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Reward Multiplier MT4


50% off. Original price: $375

Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade!

Download Demo here (starting lot is fixed at 0.01)

Guide + tips here

MT5 version here

You only open the first order. When your trade goes into profit RM opens a new trade with the profit of the first trade and moves the stop loss of both orders to breakeven point. Now you have 2 open orders with zero risk. When price goes further towards the target profit increases to the amount required to open a new order. New order opens and again the stop loss of trades moves to breakeven point. This  happens again and again until price hits the target.

As the running profit increases, total order volume increases and that creates a snowball effect that causes the profit to grow exponentially at later stages of the process. If price goes against the trade and hits the breakeven point orders will be closed with zero profit/loss. The worst that can happen is stop loss hit of the first order before going into profit and opening of new orders. 

Price rallies with short pullbacks happen a lot in today's market especially in forex and cryptocurrencies. If you trade momentum or patterns like triangles, flags, pennants, and similar, any type of consolidation breakouts like Bollinger bands squeeze break, price rallies from supply demand zones, or price action trends, etc, you may want to try this tool.

Reward Multiplier Features:

  • View info such as potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade.
  • Open the first order with the panel easily and leave the rest of the work for the Reward multiplier.
  • You can test it in the MT4 strategy tester visual mode.
  • Works with all instruments such as currency pairs, CFDs, metals, cryptocurrencies, etc.

Binary Options Copier Local is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts on the same computer. With this copier, you can act as either a provider (source) or a receiver (destination). All binary options trades will be copied from the provider to the receiver with no delay. Demo : Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10047 Reference : If you need to copy between different computers over Internet, please check Binary Optio
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.7 (64)
MetaTrader4のコピー機を取引します。     それは任意の口座からの外国為替取引、ポジション、注文をコピーします。 それは最高の貿易コピー機の1つです     MT4 - MT4、MT5 - MT4     のために     COPYLOT MT4     バージョン(または     MT4 - MT5  MT5 - MT5     のために     COPYLOT MT5     バージョン)。 MT5のバージョン 完全な説明   +DEMO +PDF 購入する方法 インストールする方法     ログファイルの取得方法     テストと最適化の方法     Expforex のすべての製品 のコピー機 バージョン       MetaTrader 5 ターミナル(   МТ5 - МТ5、МТ4 - МТ5   )-   コピーロットクライアントMT5 独自のコピーアルゴリズムにより、すべての取引がマスターアカウントからクライアントアカウントに正確にコピーされます。 また、動作速度が速いことでも知られています。タフなエラー処理。 強力な機能セット。 プログラムは、複数
Vicent Osman Kiboye
INSTAGRAM Billionaire: @richestcousin PIONEER OF ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA THE ONLY PROFITABLE TRADING ROBOT. To trade without withdrawals is Scamming. Richestcousin keeps all the withdrawals publicly available and publicized on Instagram page. The trades are fr His very own Robot software. with an accuracy of 100% Direct message on Whatsapp 255683 661556  for ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA inquiries. ABOUT Richestcousin is a self made Acclaimed forex Billionaire with an unmatched abilities in discerni
Gold buyer
Tareq Zead Mousa Alhawatmah
4 (1)
XAUUSD Only 1 min and 5 min timeframe recommended 20 spread MAX broker back tested have a great profit (details in pictures) try it on demo account initially  use its default setting  Overview Introducing the Ultimate Trading Bot, a sophisticated and intelligent automated trading solution designed for both novice and experienced traders. This trading bot leverages advanced algorithms, real-time data analysis, and customizable parameters to maximize your trading potential while minimizing risk. D
This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from the
This EA will help you to automatically put stop loss and take profit for all your orders. Stop loss point and take profit points can be selected in the tab of the input parameters. You can specify three symbols with SL and TP values (you can see symbol1 , symbol2 ... in the input tab below). The EA performs checks. If a new order with symbol1 appears, it puts SL and TP with stoploss1 and takeprofit1 values (in points). If a new order with symbol2 appears, it puts SL and TP with stoploss2 and tak
Utility is designed to monitor and analyze the market conditions for all symbols of the MetaTrader 4 terminal using real-time data from the RSI indicator. Automatically detects all the pairs in your terminal, and also can filter them into groups. Gets the RSI indicator data for all timeframes and all selected pairs. Tracks up to 4 programmable signal patterns and notifies when they appear. Automatically opens a new chart for a given template when you click the desired pair in the table. Input p
Copyist MS
Aleksei Moshkin
4 (4)
Copyist MS is a simple and easy to use trade copier. It works as a single-file Expert Advisor with toggled Master and Slave operation modes. Configurations Type of work - work mode selection: Master or Slave; Copy by magic number - copy trade orders by magic number (configure in master terminal) Will not copy currency pairs - list of unwanted currency pairs to copy (configure in master terminal) Master account number - master-terminal trading account number; Selective copying currency pairs - i
