - там один человек приложил скрины по еврофунту, что мол советник сливает. Эти скрины - не результат работы советника, так как там сделки при балансе в 5000 долларов и сделки по 0.2, 0.4 лота, вместо стандартных 0.04 лота. Человек сует руки и усредняется, чего делать ни в коем случае нельзя. Если уж купили советника, не мешайте не лезьте, и подберите параметры, потратьте время, купите тикстори, архив потиковых котировок, закиньте денег на облачный тестинг и прогоняйте по проблемным участкам истории, пока не добьетесь просадки в 10-15% при наличии стопов. Для чего нужны стопы? дело в том, что открыв максимальное количество позиций, советник будет ждать, пока совокупную позицию не выпустит в прибыль. в 99% это случается, но не всегда. И на помощь вам придет стоп. Потому что потом система быстро его отыграет. По тестам, восстановление после стопа в 16% занимало максимум пару недель, что реально круто. Но стопы нужны и важны, это часть стратегии. Каково мое резюме, я на сайте здесь с 2008 и уже много чего повидал и много каких советников испытал. Стоит ли покупать бониту? Стоит. Стоит ли она своих денег? определенно да, отложенные ордера - фактически хорошая борьба с уловками брокера по открытию по рынку. Но обязательно вам нужно подбирать параметры самостоятельно, которые подходят под ваш стиль торговли и управления рисками. Этот советник реально может заработать миллионы при разумном управлении рисками.

Также я проверял еще и отзывы - типа тестирование не соответствует реальности. Соответствует. Человек просто лукавит, говоря, что подобрал настройки с 20% DD, а оно слило счет. При тестировании на теперяшних данных, оно счет бы и слило. Но если будет стоп, то оно уже и отыграло бы его. Я проверил, действительно, оно покупало евродоллар и еврофунт даже по тестам, и действительно там большой минус по еквити, что еще раз доказывает то, что нужно подбирать настройки со стопами и никак по другому. Если, к примеру, прогнать этот год и по евро и про еврофунту с настройкой - 4 профит, 4 стоп, этот год будет в плюсе, даже несмотря на теперяшнюю ситуацию. Так что мой совет, запаситесь терпением, тестером стратегий и подберите такие настройки, которые пройдут с низкими просадками минимум 18 последних лет.

Например, по франку и еврофранку проблемный не только 2023 год, но еще и 2014 и 2015, без стопов тоже идет пролив счета, а со стопами советник идет в плюс.

проблема большинства людей, что они хотят волшебную палочку, которая все сделает за них. а так не бывает. А также автору реально минус за то, что он дает агрессивные настройки для агрессивного маркетинга, не заботясь о последствиях. Сделать прибыльную систему мало, надо научить еще ее не терять деньги при различных ситуациях, благо истории для тестов хватает.

Касаемо результатов в тестере, вполне такое может случится, что, к примере при уровне тейка в 2.3% у советника пролив по еквити будет 40%, а с тейком 2.4% будет профит. это значит, что просто повезло, потому как пока ждало 2.4, не открыло плохих сделок по 2.3, следовательно, тесты останавливаем до тех пор пока не этот участок истории не будет пройден с "проблемным" тейком и меньшими рисками, стопами и тд. В общем, рутинная задача по оптимизации.

Georgy Zhukov
Georgy Zhukov 2023.05.31 16:42 


Doctor Trade
Doctor Trade 2023.05.21 20:31 

Bought it some weeks ago, very disappointed so far: - real results by far don’t match backtesting - backtests get different results everytime I run with same settings. - every release seems to have new interesting bugs. Opening 15 trades instead of 1, trailing stop not working etc. Things like tp in points seems to never have worked despite being available as setting. - author is very intransparent, mostly doesn’t react in his own private group or very very late - there is no real bug status tracking, group more trying to figure things out together because author doesn’t react. - has already blow up my accounts several times now in short time - no integrated good stop loss / risk management or hedging, cannot handle trendy situations and just opens more trades, then burning the Margin faster, will blow up your account then at the end. - I think it could be a good ea if there weren’t just so much bugs and better transparency and support from the author. At the moment not worth the high price.

