버전 6.31
GRIDRESCUE version 6.31: Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🌟small addition of text logs details around the HardClose's pacing hours and estimated future timeline
🚩 fix issue with user cannot disable PanicClose NextBest
🚩 fix issue with HardClose bottom order's iteration was being overrided with preset
버전 6.30
GRIDRESCUE version 6.30: Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🌟 add new ability to specify PanicClose Bottom order for each iteration
🌟 intensive refactor of PanicClose's NextBest engine to help address responding to fast price spike and secnario where grid is thinly stretched e.g. 0.01,0.01,0.01....0.02,0.02 ......
🌟 Add a ability for user to disable the auto-shrink mechanic of Pacing period between HardClose instance
🌟 Add an messaging mechanism to exchange rescue status with GridTrader module. This help enhancing the collaborative actions between GridRescue and GridTrader to ensure rescue and gridding work in tandem, help minizing grid size and/or DD growth.
🚩 fix minor issue with 'not sync with History' error alert from third party library
버전 6.25
GRIDRESCUE version 6.25: Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🌟 add new ability to specify time-pacing between each HardClose iteration
🌟 add SmartGridding policy from other EAs to GridRescue
🚩 fix dashboard fontsize configuration. User are unable to change rescue Dashboard font size in last version
🚩 fix minor issue with GridTrader module
버전 6.23
GRIDRESCUE version 6.23: Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🚩 Fix bug in RescuePlus module that users are unable to set the lotsize for the RescuePlus order
버전 6.2
BLUESWIFT version 6.02 : Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🌟Refactor Rescue Panel, add the ProfitPoints and TopBottom StretchK to the panel for better grid analytics
🌟Internal optimization of various parameters in GridRescue
버전 5.90
GRID RESCUE version 5.90: Must-have update [🌟: enhancement | 🚩 bug fix]
🌟 add 2nd news source for NewsFilter, i.e. Investing.com aka (forexprostool)
🌟 user can now display News event to display on chart with timestamp and label
🚩 fix critical bug on array-out-of-range in NewsFilter (Forexfactory download)
버전 5.88
GridRescue v5.88: must-have updates
🚩 fix bug with GridRescuePlus module's trailing Stoploss
버전 5.87
GridRescue v5.87: Optional update
🌟 Minor internal rescue optimization
🌟 Add an auto-pacing functionality (internally) between HardClose instance to avoid too many HardClose within short period
버전 5.85
GridRescue v5.85: Must-have update
🐞 Fix bug that cause GridRescue track "0" magic number by default
버전 5.83
Version 5.83: Must-have updates
🌟 Add "Preset option" mode where user can choose either to go with ready-made rescue preset optimized for each asset type of the tracked symbol (FX, Gold, Indices, etc.) or to use the manual settings
🌟 "Preset Exception": allow users to 'pick and choose' which rescue mode to apply preset and which mode for 'exception', e.g. apply user's manual setting. This options enables a 'hybrid' settings where user can choose to apply some preferred manual setting if they don't like the preset behaviour for a particular rescue mode.
🌟 | 🚩 Various code optimization and minor bug fix in NewsFilter, Panic Close, Crit Close, and OutOfTime Close.
버전 5.77
version 5.76: Must have updates
Numerous important enhancements added:
1. News-fiter: add broker-time adjustment parameters. Current News schedule time is synced with GMT. Most brokers' server time generally are GMT +3 or +2. Hence this allows rescue from news filter to be aligned and triggered correctly.
2. Extending distance-based rescue to CritClose and HardClose: in this release iteration, the distance-base rescue logic in PanicClose's NextBest mode is now made available in CritClose and HardClose mode as well. This address the notorious 'shallow retracement' issue faced by grid system, i.e. when price keep trending and retrace very little which render EA inability to rescue / reduce exposure. For every distance interval that price has travelled, e.g. 400 ~ 500 points, user now can choose to 'shrink' the Profit-To-Close in Crit and HardClose bots so that GridRescue can close out grid's order pair effectively
3. Add the StretchFactor option to Panic's NextBest mode: user can utilize this fifth parameter in NextBest parameter so that the more 'stretched' distance between Top and Bottom order, the more 'aggressive' the profit deviation applied to the Panic's Profit-to-close. For example, if user put this parameter value to 1.5 and assuming user set distance interval = 400 points | profit Deviation = -$3, then for every 400 points added to the distance between the Top and Bottom order, the profit deviation amount is multiplied for another 1.5 factor (exponential) as followed:
- 1st 400 points (distance = 400): <ProfitToClose> -$3 x 1.5 ==> -$4.5 lower
- 2nd 400 points (distance = 800): <ProfitToClose> -$3 x 1.5 x 1.5 ==> -$6.75 lower
- 3rd 400 points (distance = 1200): <ProfitToClose> -$3 x 1.5 x 1.5 ==> -$10.12 lower
- 4th 400 points (distance = 1600): <ProfitToClose> -$3 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 ==> -15.19 lower
This added enhancement also help address the 'shallow retracement' problem as mentioned above.