Welcome to S3S Trade Manager MT4, the best risk management tool available, created to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and intuitiveness of trading. This is a complete solution for smooth trade planning, position management, and improved risk control, not just a tool for placing orders. With flexibility across all markets, from forex and indices to commodities and cryptocurrency, S3S Trade Manager MT4 can accommodate your needs whether you're a novice making your first moves, an experienced tra
ほとんどの個人トレーダーはリスクを管理できず、過剰なリスクや過剰な取引によって口座を破綻させます。このツールはドローダウンとリスク管理を完全に自動化し、トレーダーはエントリーだけに集中できます。ブレイクアウトやプルバックの取引に最適です。以前に閉じたローソク足の高さを使用して、売り取引の場合はストップロスを高値より上、または買い取引の場合は安値より下に設定することでリスクを計算します。ストップロスの配置は時間枠ごとにカスタマイズ可能です。ドローダウン時;事前定義されたストップロス率で部分的なポジションを自動的にクローズすることでリスクを管理します。リスクリワードまたはピップ値によって複数のテイクプロフィットレベルを設定します。 あらゆるエントリー方法およびあらゆる取引スタイルに使用できます。スキャルピング、日中取引、またはスイング取引。 特徴: 独自の「注文タイプ」設定により、ブレイクアウトとプルバックの両方を取引できます。 直近でクローズされたローソク足の高さを使用して、すべての指値注文または逆指値注文のリスクを自動的に計算します。 ストップロス距離メソッドを使用して、価格がス
Aragorn 30
Kalgan Morpheus Rivers
Analogy: Once a day, before the dawn, Aragorn will awake and set his Orc traps. Mostly Aragorn wins. Sometimes the Orcs win. Sometimes the Orcs will not come, in which case Aragorn will take down the traps and wait for the next day* Aragorn will only trade once a day so it is not a get rich quick scheme. Rather it is an EA to grow your account over time. This can be quite rapid though if using the Money Management feature. Due to historical price action recorded on the Dow Jones WS30 , Aragorn i
Close   all   trades   at   once ,   managing   directly   from   your   mobile  MT4  app . This  utility   can   close   9   different   categories   of   trades. To   activate   the   action ,   you  just  need   to   place   a   pending   order   at   a   predetermined   price   (can be done  remotely   via   a   mobile  MT 4 app ). After   that , the   utility   will   detect   the   order   and   close   all   necessary   trades. This   way   you   can   manage   a   group   of   trades  
Basic Fire is an innovative and highly efficient automated assistant for traders, designed specifically for trend trading in the Forex market. Forex trading requires significant time, effort, and expertise. With trading bots, traders can automate their strategies, leverage market trends, and avoid spending countless hours on analysis. Basic Fire is your reliable tool for trading highly volatile currency pairs, particularly during periods of intense market activity. What is Basic Fire? Basic Fire
Mohsen Ajalloueian
Характеристики советника Валютные пары: GBPUSD, USDJPY, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, EURGBP, EURCHF, USDCAD, USDCHF Таймфрейм:   M 15 Время работы: азиатская сессия Рекомендуемые брокеры:   ECN   брокеры ,   Icmarkets . Множество тестов и реальных торгов по стратегии показывают, что оптимальный вариант оставлять – $ 3000 на 0.01 лот для одной пары.   Блок основных настроек « General   Settings » включает в себя: Set   Name   – название пресета; Magic   Number   – уникальный номер, применяющийся для идентифи
R Factor EA
Raphael Minato
4.77 (39)
R FACTOR Multi Strategy Expert Advisor with Proprietary Dynamic Portfolio Management System After 4 years of development and more than    3    years  of real positive results , R Factor is available for MQL5 community! It has always been important for us that the strategies performed positively for the creator before it could be shared.     Skin In The Game  is essential to demonstrate the belief in the strategy and also to provide a continuous improvement of it. Anyone who has been in this m
****** Easy to understand, correct Trade direction indicator, quick and easy to visualize******* BING Proper Path Indicator(BPP) will show BUY/SELL signals on-screen in an easy-to-understand 'Traffic Light' format. Provides a final 'reassurance' and 'peace of mind' for taking an educated, high probability, low-risk, trade decision. In the same way, you use a rearview mirror for instantaneous information while taking a driving decision, the same way BING Proper Path Indicator(BPP) will help you
AntiMartingale-Execution is a pyramidal Money Management system capable of increasing positions as equity increases using the positive margin of the transaction. It is possible to set the capital for each operation, the operating and maximum margins and the target level to be reached. Once the general trade settings have been made, it is possible to preview the grid of operations that will be activated by pressing the BUY / SELL button. If necessary, it is also possible to close all operations
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GOLD (XAUUSD) M30 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GOLD (XAUUSD) M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has b
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has bee
The Prop Trading Scalper indicator is a tool used for manual traders to assist in passing prop trading challenges, which are evaluations set by proprietary trading firms to determine a trader's skill and discipline. This indicator is particularly designed for scalping, a strategy that involves making numerous small trades to capitalize on minor price movements.