Update: after too many User criticizing him, the author now just shut down the private group. What a bad customer service. All bugs and problems remain open…

Daniil Naumenko
Daniil Naumenko 2023.05.16 13:54 

Greetings, I bought the EA 6 days ago and still haven't received some answers to my questions.

- Did not add me to the telegram group.

- Didn't answer other questions.

I guess that people who paid such big amount of money $5750 deserves better service.

The EA works good, makes a profit, but I'm not sure in it.

I don't want to give this bot a bad rating, but for now, due to the lack of customer support, I'm not ready to give this bot a high rating.

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2023.05.16 13:57
Hello, I inbox you please reply
Fethi Hakkar
Fethi Hakkar 2023.04.17 19:34 

Bonnitta EA is a great trading tool that has helped to achieve consistent profit. Thank you Bonnitta Team.

John Lim
John Lim 2023.03.12 16:24 

I've been using the EA now for over a month. The EA works, if people are wondering. Does it make a profit, it does. I started with 3K capital. So far I've made around 500. But I would suggest using the stop loss for protection. Hopefully, the Author will add some features in future updates.

16 Mar 2023

After running it for a month now, some of the known problems I found :

1. Even after I switch-off autolot, the lot size it will still be in autolot. (Solution, shutdown terminal and reopen)

2. I limit to 2 pairs out of 5 pairs, but few days ago it opened 4 pairs. (solution, close the extra pair manually)

3. The trailing functions sometimes work, not consistent. At one point my profit went up profit of 5% of my account and dropped to negative but it didn't close the position at all. (Solution from Author, just read the manual, no real solutions yet.)

In the manual, it teaches you to put a command to open instant order,

Could you please check some of the known issues?

In the next update please consider these functions :

Buy/sell button with input lot size, so we don't have to input the command in the settings manually

Close all, close profit, close loss buttons

and a pause new cycle button.

For now, I would think that the EA at a such price point the author would care about their creation and customer more. The EA has some glitches, Author has not given any real solution nor any news about future updates.

The EA makes profits? Yes it does

Is it safe to set and forget? No, you need to set send notification and check from time to time for known glitches

Response from the Author is really slow, sometimes it takes days for a response.

This is roughly what you will get when you purchase the product at such a price, the EA is not as refined as you would be expected.

A new update just came out. 27 March 2023.

I will monitor the new updates and report back to the Author for any issues. Thank you for the update.

Aluzza 2023.02.16 16:39 




◇ 2023/03/28


◇ 2023/04/06





◇ 2023/04/27




◇ 2023/06/17



◇ 2023/06/16 (・・・ ★2つマイナス : 至急要改善)




Bonnitta EAは複雑で大量のコードを書いていると思われるので、どこかにバグがあると思う。



☆ パラメーターが多数あり、最初はややわかりづらい (・・・ ★1つマイナス)



wyc123123 2023.01.03 05:37 


An Qing Hu
An Qing Hu 2022.12.27 11:06 


raja5655 2022.11.29 21:11 

Good expert after experience for about two months. Thanks to the programmer

Jing Zhang
Jing Zhang 2022.11.20 06:45 

GREAT EA!Not only for Forex, but also for gold (conservative settings that maximize as possible).Of course, at the beginning, it is recommended not to invest too much money, but to slowly adapt to the rhythm of the EA, find your own investment foreign exchange pair and debug the settings that suit you. At the very beginning, I retraced 15% because I didn't fit in. Also, be sure to read the requirements carefully when using it.Anyway, it's a great EA!

Andrew Hobbs-ray
Andrew Hobbs-ray 2022.11.06 14:30 

The EA has an excellent entry strategy and good order management. The exit strategy is fairly random which means that drawdown can be high, and profits can be left on the table.

The major issue with the EA is that it contains many bugs. I have now experienced four versions since I bought it and each one brings new bugs. Sometimes major parameters are changed without any warning.

The author is sometimes active in the telegram group, but silent when major issues arise.

