Trading account monitoring is an indispensable trader's tool

MetaQuotes | 14 September, 2018

Trading account monitoring provides a detailed report on all completed deals. Trading statistics are collected automatically and are provided by the means of easy-to-understand diagrams and graphs. Growth dynamics, transaction histories, trading instrument distribution, percentages of loss-making and profitable trades and deposit loads, are just some of the monitoring parameters at your disposal, which are available after enabling the trading account monitoring.

To start working with the service, create your personal signal on

Сreate your personal signal

Fill out the signal registration form according to the sample below. Information is entered using Latin characters:

  1. Check "This is my personal signal" option. In this case, the signal will be private, and thus only yourself can view all data. If you want to make the signal public, simply uncheck this option.
  2. Specify the signal's name.
  3. Choose your trading platform.
  4. Enter your trading account login.
  5. Enter the password. Be sure to specify your investor password.
  6. Specify the broker's name to search for the trade server.
  7. Select the account type.
  8. Read the Agreement terms.
  9. You are all set! You have now enabled the monitoring of your account.

Fill out the signal registration

A few minutes after successfully adding the monitoring, the entire transaction history is uploaded from your account creating an expanded trading report.

Trading account monitoring

Account monitoring is available under My Signals section and allows analysis of your trading, along with adjustments of your trading strategy and ultimately an improvement in your performance.

Enable account monitoring >>