三角裁定取引戦略は、3つの関連する通貨ペア間の非効率性を利用し、非効率性が解決されたときに純利益のために互いに打ち消し合うオフセット取引を配置します。取引には3つの取引が含まれ、最初の通貨を2番目に交換し、2番目の通貨を3番目に交換し、3番目の通貨を最初の通貨に交換します。 3番目の取引では、アービトラージャーは、市場の相互為替レートが暗黙の相互為替レートと一致していない場合に存在する不一致からのゼロリスク利益を固定します。 [ インストールガイド | アップデートガイド | トラブルシューティング | FAQ | すべての製品 ] 三角裁定取引リングの例は、USD、GBP、EURです。このような裁定取引の機会に関係する通貨ペアは、EUR / USD、GBP / USD、およびEUR/GBPです。これらのペアは、分子と分母を持つ代数式と考えることができます。 EUR / USDの分子はEURであり、そのペアの分母はUSDです。この方程式は、EURをUSDで割ったものになります。これらの3つの通貨ペアは、次のように表現できる3つのarbリングを構成します。 MEAN = EURU
M5 タイムフレームのロボット スカルパー。 GBPUSD 通貨ペアでの取引。このロボットは、英ポンドの取引のためにプロのトレーダーの会社によって特別に開発されました。ロボットは、毎日約 5 ~ 15 の取引を開始します。 GBPUSD のスプレッドが最大 10 ピップスまでの低いブローカーと取引するのが最善です。開始するための推奨最低入金額は $500 以上です。 利点: マーチンゲールは使いません。 ネットではありません。 すべての取引にはストップロスがあります。 GBPUSDペア専用のプロボット。 ロボットスキャルパー、M5 期間の日中取引。 このロボットはどのように取引しますか? 市場を分析するために、ロボットは 2 つの指標の価格モデルと戦略的な市場パターンを使用します: パラボリック ストップとリバース システムとボリンジャー バンド。ロボットは最初に、価格エントラポレーション統計を使用して価格の動きについて市場を分析します。次に、ロボットはこれらの指標を読み取り、現在と過去の動きの傾向を比較します。市場の反転またはロールバックを示すパターンが一致した場合、ロボットは取
Volume Confirm Trend Zone is the indicator for filtering sideways and confirm trend to help your system trading. Indicator can use every currency pairs, every time frame, and every broker. You can see trend zone when color to change in volume indicator. Features When the color changes to the blue: Buy Zone is a strong trend. When the color changes to the red: Sell Zone is a strong trend.
DracoAI is a revolutionary automated forex trading robot based on neural network.  Loss coverage is our premium exclusive feature. DracoAI IS: THE BEST MONEY MAKING SERVICE & STABLE PASSIVE INCOME PROFIT, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN BIDDING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND STABILITY DracoAI IS SAFE, BECAUSE: WE GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OF YOUR FUNDS NEGATIVE RESULTS OF TRADING ARE COVERED BY OUR RESERVE FUND 100% CONFIDENTIALITY Monitoring  - most popular signal at MQL5 :  https://www.mql5.com/en/s
Crypto Trend Pro
Paulo Martins Barbosa
3 (1)
Concept Crypto Trend  is a system that identify the safest cryptocurrency price trends. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It does not need to be constantly updated as it adapts naturally to varied market conditions. No martingale, no grid, no hedge, no other dangerous strategy. Only strict rule-based approach to trading, allowing to maximise return while having risks under control . Get Crypto Trend Pro and never miss the big cryptocurrency movements again. Results Live t
INSTAGRAM Billionaire: @richestcousin PIONEER OF ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA THE ONLY PROFITABLE TRADING ROBOT. To trade without withdrawals is Scamming. Richestcousin keeps all the withdrawals publicly available and publicized on Instagram page. The trades are fr His very own Robot software. with an accuracy of 100% Direct message on Whatsapp 255683 661556  for ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA inquiries. ABOUT Richestcousin is a self made Acclaimed forex Billionaire with an unmatched abilities in discerni
Your success as a forex trader depends on being able to identify when a currency or currency pair is oversold or overbought. If it is strong or weak. It is this concept which lies at the heart of forex trading. Without the Quantum Currency Strength indicator, it is almost impossible. There are simply too many currencies and too many pairs to do this quickly and easily yourself. You need help! The Quantum Currency Strength indicator has been designed with one simple objective in mind. To give you
This EA is a free version of Tiger Grid which is available here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/33835 Tiger Grid EA is an expert advisor using trading strategy  which has been developed by using machine learning concepts. It has passed 14 years of backtest of real tick data and real variable spread (with commission) from 2004 to 2018. The entries are usually accurate and in case if the trend signal has a delay the positions will be managed by a smart grid system.  This system uses a gr
Valentina MT4
Canberk Dogan Denizli
Valentina についてご紹介します。Valentina は、最先端の人工知能と深層学習手法を通じて開発された複数の指標を組み合わせた、並外れた取引ソリューションです。 当社の最新製品である Valentina を発表できることを嬉しく思います。この製品は当社のチーム内で多大な興奮を引き起こし、現在、実際の市場環境で積極的に使用されています。 私 Valentina は、深層学習機能に加えて、数学的計算の力を利用して取引パフォーマンスを最適化します。 数式は、ポートフォリオの配分やリスク管理など、ヴァレンティーナの戦略的アプローチのさまざまな側面において極めて重要な役割を果たしています。 たとえば、平均分散の最適化では複雑な数式を使用して期待リターンとポートフォリオのボラティリティのバランスをとる一方、バリュー・アット・リスク(VaR)の計算では統計的手法を活用して特定のリスクしきい値の下での潜在的な損失を定量化します。 複雑な深層学習技術と複雑な数式の融合が、Valentina の驚くべき能力の核心です。 複雑なコードの式と数学的計算の調和のとれた相互作用を通じて、ヴァレン
Forex Gump
Andrey Kozak
2.4 (5)
Forex Gump is a fully finished semi-automatic trading system. In the form of arrows, signals are displayed on the screen for opening and closing deals. All you need is to follow the instructions of the indicator. When the indicator shows a blue arrow, you need to open a buy order. When the indicator shows a red arrow, you need to open a sell order. Close orders when the indicator draws a yellow cross. In order to get the most effective result, we recommend using the timeframes H1, H4, D1. There
