Using Skype to Send Messages from an Expert Advisor

Alexey Koshevoy | 27 September, 2007


Skype is a telecommunications program that, along with normal chats, allows people to phone via Internet. One of the most important advantages of Skype as compared to other programs of the kind is a gateway to real mobile network operators. Respectively, one can call a real mobile phone, send SMSes, and so on. There is also a Skype version for mobile phones. One can save money on SMSes since sending regular messages within the program is absolutely free. Basically, a mobile phone must work under an operating system. Well, it is possible now to be fully mobile if necessary. And it is this opportunity that many people use nowadays.

Who and Why May Need This?

Trader cannot always sit in front of trading terminal and watch how the trading is performed, neither he/she must do this. However, it would be great to be able to get signals sometimes that would inform the trader about Expert Advisor's actions or about the market state at certain moments. Why not to get this information in his or her mobile phone?

What Kind of Information Would It Be Useful to Get?

Information that can be got using messages in a mobile phone can be divided into two groups:

  1. current data that do not influence anything and are practically the same as those in the log file;
  2. useful info that will be helpful for the trader exactly when it incomes.

Let's consider examples of current data:

Useful information:

This division is, of course, of a relative nature, and the list of possible events extends further than this article. Every trader will decide for him or herself what content the message should have. The main thing is to realize that this function is very helpful.

How Does This Work in Skype?

How to Do This from an Expert Advisor?

I found two ways how to do this, and both need using of DLLs:

  1. We should prepare a macrofile in advance, i.e. at launching of that file control over keyboard and mouse will be intercepted. Thus, using the sequence of actions, we should activate Skype, find the SMS- sending item in the menu, then dial the subscriber's number in the window that appears, and paste from clipboard the text message initially typed in the Expert Advisor. You can train and polish up the operations beforehand. Thus, we have prepared a file that is an associated document and can be launched as a normal application. By the way, there are very many applications that record and replay macrofiles, so we won't consider specific programs in this article.

    Then we have to develop a DLL that will operate as follows. Its first operation will be placing the text from the Expert Advisor into clipboard. The second operation is launching the predefined macrofile. If everything is set up well and all windows and buttons appear in their proper places, there should not occur any problems, the message will be sent.

    However, this way is a bit frightening. Intuition suggests me that, if brains start to invent something like that, one has to either find a more pleasing solution or renounce the idea as a whole. A new idea flashed into my mind: Can Skype have an API? Well, I found API and ActiveX interface on their website. Great! Let's consider another way to work with Skype from an Expert Advisor.

  2. It is mostly the same. The subscriber's number and the text to be sent will be passed from the EA to the DLL, which sends the message through the Skype COM object.

How to Realize the Second Way

Let us start with DLL. The main part of all works will be preparing DLL for interaction with the Expert Advisor. First, we write a library that would work when called from several Expert Advisors. Unfortunately, it will be insufficient just to write a function and call it. We are using ActiveX, so it is desirable to create a special separated thread for it and do all work in it. The standard paralleling tool for Mutex functions will not help. There will be crashes that cannot be detected. So we will realize the sequence of calls through the custom messaging system.

