Just subtract the 2 times from one another:
printf("The time difference in seconds between Bar 0 and Bar 10 is %i", Time[0]-Time[10]);
You might want to take a look at type casting and also how Print works "Dates are shown as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MI:SS. To show data in another format, use TimeToString(). "
If there is only one Print argument, and it is a date, it will use the default display of YYYY.MM.DD HH:MI:SS.... the value is stored as seconds since the start of 1970 however.
If the only argument is a calculated date, it still gives the difference in seconds converted back to a date again... so 10 minutes after 01 Jan 1970.
If you mix arguments in a Print statement, and not all of them are strings, you will now get a warning but again the difference in seconds will be printed as a date (the default handling of a datetime):
Print("The time difference in seconds between Bar 0 and Bar 10 is " + (Time[0]-Time[10]));
To get rid of the warning and give the "expected" result, you can use:
Print("The time difference in seconds between Bar 0 and Bar 10 is " + IntegerToString(Time[0]-Time[10]));
Which is the same as:
printf("The time difference in seconds between Bar 0 and Bar 10 is %i", Time[0]-Time[10]);
printf is just an abbreviated way to write PrintFormat
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Please can someone show me how to calculate the number of seconds between 2 time points.
i.e the difference in seconds between Bar[0] and Bar[10]?
The datetime type is intended for storing the date and time as the number of seconds elapsed since January 01, 1970. This type occupies 8 bytes of memory. This is fine but how do you display Time[0] in seconds as opposed to datetime format? So Print(Time[0]) gives 2014.10.15 04:00:00?
The DateTime function is always baffling!!
thanks for any replies.