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MQL4 Community is being updated at the moment in order to allow all visitors writing of articles for remuneration. Updating is planned to have been completed by the 1st of May, 2006.

All articles about auto trading or programming in MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) will be accepted for publishing. Every article will be proofread and checked by moderators for free. At this, we guarantee preservation of the author's writing style and copyright.

An important note: Every original article will be remunerated. Authors of the most interesting and successful articles will be rewarded with additional valuable prizes.
What sort of articles? Length (word count)? Technical (how to code) or broader (how to auto-trade) or issues (example: coding solutions for market congestion on live account) or testing (example: how to spot bad trades and find filters for them) or what?

Curious. I enjoy writing and writing code, but not sure what sort of article you desire. Is the target audience a code-writer using MQL4, or a casual user just using the interface with someone else's code?

Thanks, Lenar.
Are you interested in articles in spanish?
What sort of articles? Length (word count)? Technical (how to code) or broader (how to auto-trade) or issues (example: coding solutions for market congestion on live account) or testing (example: how to spot bad trades and find filters for them) or what?

Curious. I enjoy writing and writing code, but not sure what sort of article you desire. Is the target audience a code-writer using MQL4, or a casual user just using the interface with someone else's code?

Thanks, Lenar.

We will accept and publish articles about Auto Trading anm MQL4 programming. Everything what is conserning these to categories, can be published. After we launch it, we will provide the Community with exact categories.

There is no any strong requirements on the length of the article. Try to "tell a story" - thats the main requirement. In other words you material have to solve some issues (or bring new information) and be complete. The target audience - is the other members of the Community, Matt. If you have some interesting material and rady to share it, we will be appreciate.

Best Regards
Are you interested in articles in spanish?
Dear Paldamo,

Articles in Spanish are not acceptable. But if you can write them in English (even with the big amount of mistakes), we will check and correct them for free.

Best Regards
Here is the screen shot, showing how will look like new article publication system.
I already writing articles, tools and tutorials for MetaTrader here:

I just want to know:

How much the article will be rewarded? and how the author be paid?
What format would you like submissions in? Microsoft Word? HTML? Raw text with pictures seperate? Where should submissions be made? Emailed to you? At what address?

I may put something in Word for you and see how it goes.



Every article will rewarded personaly, but the lower border is 30-50$. If you will submit very useful material, you can expect much more. The higher border is not limited.

We thought that we will pay to authors bank account, but if you prefer the other payment systems we do not garantie that it will be accepted. But we are always ready to consider your offer.

Best Regards


ququr wrote:
What format would you like submissions in? Microsoft Word? HTML? Raw text with pictures seperate? Where should submissions be made? Emailed to you? At what address?

I may put something in Word for you and see how it goes.


Dear Matt,

Please take a look to a new articles submittion system. Its inbuld in MQL4 Community (

Best Regards


That's a great idea indeed! It'll enrich the MetaTrader knowledge base and make the world easier for the MetaTrader's users!

My question:

When could we submit the articles and where to submit?