Do I recommend it? Yes, but you need to babysit the EA constantly and intervene manually when things go wrong.

Михаил Кулиш
Михаил Кулиш 2022.10.19 16:30 


Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2022.10.20 07:48
Большое спасибо. После размещения отзыва или комментария мошенники связываются с людьми, чтобы купить или попросить активацию, и одну активацию они будут использовать для пиратства. у них много уловок, например, пожалеть их, пожалуйста, не поддавайтесь и не слушайте их уловки, потому что вы подвергнете опасности Bonnitta EA, и у меня не будет другого выбора, кроме как заблокировать все оставшиеся активации. Если люди отправляют вам прямые сообщения с просьбой купить активацию, сообщите об этом и заблокируйте их. Всем удачной торговли
Rutt Tungkiratichai
Rutt Tungkiratichai 2022.10.15 17:33 

The EA is good.I made 20% for my first month.Let’s see in the longer period.

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2022.10.20 07:48
Thank you so much. After putting a review or comment scammers are contacting people to buy or ask for an activation and one activivation they will use it for piracy. they have many tricks like to feel sorry for them please don't fall or listen on their tricks because you will put Bonnitta EA in danger and I will not have choice but to ban all remaining activations. If  people direct message you to buy an activation report them and block them Happy Trading to all
Kevin 2022.09.13 20:14 



Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2022.10.20 07:52
太感谢了。 在发表评论或评论后,诈骗者会联系人们购买或要求激活和一个激活,他们会将其用于盗版。 他们有很多让他们感到难过的伎俩请不要跌倒或听他们的把戏,因为你会让 Bonnitta EA 处于危险之中,我别无选择,只能禁止所有剩余的激活。 如果有人直接向您发送消息以购买激活,请报告并阻止他们 祝大家交易愉快
Wittmann 2022.06.16 18:50 

Ein perfekter EA Danke

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2022.10.20 07:51
Ich danke dir sehr. Nachdem Betrüger eine Bewertung oder einen Kommentar abgegeben haben, kontaktieren sie Personen, um eine Aktivierung zu kaufen oder anzufordern, und eine Aktivierung wird für Piraterie verwendet. Sie haben viele Tricks, die sie gerne bemitleiden. Bitte stürzen Sie nicht und hören Sie nicht auf ihre Tricks, da Sie Bonnitta EA in Gefahr bringen und ich keine andere Wahl habe, als alle verbleibenden Aktivierungen zu sperren. Wenn Personen Ihnen eine Direktnachricht zum Kauf einer Aktivierung senden, melden Sie sie und blockieren Sie sie Viel Spaß beim Trading an alle
版本 1.45 2024.05.07
• Changes and Improvements: SO (Sell Only) and BO (Buy Only): As long as a pair is written as EURUSD-1-SO, it will always sell only until SO is removed or changed to BO. 1 means Lots x 1. If you want to divide Lots per 2 for a specific pair, you will write EURUSD-0.5-BO or EURUSD-0.5-BS(Buy or Sell)
• New feature - Maximum Spread In Points: It represents the maximum allowed spread in points between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair. The EA will consider this value when making trading decisions, likely to avoid trading when the spread is too high.
• New feature - Avoid Common Currency: if true, it means that the EA will avoid trading multiple currency pairs that share a common currency. In other words, it will prevent the EA from opening multiple trades that involve the same currency, to minimize correlated risk. For example, if the EA is already trading EUR/USD, it will not open a trade on GBP/USD (or any other pair that includes USD) because both pairs share the USD currency. This helps to prevent over-exposure to a single currency and reduce potential losses.
• New Feature - Positions Distance in Points: This feature allows you to set a minimum distance between positions in points. Here's how it works: If the value is set to 0, the feature is OFF, and positions will be placed after every timeframe set. If the value is set to a number above 0 (e.g., 200), the feature is ON, and the next position will be placed only if the price has moved by more than the set distance (in this case, 20 pips).This feature helps you manage your positions and risk by controlling the minimum distance between trades.
• New Features - Confirmation: This feature provides an additional layer of security before placing a trade. It requires a second confirmation before executing a position, which can help prevent impulsive decisions. However, this feature may slow down the trading process and sometimes result in late entries.
• New Features - Start Trading Time: This feature allows you to set a specific time to start trading. You can configure the trading system to begin looking for trading opportunities only during this designated time frame.
• New Features - End Trading Time: This feature enables you to set a specific time to stop trading. You can configure the trading system to cease looking for trading opportunities at this designated time.
• New Feature - Close On Breakeven During News or OFF Days: This feature allows you to automatically close trades at breakeven (i.e., at no profit or loss) under specific market conditions. Here's how it works: During News: If important news events are released, markets can become highly volatile. To minimize potential losses, this feature will automatically close your trades at breakeven during such news events. OFF Days: Similarly, on days when markets are closed or trading is suspended (e.g., weekends, holidays) or Disabled Days, this feature will close your trades at breakeven to prevent unwanted exposure to potential market gaps or slippage when trading resumes.