4. Auto-enabled distance-base rescue during News: Distance-base logic rescue in PanicClose, CritClose and HardClose modes are now automatically triggered during News time regardless whether user choose to turn on these modes or not, thus totally shield user from News shock.
5. [Requested feature] HardStop by Drawdown % is now available: User can now set the % of drawdown for HardClose mode to close all running order.
버전 5.65
Version 5.65: Must-have updates
1. Optimizing NextBest mode for PanicClose: decouple NextBest trigger from Panic condition --> increase this mode's effectiveness and responsiveness against fast price spike
2. Add "Skip Closing current BottomOrder" option: This is useful for some grids EA where grid orders become un-tracked (abandoned) by EA and the grid EA stop opening new recovery trade when the grid's BottomOrder no longer running.
3. Add "Magic to ignore" option for HardClose's TakeProfit operation: this is useful when user don't want the HardClose' TakeProfit to be applied on certain trade - for example manual trade opened by user to hedge.
4. Minor improves to Setting Panels
버전 5.62
Version 5.62: Recommended updates
- Add "NextBest" extension for PanicClose: grid's Top-to-Bottom distance is tracked which then allow user to instruct GridRescue to scan all of the orders below the TopOrder to find a 'next best pairing' alternative to the currently designated BottomOrder. As a result, this helps rapidly reduce the grid's body cluster once market price cross above/below safe distance thresholds and the account's drawdown is 'contained' during large price movement.
This enhancement is extremely useful against unpredictable / highly-volatile markets like Gold (XAUUSD) or Indices instrument where a fast spike of 2000-3000 points in price is quite common which can quickly trap user in a large grid exposure, thus prevent giving back too much of the earned profit or margin call.
- Some code optimization for CritClose to ensure more timely rescue operation.
버전 5.61
Version 5.61: Must-have update
- Fix a critical bug during EA initialization
버전 5.60
==== Version 5.60: Recommended updates ====
- Add the HOMECOMING close option: allow user to close the order(s) placed by GridRescuePLUS module together with the trigger order in grid EA. The SUBGRID and PANIC mode rescue conditions would be applied for this capability. This extend the benefit that Averaging and Hedging trades from GridRescuePLUS to reduce the original grid's exposure.
- Small fix in PanicClose mode's logic
버전 5.57
Version 5.57 recommended update
1. Introduce the "Rescue Parameters Scaling" option: This allows user to universally scale the rescue parameters up /down for all rescue modes.
Currently, when user has grid starting at different lot size e.g. 0.03 instead of 0.01, user would need to manually update rescue settings (such as order size, drawdown trigger, profit-to-close level, etc.) for each rescue mode - which can be time-consuming and also may lead to sub-optimal settings (e.g. deviated from user's preferred rescue strategy). Using the Scaling option in the parameters window, user can quickly scale all the rescue metric by a factor - thus more flexible if user have different starting grid lots for each of their grid EAs. There are two scaling options: by the multiplier of the user's start lot size or by a user-input scaling factor
2. For Averaging/Hedging trades (RescuePlus mode): improvement to enable tracking and storing the list of initial orders - to be reloaded when GridRescue is restarted.
버전 5.55
Version 5.55: Must-have updates
- Add Trailing StopLoss: four different trailing mode available to GridRescuePLUS trades. (Stoploss Trailing on the original tracked grid EA to be implemented on future version 🎯)
- Internal code fixes for orders sequence and parameters settings clean-up
- Add Save/Load for sudden restart by terminal
버전 5.51
version 5.51: must-have update
- bug fix for RescuePlus module not placing order for multisymbols setting
버전 5.5
Version 5.5 🔥🔥🔥 Major Updates and Bug fixes 🔥🔥🔥
A Updates:
️✅ 1. Adding the RescuePLUS modules:
Users can now place Averaging and/or Hedging orders for/against a running grid being rescued. The Averaging / Hedging orders will use the tracked grid's order as entry signal. When the tracked grid reach a certain "level" (or "layer").
RescuePLUS will open Averaging/Hedge orders as such level (these levels can be specified for Averaging and Hedging trades separately). Averaging trades can be used to compensate for the occasional loss from other rescue modessuch as CritClose or HardClose mode while Hedging trades can be used for reducing the grid exposure.
If market price go against the direction of these Averaging/Hedging trades,user would have the option to allow these trade extended into their own grid series as well - which would also be tracked and managed by GridRescue using their internal magics
✅ 2. Adding enhanced Charting visuals:
User can now see the basket profit closed on the chart. When the grid basket closed by GridRescue, the corrresponding Rescue mode which execute the order close will be displayed as well for better tracking of rescue activities.
✅ 3. Added logic to make sure HardClose always Close the bottom one when there is only two orders remaining in the grid
B Bug fixes:
⚡ 1. Fix NewsFilter download in MT5
⚡ 2. Internal code optimization
버전 4.26
====Version 4.26 - Must-have update=========
- Fix a bug in PanicClose module that may sometimes causes "invalid pointer" error
- Change the default value for tracking panel's X and Y coordinates for better visualization
버전 4.25
===== Version 4.25 - Must-have update========
- fix minor bug in PanicClose mode logic
버전 4.24
Version 4.24: Must-have updates
- fixed a critical bug with the recent new features of iterative order closes parameters for CritClose and HardClose (reversal of the order's position in the basket)
- fixed the issue with CritClose calling HardClose without checking the profit criteria
버전 4.23
===Version 4.23 Must-have updates====
Multiple fixes and enhancements added:
1. iterative TopOrder and bottom order criteria for CritClose mode: Previously, user can only have a fixed TopOrder's profit level ($) and the current most bottom order. Now user can define for each iteration the TopOrder profit and which bottom Order to close.
