why the EA'start function return a fixed unmber,help me,please.

int start()

  double x=0;
   MessageBox("totalprofit "+ x);




 hoe can i get the totalprofit in actual time ?




 hoe can i get the totalprofit in actual time ?

Please edit your post . . . 

Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.


  hoe can i get the totalprofit in actual time ?

When you use a function and it doesn't do what you thought it should you need to read the Documentation . . .  even better would be to read the documentation first.

You used the function OrderProfit() <---- please click this link . . . .   you will find it says the following . . .   "Note: The order must be previously selected by the OrderSelect() function."

where is your OrderSelect() ?  which Order do you want to know the OrderProfit for ?