FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 40

Too much! Take Leonardo da Vinci as an example, he took 15 minute breaks every 4 hours for a total of 1.5 hours of sleep a day :)

The Americans have a smoke break and so do I, they don't limit themselves as much as Leonardo did)))

The point of buying here and now. You close, take a two-hour smoke break.
You're rich! You've got 1.2483 to 1.2530. 50 pips - no point in messing around!
When buying, think about who you're buying from . I mean who you want to take the money from and who you want to leave 'no panties' :)

I've never thought about it, and what's the point?

I know one thing for sure: I buy from those who sell :)))


And we're off to the South

When you buy, think about who you are buying from . I mean who you want to take the money from, who you want to leave "without pants" :)
Think about the people you sold to... why do they need so much? ;)
Yes. Decisions in the market should be made as quickly as possible. Otherwise the market will eat up any deposit. Better a little bit on the plus side, if there's any doubt, than a little bit on the minus side. Don't you agree?

I had my doubts he'd make it to my target.... so why guess? I'd rather close.

I didn't write that I'm not a Scalper. I wrote that I'm a Scalping Master. ;-) I carve out GUARANTEED areas of the trend and it feeds my large family well.

Even Lenin said that the smart one is not the one who does not give up his beliefs, but the one who admits his mistakes in time and makes the right decision.

I happened to read a lot of Lenin's work during the stagnation era. It was one of my main subjects at university (History of the CPSU).

By the way I always knew for sure that "Glory to the CPSU" is not a person. :-) That's why I survived that difficult time.....

What was so hard that you survived? That's where we come from too.

You didn't guess)))

_ One thing is certain: I buy from those who sell :)))

There are three "subjects" who can sell:
1. a broker;
2. traders (apart from themselves);
3. traders and the broker.

The americans are on a smoke break and so am I, they don't limit themselves as much as Leonardo)))
2012.06.04 20:07:37 *Merkel: Bank supervision is a medium-term goal
2012.06.04 19:45:33 *Bank of Canada injected CAD 1.477 billion into the financial system Monday, the biggest infusion of funds since September 2010
Think of the people you've sold to... why would they need so much? ;)
Indeed, in most cases they don't need that much :)