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
TakePropips TradePad Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
5 (4)
TakePropips TradePad Pro には、強力なトレード マネージャー、通貨強度メーター、アカウント レポート ツール、リスク管理ツールなどが含まれています。 これは、最も高度な外国為替取引マネージャーおよび取引アシスタントの 1 つです。これは、貿易取引をより効率的に管理したいトレーダーにとって完璧なソリューションです。 ユーザー マニュアルはブログ記事からダウンロードできます:   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751180 このトレーディング システムは、ストラテジー テスターでテストできます (ビジュアル モードを有効にします)。ライブ チャートでテストしたい場合は、7 日間の試用版を入手するようにメッセージを送ることもできます。 詳細については、説明の下にあるビデオ チュートリアルも利用できます。 ご不明な点やサポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。 TradePad Pro は、すべての外国為替ペア、金属、コモディティ、指数、および仮想通貨で動作します。 主な特徴 注文管
このカスタムアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードは、オリジナルのアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードインジケーターをEAでアップグレードしたものです。最大98種類のアルゴリズムで動作し、使用する資産クラスのトレンドの本質を確実に捉えます。 数ヶ月に渡り、多くのお客様から頂いたご提案やアドバイスに直接お応えしたものです。   このカスタムバージョンは、完全にカスタマイズ可能です。 98の独立したカスタムアルゴリズムによって支えられています。 非常に素晴らしいビジュアルインターフェースなので、どのペアやタイムフレームでも、簡単かつ自信を持って市場全体の動向を追うことができます。 テレグラムにリアルタイムのアラートを送ることができます。 取引するペアに応じた独自のインデックスを作成することができます。 携帯電話にリアルタイムでアラートを送ることができるので、PCの前にいなくても動きがあることを知ることができます。 入力設定から8つの指標を設定することができます。 アラートを受信する指標と時間枠を設定することができます。 インターネット接続が検出されなかった場合、アラートが表示されます。
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
Mentfx Mmanage
Anton Jere Calmes
5 (15)
The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategy Builder offers an incredible amount of functionality. It combines a trade panel with configurable automation (covert indicators into an EA), real-time statistics (profit & draw down) plus automatic optimization of SL, TP/exit, trading hours, indicator inputs. Multiple indicators can be combined into an single alert/trade signal and can include custom indicators, even if just have ex4 file or purchased from Market. The system is easily configured via a CONFIG button and associated pop-up
FiboPlusWave Series products Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    Features: without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
Copies transactions between MT4 terminals. Possibilities: quick copy start minimum processor load direct and reverse (reverse) copying. copying Take Profit and Stop Loss levels copying deferred and their changes copy transactions one to many copy trades many to one local copy only Attention: The product is designed for copying trades only within a single computer or VPS with access to the desktop. The product will not work on the built-in Virtual Hosting of the terminal. We will help you set up
エリオット波動カウンターは、エリオット波動を迅速かつユーザーフレンドリーに手動でマークアップするためのパネルです。マークの色とレベルを選択できます。最後のマークアップとツールによって作成されたマークアップ全体を削除する機能もあります。マークアップはワンクリックで作成されます。 5 回クリック - 5 つの波があります。エリオット波動カウンターは、エリオット波動の初心者にもプロのアナリストにも最適なツールです。 エリオット波動カウンターのインストールと入力ガイド 取得したい場合     EA 追加 URL (  http://autofxhub.com   ) MT5 端末に関する 通知 (スクリーンショットを参照)。 MT4 バージョン https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/14016 MT5 バージョン https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/15081 一般的な入力: 波の種類ボタン: このボタンを使用すると、ユーザーはチャートで強調表示する波のパターンの種類を選択できます。使用可能なオプションには、イン
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
Telegram Publisher Agent は、 トレーダーが Telegram チャネルおよびグループにリアルタイムでシグナルを送信できるようにするアドオンです。このツールは、カスタマイズ可能なメッセージ、チャートのスクリーンショット、その他の機能を備えており、トレーダーが取引の洞察や戦略をフォロワーと共有するのに役立ちます。このツールは、明暗のテーマ切り替えを備えた美しいデザインも備えており、ユーザーに美的で機能的な取引体験を提供します。 Telegram Publisher Agent は、すべての取引をチャネルおよびグループ内のシグナルとして公開するように設計されています。あなたがしなければならないことは、取引を提供することだけです。その後、ボタンをクリックするだけで、Telegram Publisher Agent が取引シグナルを取引チャネルまたはグループに送信するためのすべての面倒な作業を実行します。 Telegram パブリッシャーエージェント   インストールと入力ガイド EA に関する通知を受け取りたい場合は、URL  ( http://autofxhub.c
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Babon Scalping System Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, LINK . This system basically utilizes TDI, Heiken Ashi Trend, Price Trend on H1 time-frame and TMA on H1&H4 time-frame to generate the trend (big picture). Then the system will zoom in to genera
The Pairs Trade indicator is a utility for semi-automatic pair trading. It allows combining the charts of two arbitrary instruments, even if the schedules of their trading sessions are different. It displays a spread chart in the form of a histogram with an overlaying moving average. It calculates the swap that will be charged for the synthetic position (in the deposit currency). It is possible to set a level for automatic opening of a synthetic position on the spread chart (analogous to the 'se
The script displays info about the share's corporate reports and dividends. The data is downloaded from   investing.com : Report date Profit per share (EPS) Revenue Market capitalization Amount of dividends Date of payment of dividends Dividend income The product cannot be tested in the tester (since it is not possible to receive data from the Internet). Before launching:  Add 2   URL   https://ru.investing.com/earnings-calendar/Service/getCalendarFilteredData  and   https://ru.investing.com/di