+27 81 449 5396
版本 1.42 2023.08.17
Maximum Symbols at the same time - Fixed
版本 1.41 2023.08.01
Second Strategy added If Second Strategy is false, Strategy will be used. Strategy 1 is the old strategy for previous versions from 1.39
版本 1.40 2023.07.28
重大更新 - 强制执行





版本 1.39 2023.06.02
NewsFilter High Memory Use - Fixed
版本 1.38 2023.05.18
1. Trailing Stop 已修复,现在可以正常使用了。
版本 1.35 2023.03.24
1. Fix News Filter
2. Add Max Number Daily Trade
3. Reverse Position Fixed
4. Fix to allow Symbol with less than 6 characters
5. Option to close Positions before news added
6. Fix automatic Lots bug
7. Fix infinite loop
8. More...
版本 1.30 2023.01.09
重大更新 - 强制性
1. 增加 4K 和 8K 屏幕分辨率面板自动调整和固定面板关闭/打开
4. 将不同货币对的止盈和止损按百分比组合
5. 明确添加的每对最大买卖头寸数量
6. 增加了Only One Direction (FIFO)选项

非常重要:在更新之前,请保存您的设置文件(如果您想保留一些修改),从图表中删除 EA,继续更新,在图表上重新插入 EA 并加载您的设置文件(或新的)或只是加载 提供的设置文件。

版本 1.26 2022.08.07
Fix minor bug and default set value
版本 1.25 2022.04.28
Mandatory & Major Update
==> Due to current market condition Conservative Option is added for more safety. Conservative Mode Opens Less Positions and Only Very Good Quality Positions
==> Custom Comment Is Added
==> Trading Days Option is added : 1-Monday 2-Tuesday So on...
==> Instant Command : If Yes EURUSD-1-BO wil instantly place a EURUSD BUY Position at New candle

==> Very Important: Before updating, please save your set files (in case you want to keep your modifications on them), remove EA from charts, proceed with the update, reinsert EA on charts and load your set files (or the new ones) or Just load the set file provided.

==>Very Important: Unfortunately, we are under a war between countries. This affects all markets. Please keep your risk low and trade wisely.

If You need help, You can direct message me.
版本 1.23 2022.03.23
Mandatory Update
News Filter source changed its address from "http" to "https". This update will help the news filter to work again
New address : https://ec.forexprostools.com/

Added Mode Buy Only and Sell Only for a specific Symbol - Example EURUSD-0.50-BO
==>Currency EURO / US DOLLAR
==>0.50 = LOT Divide by 2 and TakeProfit Devide 2 too - If LOT is 0.10 The position placed will 0.05
This option is added as I will be weekly publishing best set to use for the week.
版本 1.21 2022.02.03
Add Option Maximum Profit In a Month
Add Maximum Currencies to trade at the same time
版本 1.20 2022.01.03
Add Multi Currency Options
版本 1.12 2021.06.30
Change Default Parameters
版本 1.11 2021.06.18
Improve display panel
版本 1.10 2021.06.09
1.10 - Fix Oversized Panel