Mail: login to failed


any problem with gmail recently ?

Been using the gmail in metatrader for quite a while.  But recently, got problem. Just mere click “test” in metatrader-> Tools -> option-> Email (after entering the necessary details accordingly), the following is displayed

2018.11.02 20:01:58.541               Mail: login to failed

Anybody encounter this too ?


Hello did you change your Gmail settings recently ?

It has to use lowered security settings to work so if you put security too high on your Gmail-account it won't let your EA access the account.

Check your settings.


Hi, thank you for the input 😊

Yes, I intend to use EA, but for now, just merely click “test”, and not yet using any EA, already got the error message. I am sure my ID and password is correct, as I am able to login into gmail.

Can I know, how do I lower the security level? Is it at PC level or the Gmail level ?

Thanks again


Hi, thank you for the input 😊

Yes, I intend to use EA, but for now, just merely click “test”, and not yet using any EA, already got the error message. I am sure my ID and password is correct, as I am able to login into gmail.

Can I know, how do I lower the security level? Is it at PC level or the Gmail level ?

Thanks again

Just some information I found on the forum (in case you did not read it) - 


emails when my account takes a trade‌ 

Experts: Mail All Order Status Periodically

emails when my account takes a trade
emails when my account takes a trade
  • 2017.03.01
Hello guys, ‌Is it possible that MT5 send me an email to my private emailadres, when my account makes a trade...
Hello please see Here

Hi everyone, THANK YOU so much for the help ! Really appreciate it 😊 !!

2018.11.02 22:06:57.428               Mail: 'Test message' has been sent

The e-mail seems to be working now.

I have been using for very long and have had no problem before. In one of the reply above, it seems need to use “”

I change it and it works !

(The part on allowing less secure apps and disallow 2-step verification, I have tried earlier, but still fail, until I added the :465)


Been using the gmail in metatrader for quite a while. 

This indicated that it was working and for some reason, all of a sudden stopped working.

The solution of adding the port number to the call indicates that it is a first time issue.

These two things contradict each other.

02:17:43.641 Mail: error connecting to
02:17:43.641 Mail: error connecting to

this has happened to me long time ago and the problem was with gmail settings for allowing other apps to connect somewhere in pricacy and security settings of the gmail account

Marco vd Heijden:
Hello please see Here

HI Marco Hope you ared oing well.. I am trying to integrate my hotmail and also my gmail with the MT5 but unfortunately I am unable to integrate it and no TEST message passes through..

Problem Email

I have already tried these options
1. Configured MT5
2. Enabled the email
3. Changed the Gmail settings to allow third party apps to make changes (changes required in email)
4. Restarted Mt5 and PC and laptop
5. Tried Mt5 on different laptop and IP address as well.
6. Even tried with hotmail:465 and gmail:465

None seems to work and I get the error messages as shown in the picture above. 
can you or anyone please can guide what can be done with this????

Some apps and email clients doesn't meet Gmail security standards , they use less secure technologies to log you into Gmail account , and servers blocks these requests by default. In order to resolve this issue, log in to your Gmail account through a web browser and enable access through less secure apps.

To enable "less secure" email programs to access Gmail:

  • Log into your GMAIL account.
  • Navigate to the 'Less secure apps' page.
  • Toggle to turn this feature 'ON'.

Here is the Google settings needed:

Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS3 or SSL: (use authentication)
Use Authentication: Yes
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Port for SSL: 465
Account Name: your full email address (including or
Email Address: your email address ( or
Password: your Gmail password

Unable to send mail through
Some apps and email clients doesn't meet Gmail security standards , they use less secure technologies to log you into Gmail account , and servers blocks these requests by default. In these cases, you'll get a message related to the security of the email client. Unable to send mail through In order to resolve this issue, log in to...