[Request] EA to export indicator values to .txt or .csv files - page 3


PS: if you have problems because of decimal point (.) and you want it to be a comma(,) you can use StringReplace(SourceString,".",",") and only then write the source string to the file


Mladen ,

Sorry for being dumb ,where do I extract this bit in the code(StringReplace(SourceString,".",",") and only then write the source string to the file)?

Mladen , Sorry for being dumb ,where do I extract this bit in the code(StringReplace(SourceString,".",",") and only then write the source string to the file)?


You can do it like this :

#property show_inputs

extern string name = "export data";

extern int WsoWroPeriod = 9;

int init() { return(0); }

int deinit() { return(0); }

int start()


int handle = FileOpen(Symbol()+" "+name+".csv",FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV,";");

if (handle >-1)



for (int i = Bars-1; i>=0; i--)

FileWriteString(handle,convertNumber(Open )+";"+


convertNumber(High )+";"+

convertNumber(Low )+";"+

convertNumber(iCustom(NULL,0,"wso & wro - mtf nmc","",WsoWroPeriod,0,i))+";"+

convertNumber(iCustom(NULL,0,"wso & wro - mtf nmc","",WsoWroPeriod,1,i))+";\n");


Comment("data exported to : "+Symbol()+" "+name+".csv");




string convertNumber(double number)


string result = DoubleToStr(number ,Digits); StringReplace(result,".",",");





Is there is any expert that can streaming "indicator data values" to excel??

thanks in advance

Is there is any expert that can streaming "indicator data values" to excel?? thanks in advance

You do not need an expert for that. A bit modified code from the post that was posted just before your post can export data yo csv file tick for tick. If it would require bar for bar value, then it would need to be changed and it would become more complicated


Hello! :D

 I'm looking for a way to export the levels of the indicator (https://drive.google.com/open?id=11v0GfimrbOWoh_4klEegZ6PGfmMFeyIP) to a .txt file, with a EA possibly.

Can anybody help me?