This Stacker EA will: Automatically set Stop loss on a new order Automatically set Take profit on a new order Stack (or open up to 4 additional orders at the same time) when a new order is placed, the SL/TP can be preset individually for each order. Provides a transparent replacement for the standard 1-click trading buttons in MetaTrader 4 (1 click still works and SL/TP will automatically be set as well as Stacking). Automatically calculate lot order size according to preset risk management perc
Currencies Cleaner panel will give you an overview of all the most traded market's currencies in a single click. First of all the panel will refresh all your charts, opening them four times in all timeframes needed. 1 - CURRENCIES It uses a complex algorithm to study the movement of 17 different indicators. It means that the algorithm not only "reads" the actual value of an indicator, but also creates a probability of success using the position of this value on the indicator and the last moveme
Buy or rent it and request a copy of the Antimartingale EA for free  Trendline based utility, you design your trendlines or horizontal lines, the EA opens trades for you Possibility to trade on break and/or bounce events Indipendent break and bounce settings Configurable market, stop and limit orders T1T2 Logic to lock profits and minimize losses Trailing Stop Loss Max Spread check Notifies you when your trendlines are crossed No strange trendline name or syntax, you decide the color of tr
FXFledgling Exit Tool is a complete risk management tool that analyzes both the open trades and the direction of the pair of open trades. As long as the suggested entry and lotsizing management presented here is followed strictly, you will have a high chance (but no guarantee) of surviving the trade. What It Does It is used as an exit tool. It helps the trader to manage any manual trade that he transacted. It does the following: Trail Stop Dynamic Stop Loss - a calculated stop-loss that changes
This utility records the swap, which allows you to monitor and analyze the changes in the swap. The program writes a file with the swap data for every pair selected in the Market Watch. The data are recorded to a csv file at the specified time, the file is located in <terminal root directory>/MQL4/Files. File format: Date Day Time Currency pair Long-swap Short-swap 16.01.2018 Mon 23:30 EURNOK -34.81 27.14 16.01.2018 Mon 23:30 EURDKK -0.022 -0.032 16.01.2018 Mon 23:30 EURGBP -2.38 0.15 To start r
New opportunities for analyzing cryptocurrency in the usual MetaTrader 4. For example : We select the symbol of the cryptocurrency and attach any indicators, Expert Advisors or scripts. Startup Mode View cryptocurrency; Data collection. Capabilities Work as with a standard currency chart; Automatic update of open charts; Selection of individual cryptocurrency for updating; Selection of individual timeframes for updating; Work on the desired timeframes; Open charts do not affect the work of Cry
Notify Telegram is a utility that bridge your MetaTrader4 trading activities to your Telegram chat/channel. It will help you to monitor your MetaTrader4 actions such as placing trade, modifying order's TP/SL, closing trades etc and send a notification message to your dedicated Telegram chat/channel. It does not execute any trade on your MetaTrader4 account. It can be useful for monitoring EA performance or providing signal to your Telegram channel/group subscribed. Parameters Token ="" - enter
Telegram ChartSnap is an utility tool to bridge your MetaTrader 4 activities to your Telegram chat/group/channel. It will screen shot your MetaTrader 4 chart and send it to your dedicated Telegram chat/group/channel through a Telegram bot. The whole process will keep repeating based on a time cycle that predetermined by the user. It is a convenient tool for those who like to get access to their favorite system/dashboard that only available at MetaTrader Desktop. Beside that, trader can easily s
フィボナッチリトレースと拡張ラインツール DiNapoliポイント取引方法とゴールデンセクション取引を使用するトレーダーにとって理想的なMT4プラットフォームのフィボナッチリトレースと拡張ラインツール 主な特長: あなたはフィボナッチリトレースメントの複数のセットを直接描くことができ、重要なリターンポイント間の関係は一目瞭然です。 2.フィボナッチ拡張を描画することができます。 3.フィボナッチフォールドバックとラインの延長は、簡単な観察と数値表示のために左右に動かすことができます。 4.チャートは非常に爽やかな 5.数字キーでサイクルを切り替えることができます。 ファンクションキー: 1。 [戻るを押す、要求に応じて描画する、最大8つのグループにする 2。拡張]を描くには[押す] 3。 \を押すと、現在のサイクルの下にあるすべての拡張機能と折り畳みが削除されます 4。フォールドバックを移動して削除して展開する (1)最初のフォールドバックセットのF5行をクリックします。 一度クリックすると(黄色に変わります)、キーボードのDeleteキーを押すと、フォーカ
Советник риск-менеджер с огромным арсеналом возможностей защиты вашего депозита. Для инвесторов, которые решили передать капитал в доверительное управление. Когда у трейдера нет доступа к настройкам - нивелирует торговые риски. А также для трейдеров, которые осознали необходимость стороннего контроля за их торговлей для улучшения торговых результатов.  Для максимальных результатов - должен стоять на отдельном VPS сервере и у трейдера не должно быть возможности менять настройки в торговый период.
RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M 1,M5,M30,W1 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   click here . How to get
RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   cli
