Grail indicators - page 14


Whoever draws the integral

The money's gone beforehand. :)


Whoever draws the integral

I got the dough beforehand. :)

Where do you get so much anger from? Ironically, just withdrew 210 c.u., remember writing yesterday - owls are holding +50 lots? Worked out on today's upswing, earning 330. Now the total lot +0.8, with 454 open positions: buy - 231 orders, sell - 223. He who laughs last has the last laugh.

The one who draws the integral.

The money was taken later.

Who ignored the integral?

Gave the dough to the dealer.

Where do you get so much anger from? Ironically, I just withdrew 210 c.u. from my account, remember I wrote yesterday - owls are holding +50 lots? Worked out on today's rise, earning 330. Now the total lot +0.8, with 454 open positions: buy - 231 orders, sell - 223. He who laughs last laughs.

What anger? I love you all.

The Almighty has made the necessary simple, and the complex unnecessary (c)

This is correct. Check: E(c) = P(c) + H(c).

There is no such identity.

The results of the test:


The equality holds only at zero


Where is the error? At the level of conception or at the level of implementation? Or should it be so and there is no error?


There is no such identity.

The results of the test:


The equality holds only at zero


Where is the error? At the level of conception or at the level of implementation? Or should it be so and there is no error?


according to the rules of integration by parts, [INTEGRAL (0 to t)] (t/τ)^(n)/G(n+1)*exp(-t/τ)dt =( -1) *(t/τ)^n/G(n+1)*exp(-t/τ) -(-1)* [INTEGRAL (0 to t)](t/τ)^(n-1)/G(n)*exp(-t/τ)dt, that is, P =- H+E.

Hence [INTEGRAL (0 to t)](t/τ)^(n-1)/G(n)*exp(-t/τ)dt = ( t/τ)^n/G(n+1)*exp(-t/τ) + [INTEGRAL (0 to t)] (t/τ)^(n)/G(n+1)*exp(-t/τ)dt or E = H + P. Look for the error in the execution.

reproduced the formula -- you can see the results.

The error is hidden somewhere in your transformations.


reproduced the formula - you can see the results.

The error is hidden somewhere in your conversions.

The error is that apparently you take arbitrary t, n and tau, but they are related! Tomorrow I will give their relationship and how to count them.
The error is that apparently you take arbitrary t, n and tau, but they are related! Tomorrow I will give their connection and how to count them.

If so, that fundamentally changes the case. You didn't mention the relationship of these variables, and this is the first I've heard of it now. Otherwise I would have introduced such connections from the beginning.