2. iterative bottom order criteria for HardClose mode: same as above, user can now select with bottom order in the grid for HardClose to close. This is particularly useful to delay (slow down) the lotsize exponential growth for those grid/martingale systems that compute the new grid order base on that of most bottom order. For example, if a grid has the following order:
1st order (most bottom): 0.01
2nd order: 0.02
3rd order: 0.04
4th order: 0.16
When the 1st order is closed, the new order (5th) will be base on 0.02 (2nd order) x multiplier. However, if 2nd order was closed instead, then the new order (5th) lotsize would be base on 0.01 (1st order) x multiplier
3. Add LowMargin option into HardClose mode: user now can instruct GridRescue to close down top and most bottom order (alternating between each other for each subsequent iteration) when the account's margin is entering the low % margin level (which can be set by user). This is useful for small size account (<$500), when margin is low, the tracked grid EA cannot open the top order to continue recovering the grid, hence this would lead to account being blown. Backtest has shown that this added feature has drastically increase the survival chance for small account and also allow user to even increase the aggressiveness of the tracked grid EA (e.g. using bigger lotsize or smaller grid's step/gap)
4. Decouple (detach) the NewsFilter close from CritClose toggle: previously, user need to enable CritClose mode so that the NewsFilter rescue can be activated. This is convenient for users who don't want to use CritClose mode functionality but still want to enjoy the benefit of NewsFilter safeguard. This improvement allows user the enable CritClose and NewsFilter rescue independently
1. Fix a repeating unknown ticket error 4108 due to consecutive order close trigger once a ticket has already been closed
2. Fix the low-case symbol string parameter (i.e. currently the tracked symbol parameter is case-sensitive)
3. (For MT5 only) fix the GridRescue dashboard panel (this is due to internal different logic of render chartobject between MQL5 and MQL4)
버전 4.21
4.21: Fix bugs in v4.20 that:
- stop HardClose profit to be executed
- occasionally generate unknown order ticket error
버전 4.20
v4.20 --> Important Enhancements
1. Dynamic HardClose Drawdown level:
Currently user can only set one "fixed" HardClose Drawdown level. When using martingale in fast-volatile market like Gold or Indices, this approach often result in large loss amount caused by consecutive HardClose execution. This is because the grid's drawdown amount quickly return to this level due to the 'tracked' grid Expert continuously attempt to open order with bigger lot size when market continue to move against the grid direction. Hence, with this enhancement, instead being limited with a "fixed" HardClose Drawdown, something like -$300, user can set this dynamically for each HardClose iteration. For example, user may set "-120,-250,-400 " --> which would instruct GridRescue to close out the BottomOrder when:
_ grids' drawdown is at $120 for the 1st iteration;
_ grids' drawdown is at $250 for the 2nd iteration;
_ grids' drawdown is at $400 for the 3rd iteration;
thus avoid pre-mature consecutive close of the BottomOrder in subsequent iteration and allow higher probability (more breathing room) for the bigger lot order opened by the 'tracked' EA to close out the current grid in profit
(**Note: In the above example, when it get to that last drawdown level, i.e. $400, the next HardClose iteration will 'reset' back to the first iteration drawdown i.e $120)
2. User can 'reset' the PanicClose's profit level to close the Top and Bottom order:
Aside from ability to 'drift' the PanicClose 's Profit-to-close (i.e. gradually increase or decrease to Profit-to-close next iteration of PanicClose, user can now also instruct GridRescue to reset it's profit-to-close amount after N iteration using the "Reset Panic's ProfitToClose for every N iteration" paramter. For example if user set this new parameter to 4 and if the Panic's Profit-to-close is -$3, this means that for every 4 iteration of PanicClose, the current profit-to-close would be reset back to -$3. This would be useful for more aggressive exit setting should user wish to
3. Allow user to set GridRescue panel's text color
버전 4.19
4.19 Must-have updates
Major enhancements:
1. Fix the grid tracking logic to allow for detecting and track grid systems that use "stem" magic numbers:
for example, in the follow systems, the stem magic is "1234":
- type 1: 1234000, 1234001, 1234002,...
- stem type 2: 1234, 1234044, 123404,...
2. Enhance NewsFilter module:
- Allow user to add keywords-based Newsfilter and pass-in a different set of Time-Critical Close parameters (i.e. ExtremeNews condition), for example if user put "USD:speak,nonfarm" to NewsFilter keyword, then for the scheduled speeches by US's central banker and Non-farm payroll event, the GridRescue can use the ExtremeNews parameters to close at a more aggressive setting as per user's define
버전 4.18
Cosmetic update of the parameters panel
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