RSI divergence indicator finds divergences between price chart and   RSI   indicator and informs you with alerts (popup, mobile notification or email). Its main use is to find trend reversals in the chart. Always use the divergence indicators with other technical assets like support resistance zones, candlestick patterns and price action to have a higher possibility to find trend reversals. Three confirmation type for   RSI   divergences: RSI   line cross 50 level Price returns to previous H/L C
50% off. Original price: $60 Support and Resistance zones indicator for MT5 is a multi-timeframe panel and alert that finds support and resistance zones and pivot points for all timeframes of MetaTrader 5 and gives alert when price has interaction with them. Download demo version (works on GBPUSD, EURJPY and NZDUSD symbols) Read the full description of scanner parameters in the blog page . Many unique features in one indicator: Integrating support and resistance zones and pivot points in one in
50% off. Original price: $60 Order Manager is a trade assistant and trade copier with a money manager that helps traders open, modify and close manual trades and also copy their trades between multiple accounts in the most simple way to help them focus more on their market analysis and open orders with just a few clicks. Download Demo here  (It only works on demo accounts) Full guide   here MT5 version here Order Manager features: Works on all instruments such as currency pairs, indexes, CFDs
40% off. Original price: $50 Ichimoku Trend Finder is a multi symbol multi timeframe trend dashboard that helps traders to monitor and identify potential market trends from one chart. This panel scans the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator in 28 configurable instruments and 9 timeframes for classic Ichimoku trend signals  with a deep scan feature to scan all market watch symbols (up to 1000 instruments!).    Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M5) Settings description   here MT5 version   here
MACD divergence indicator finds divergences between price chart and MACD indicator and informs you with alerts (popup, mobile notification or email) . Its main use is to find trend reversals in the chart. Always use the divergence indicators with other technical assets like support resistance zones, candlestick patterns and price action to have a higher possibility to find trend reversals. Three confirmation type for MACD divergences: MACD line cross zero level Price returns to previous H/L Crea
40% off. Original price: $50 Support and Resistance Dashboard for MT4 is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol scanner and alert system that finds S/R zones and pivot points for all timeframes and symbols and alerts when price has interaction with them. If you are using support and resistance (or supply and demand) zones in your trading strategy, this dashboard and its alert and filtering system is a big time saver for you. Download demo version   (works on M 1,M5,M30,W1   timeframes) Full descrip
RSI divergence indicator finds divergences between price chart and RSI   indicator and informs you with alerts (popup, mobile notification or email). Its main use is to find trend reversals in the chart. Always use the divergence indicators with other technical assets like support resistance zones, candlestick patterns and price action to have a higher possibility to find trend reversals. Three confirmation type for RSI   divergences: RSI   line cross 50 level (doesn't repaint) Price returns to
Ichimoku Trend Alert is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator with Alerts and signal filters. Ichimoku Trend Alert features: Optional check of Ichimoku cloud, Tenkan sen(Conversion Line), Kijun sen(Base Line), Senkou span A, Senkou span B, and Chikou span relative to price, and more. Popup, email, and phone notification alerts for selected symbols and timeframes. There are 9 classic Ichimoku trend filters you can enable/disable in settings: Price/Cloud Order:   Checks the price position relative to
Candlestick Pattern Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert system that checks all timeframes and currency pairs for different candlestick patterns that are formed in them. Scanner is integrated   with support and resistance zones so you can check the candlestick patterns in most important areas of the chart to find breakout and reversal patterns in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes and 20 symbols of Market Watch window) Read
Moving Average Trend Alert is a triple MA indicator that helps traders to identify potential market trends based on 3 MAs alignment and crossover. Moving Average Trend Alert features: Customizable short-term, medium-term, and long-term MAs. Option to filter signals based on a minimum distance between moving averages to avoid premature MAs alignment. Optional Filter of signals with RSI indicator overbought/oversold levels. Optional Filter of signals with ADX indicator. Popup, email, and phone no
