a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 170

Alex, in your own words, "it was a joke". In the sense that you dug into history: who else you forgot to write off, and who else you forgot to teach the time correctly.
Hi Sergei !
Did you get my letter ?
Alex, in your own words, "it was a joke". In the sense that you dug into history: who else you forgot to write off, and who else you forgot to teach the time correctly. <br / translate="no">

grasn, black humour you have, though :)
Hi Yuri!

Just sorted out my work, though. Got the letter, but I will be able to reply only tomorrow (I'm on my way to work).
You have time for Alex, though! :-)
Well, so do I. :-)))
But you have time for Alex ! :-)<br / translate="no"> However, so do I. :-)))

I guess it's more fun to talk to me, huh? :)
Gentlemen !

I ask and suggest that the verbal bickering and quarrelling cease immediately.

It is disgusting and disgusting to read the individual posts.
2 Vladislav
Right. Only the signal so far is given in graphical form: as input levels on the screen. See the screenshot above.

What about your EA that worked well on a demo (or maybe even on a real one)? Or maybe the strategy with quadratic regression has not been developed yet and implemented in that EA yet?

If I am not mistaken, the quadratic channel is the same as the linear one or there are some pitfalls?
Yuri, it takes time to answer you, because the topic under discussion is quite serious. With Alex, it's easier in the sense that he doesn't offer a "how-to" discussion, but produces results in the style of astrological forecasts galore (I wouldn't be surprised if next time he writes something like "A serious problem for Capricorn will come from the fifth wave..."). And if it comes true, (and the quality of the prediction and the statistics of that very "come true" are not important here), he gives a "smack" to all his opponents, not forgetting about anyone. And it really is more fun with Alex.

Olga, we are not quarrelsome, but a man's conversation. And besides we can't talk about serious things all the time.

PS: By the way, maybe this thread about trading strategy on the basis of wave theory lives so long just because it very seldom (or rather almost never) mentions the wave theory itself, well, except for the abbreviation?
It's disgusting and disgusting to read individual posts.

Yes, women are thinner and smarter than us men. That's why they decorate the world.

Olya, don't read them, read all the others. :-))
But in general you are right and I follow your suggestion.