Reza nasimi
Reza nasimi
Reza nasimi
Added topic MT4 logged out on VPS for unknown reason and saved passwords are gone
This is the second time this happened to me in a few days, It never happened before. We have two VPSs, both from the same company. We have two real MT4 accounts , both were running on both VPSs (one VPS runs the EA). I also have one MT5 demo account
Reza nasimi
Added topic Array of class object doesn't show hints after placing the second dot
When I have a class/struct which has an object of another class/struct in it, then after writing the name of the objetc and placing the first dot, meta editor shows me the members/methods that I can choose. But when I place the second dot it still
Reza nasimi
Added topic Question about MT4 debugger
Hello All I'm trying to track the creation process of my GUI to review all the process step by step. As the code is already almost huge and does many nested works I need to use the debugger to find the issue and fix it. Off course the functions
Reza nasimi
Added topic Unknown charachters apears while coding
Hello everyone While coding a part of a variable name suddenly turned to a string of unknown charatcter(s). Long time ago I had this issue so many times and I didn't figure out why, but now it happened again. Any idea why it happenes
Reza nasimi
Added topic Questions and Answers about Panel and Dialogs (Standard Library- MQL4)
Hello  I'm using the .mqh files placed in MQL4\Include.  I mostly use the controls and canvas for the graphical parts of my EAs. It is very helpful but sometimes I'm having a hard time to find an answer for my questions. I did lots of
Reza nasimi
Added topic How to distinguish between mouse wheel move up/down directions?
Hello I can check if the mouse wheel is moved when the cursor is in my interface area, but I didn't find a way to get the wheel moving direction. Sorry I'm not sure if what I said was clear in English or not. I mean I want to know if the user spins
Reza nasimi
Added topic How to know if the asset is Fx, CFD, Futures?
Hi I need to recognize if the symbol belongs to fx, CFD or Futures. Should I used this? MarketInfo( _Symbol , MODE_PROFITCALCMODE) Is profit calc mode the correct way to figure it out? Please note that I want to do it programmatically. Any help would
Reza nasimi
Added topic How to change the ListView BackGround color?
Hello. I'm using the mql4 standard library and using CListView created a list. Can somebody please tell me how can I change the listview background? To avoid misunderstandings, I mean, it's white by default and I want to change its color totally. I
Reza nasimi
Added topic the font is not fit on the button in some computers
Hello When I make a panel, I try to choose the best font size and the size of the buttons or labels etc to make it appear as I wanted, But when I send the EA/Indicator to another people sometimes they send me back a screen shot which shows that the
Reza nasimi
Added topic How to recognize ctrl+ Mouse left Click ?
Hi  I'm trying to recognize the ctrl+mouse left click. When I press ctrl the ID is CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN and the sparam is 29 if I hold the ctrl down the ID remains the same but the sparam is 16413, which I think this is what I need to use. I also
Reza nasimi
Added topic How to read an item on ListView I made?
Hi  I made a ListView using the standard library ClistView. The number of items I'm adding to it is not predefined and depends on how user works with the other parts of the EA. The Items are added in groups of 3 items means in each group I have
Reza nasimi
Added topic Multi Currency Indicator issue
Hi everyone A few days ago I added a topic to understand why my indicator repaints  . William Roeder said that my main loop is wrong, so I followed his method  but still the indicator was repainting. The reason why I added a new topic was I
Reza nasimi
Added topic I want to understand why my indicator repaints
Anybody can please help me understand why my indicator repaints. It firstly fill an Array (PRatio) and then has to fill another Array (MA) with the MA of PRatio[]. Then filles the 3rd Array (DV) with Standard Deviation of PRatio[]. And After all
Reza nasimi
Added topic AccountNumber() Problem
Hi I have a condition in OnInit to check the AccountNumber. int OnInit ()   {    if (AccountNumber() != 525490 )      {        Comment ( "################  The Account
Reza nasimi
Hi I can't find anything about   DRAW_BARSHIGH    DRAW_BARSLOW    DRAW_BARSOPEN    DRAW_BARSCLOSE in the documentation or any where else. are they for drawing custom candles? Anyone can give me some info
Reza nasimi
Added topic Initializing problem while compiling the codes with only one broker MT4
Hi  I started using an MT4 and its editor of  a broker which has an extension for working with binary option. I always do lots of small tests while I'm coding EAs and always run my EA and change the codes and by compiling the codes, EA is
Reza nasimi
Added topic An unexpected result while using Sleep()
Hello everyone I need to measure the  most  possible precis time delay of some operations. While I was working on it, I had some unexpected result. void OnTick ()   {     uint Timer_Start = GetTickCount ();
Reza nasimi
Added topic Please double check my function
By mistake I normalized the values I'm getting from iMA with Digits. double MA( int MA_Period, int shift)   {    return ( NormalizeDouble ( iMA ( NULL , 0 , MA_Period, 0 , 1 , 0 , shift), Digits ));   }  Then , I
Reza nasimi
Added topic Copying an object
Hi,  We are not aware of what kind of objects  can be drawn by user on the chart manually. Let's assume sometimes we need to copy some of them.   Because they are in different types so we have to say if it was a vertical line get the
Reza nasimi
Added topic Manual changing of the TF restart the EA and makes my warning message box appear each time.
I noticed that with every manual change of time-frame EA is restarting. Sometimes it makes some difficulties for me. In the project I'm currently working on, every time user runs the EA some conditions have to be in checked OnInit() and if