50% off. Original price: $60 Triangle Finder is a multi symbol multi timeframe dashboard that monitors and finds symmetrical triangle pattern in 28 symbols and 9 timeframes with a deep scan feature to scan all market watch symbols (up to 1000 instruments!). Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M5) Settings description   here MT5 version   here Triangle Finder features: Realtime monitoring of 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes at the same time. Deep scan mode to scan all market wat
50% off. Original price: $60 Order Manager is a trade assistant and trade copier with a money manager that helps traders open, modify and close manual trades and also copy their trades between multiple accounts in the most simple way to help them focus more on their market analysis and open orders with just a few clicks. Download Demo here  (It only works on demo accounts for 14 days) Full guide   here MT4 version here Order Manager features: Works on all instruments such as currency pairs, i
40% off. Original price: $50 Support and Resistance Dashboard for MT5 is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol scanner and alert system that finds S/R zones and pivot points for all timeframes and symbols and alerts when price has interaction with them. If you are using support and resistance (or supply and demand) zones in your trading strategy, this dashboard and its alert and filtering system is a big time saver for you. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full desc
MACD divergence indicator finds divergences between price chart and MACD indicator and informs you with alerts (popup, mobile notification or email). Its main use is to find trend reversals in the chart. Always use the divergence indicators with other technical assets like support resistance zones, candlestick patterns and price action to have a higher possibility to find trend reversals. Three confirmation type for MACD divergences: MACD line cross zero level Price returns to previous H/L Creat
40% off. Original price: $50 ATR Scanner Pro is a multi symbol multi timeframe volatility scanner that monitors and analyzes Average True Range indicator value in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes in 3 modes : ATR value:   As a volatility dashboard it shows the ATR indicator value in all pairs and timeframes and signals when the ATR value reaches a maximum or minimum in a given duration. Short term ATR/Long term ATR ratio:  It shows ratio of 2 ATRs with different periods. It's useful in detect
40% off. Original price: $50 Moving Average Trend Scanner is a multi symbol multi timeframe triple MA crossover dashboard that helps traders to monitor, and identify potential market trends from one chart. This panel scans 3 moving averages in up to 28 configurable instruments and 9 timeframes for triple moving average alignment and moving average crossover  with a deep scan feature to scan all market watch symbols (up to 1000 instruments!). Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M5) Settings
50% off. Original price: $60 Support and Resistance zones indicator for MT4 is a multi-timeframe panel and alert that finds support and resistance zones and pivot points for all timeframes of MetaTrader 4 and gives alert when price has interaction with them. Download demo version (works on GBPUSD, EURJPY and NZDUSD symbols) Read the full description of scanner parameters in the blog page . Many unique features in one indicator: Integrating support and resistance zones and pivot points in one i
Ichimoku Trend Alert is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator with Alerts and signal filters. Ichimoku Trend Alert features: Optional check of Ichimoku cloud, Tenkan sen(Conversion Line), Kijun sen(Base Line), Senkou span A, Senkou span B, and Chikou span relative to price, and more. Popup, email, and phone notification alerts for selected symbols and timeframes. There are 9 classic Ichimoku trend filters you can enable/disable in settings: Price/Cloud Order: Checks the price position relative to t
40% off. Original price: $50 Ichimoku Trend Finder is a multi symbol multi timeframe trend dashboard that helps traders to monitor and identify potential market trends from one chart. This panel scans the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator in 28 configurable instruments and 9 timeframes for classic Ichimoku trend signals with a deep scan feature to scan all market watch symbols (up to 1000 instruments!).     Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M6) Settings description   here MT4 version   here
Moving Average Trend Alert is a triple MA indicator that helps traders to identify potential market trends based on 3 MAs alignment and crossover. Moving Average Trend Alert features: Customizable short-term, medium-term, and long-term MAs. Option to filter signals based on a minimum distance between moving averages to avoid premature MAs alignment. Optional Filter of signals with RSI indicator overbought/oversold levels. Optional Filter of signals with ADX indicator. Popup, email, and phone no
Advanced Indicator Scanner is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe scanner that works with hundreds of custom indicators available across the web including mql5 website market and codebase indicators. Advanced Indicator Scanner features: Scans your indicator in 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes. Monitors up to 2 lines(buffers) of an indicator. Showing of indicator value on buttons. You can choose between 3 alert modes:  Single symbol and timeframe Multiple timeframes of a symbol Multiple
Candlestick Pattern Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert system that checks all timeframes and currency pairs for different candlestick patterns that are formed in them. Scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the candlestick patterns in the most important areas of the chart to find breakout and reversal patterns in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M30,D1,W1 timeframes and 20 symbols of Market Watch window) Read the
Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk.Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download full version here  ( In the mini version. Starting lot is fixed at 0.01 (or minimum allowed lot size ) Guide + tips here MT4 version   here You only open the
MACD Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and MACD indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated   with support and resistance zones so you can check the MACD divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters
40% off. Original price: $50 ATR Scanner Pro is a multi symbol multi timeframe volatility scanner that monitors and analyzes Average True Range indicator value in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes in 3 modes : ATR value:  As a volatility dashboard it shows the ATR indicator value in all pairs and timeframes and signals when the ATR value reaches a maximum or minimum in a given duration. Short term ATR/Long term ATR ratio:  It shows ratio of 2 ATRs with different periods. It's useful in detecti
25% off. Original price: $40 RSI Scanner is a multi symbol multi timeframe RSI dashboard that monitors Relative Strength Index indicator for price entering and exiting overbought and oversold in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes. Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M5) Settings description   here MT5 version   here RSI Scanner features: Signals RSI entering and exiting the overbought and oversold zones. Monitors 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes at the same time. You can choose
MACD Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and MACD indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the MACD divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M 1,M5,M30,W1   timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->  
50% off. Original price: $60 Ichimoku Assistant is a multi-timeframe panel and alert system that scans all timeframes for multiple rules related to different ichimoku strategies. The Ichimoku indicator has 5 different lines, including Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, Senku Span A, Senku Span B and Chikou Span. This scanner checks the status of these lines compared to each other and gives alert based on your selected rules. If you are using ichimoku kinko hyo in your trading strategy, this scanner and its
James Timpson
James Timpson 2023.11.24 01:40 


maacx 2023.01.01 20:58 

It's my second rental of this particular EA as I love the idea of pyramiding and I constantly sweep market for ideal execution of this technique. Multiplier Reward promises much in its description, but unfortunately fails to deliver. It looks like it lacks optimalization, it can get laggy, unresponsive for no clear reason and it doesn't get along well with other EAs (which I wanted to be sources of profitable entries/trades). The default settings, which you cannot really change, aren't ideal either and in the end all my attempts to trade, although initially successful, ended up in minus. I don't recommend Multiplier Reward for MT4 for buying at this particular stage of development (v1.60), but most likely I will be coming back once in a while to check on progress.

Amir Atif
開発者からの返信 Amir Atif 2023.01.12 07:20
Hi maacx
Sorry about the problems you had with the RM. I'm testing RM's compatibility with other EAs to find possible problems. For now, I removed the "working with other EAs" from the features on the product description.
Best Regards
バージョン 2.2 2023.11.30
- Performance improved
- Minor bugs fixed
バージョン 2.1 2023.05.23
- Minor bug fixed.
バージョン 2.0 2023.04.27
- Now you can set trade commission in the settings for the commissioned account types to include it in the profit/loss estimation calculations.
- Performance improved.
- Minor bug fixed.
バージョン 1.60 2022.11.05
- Performance improved.
- The problem of saving and loading a template of the chart with the tool in it solved.
バージョン 1.50 2022.08.21
- Added "Market Orders Only" option in the settings
- Performance improvement
バージョン 1.40 2022.08.09
- A bug in estimation info fixed
バージョン 1.30 2022.08.08
- Performance improved
- Minor bug fixed
バージョン 1.20 2022.08.03
- Performance improved
バージョン 1.10 2022.07.29
- Minor bug fixed