DLL Source Code

#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma once
// Allow use of features specific to Windows XP or later. 
#ifndef WINVER
// Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.
#define WINVER 0x0501      
// Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers 
// Include Skype4COM.dll, preliminarily downloaded 
// from the Skype developers website –
#import "Skype4COM.dll" rename("CreateEvent","CreatePluginEvent"), 
#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)
// Declare message codes for our functions.
// Variables for the thread to be used for 
// sending messages
HANDLE hUserThread;
DWORD ThreadId;
// Structures to store parameters of functions
// SendSkypeSMS
struct fcpSendSkypeSMS
    int ExitCode;
    char * UserNum;
    char * Message;
// SendSkypeMessage
struct fcpSendSkypeMessage
    int ExitCode;
    char * UserName;
    char * Message;
//| Thread function                                                  |
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter)
    MSG msg;
    HANDLE hEvent;
        if(PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_USER, 0, 0))
    // Initialize COM
    while(GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))
        if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)
        // Message processor WM_PROC_SENDSKYPESMS
            if(msg.message == WM_PROC_SENDSKYPESMS)
                fcpSendSkypeSMS* fcp = (fcpSendSkypeSMS*)msg.wParam;
                hEvent = (HANDLE)msg.lParam;
                    // Initialize Skype 
                    SKYPE4COMLib::ISkypePtr pSkype(__uuidof(SKYPE4COMLib::Skype));
                    // Connect to Skype. 6 is the protocol version
                    HRESULT hr=pSkype->Attach(6,VARIANT_TRUE);
                    // If everything is ok, start sending the message
                            fcp->ExitCode = 1;
                            // Try to send an SMS
                    // Deinitialize Skype
                    pSkype = NULL;
                    //Error is processed here
                // Set the event
            // Message processor WM_PROC_SENDSKYPEMESSAGE
                if(msg.message == WM_PROC_SENDSKYPEMESSAGE)
                    fcpSendSkypeMessage* fcp = 
                    hEvent = (HANDLE)msg.lParam;
                        // Initialize Skype 
                        SKYPE4COMLib::ISkypePtr pSkype(__uuidof
                        // Connect to Skype. 6 is the protocol version
                        HRESULT hr=pSkype->Attach(6,VARIANT_TRUE);
                        // If everything is ok, start sending the message
                                fcp->ExitCode = 1;
                                // Try to send the message
                        // Deinitialize Skype
                        pSkype = NULL;
                        //Error is processed here
                    // Set the event
            // Deinitialize COM
            return 0;
//DLL Initialization
//| DLL entry                                                        |
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
                      LPVOID lpReserved)
    if(ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
        // Create a thread and attach the processor procedure address to it
        hUserThread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, ThreadProc, NULL, 0, &ThreadId);
            // Error processing if the thread is not created
        if(ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
            // Delete the thread when exiting the library
MT4_EXPFUNC bool __stdcall SendSkypeSMS(int &ExCode,char* sUserNum, 
                                        char* sMessage)
    //Declare the structure of function parameters
    fcpSendSkypeSMS* fcp;
    //Declare an event
    HANDLE hEvent;
    //The result of function operation by default is false
    bool Result = false;
    // Allocate a password for the structure and initialize it
    fcp = new fcpSendSkypeSMS();
    memset(fcp, 0, sizeof(fcpSendSkypeSMS));
    // Fill out the structure
    //By default, the code of the function working end is an error.
    fcp->ExitCode = -1;
    fcp->UserNum = sUserNum;
    fcp->Message = sMessage;
    // Create an event
    hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE, NULL);
    // Call event WM_PROC_SENDSKYPESMS, pass  the data structure address 
    // to processing procedure 
    PostThreadMessage(ThreadId, WM_PROC_SENDSKYPESMS, (WPARAM)fcp,
    if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hEvent,INFINITE))
        Result = true;
        // If there was an error at message processing, the function will 
        // return false
    // Assign the function processing code to the variable
    ExCode = fcp->ExitCode;
    if(ExCode == -1) 
        Result = false;
    // Free memory and variables and exit
    delete fcp;
MT4_EXPFUNC bool __stdcall SendSkypeMessage(int &ExCode,char* sUserName, 
                                            char* sMessage)
    //Declare the structure of function parameters
 fcpSendSkypeMessage* fcp;
    //Declare an event
    HANDLE hEvent;
    //The result of function operation by default is false
    bool Result = false;
    // Allocate memory for the structure and initialize it
    fcp = new fcpSendSkypeMessage();
    memset(fcp, 0, sizeof(fcpSendSkypeMessage));
    // Fill out the structure
    //By default, the code of the function working end is an error.
    fcp->ExitCode = -1;
    fcp->UserName = sUserName;
    fcp->Message = sMessage;
    // Create an event
    hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE,FALSE, NULL);
    // Call the event WM_PROC_SENDSKYPESMS, pass the data structure address 
    // to processing procedure
    PostThreadMessage(ThreadId, WM_PROC_SENDSKYPEMESSAGE, (WPARAM)fcp,
    if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE))
        Result = true;
        // If there was an error at message processing, the function will 
        // return false
    // Assign the function processing code to the variable
    ExCode = fcp->ExitCode;
    if(ExCode == -1) 
        Result = false;
    // Free memory and variables and exit
    delete fcp;

File DEF


Expert Advisor to Be Tested

//|                                              SkypeTestExpert.mq4 |
//|                               Copyright © 2007, Alexey Koshevoy. |
// Import functions
#import "SkypeLib.dll"
   bool SendSkypeSMS(int &ExCode[], string Num,string Message);
   bool SendSkypeMessage(int &ExCode[], string User, string Message);
//|                                                                  |
int init()
   int ExCode[1];
   Alert("Send message...");
   Alert(SendSkypeMessage(ExCode, "", "Skype message test"));
   if(ExCode[0] == -1)
       Alert("Error sending the message");
       Alert("Message sent");
   Alert("Send SMS...");
   Alert(SendSkypeSMS(ExCode, "+1234567890", "Skype sms test"));
   if(ExCode[0] == -1)
       Alert("Error sending the SMS");
       Alert("SMS sent");
//|                                                                  |
int start()

The Ea is very simple, its main aim is to send an SMS and a regular message through the DLL we have coded. It acts within the initialization function, so it can also be tested at weekends.

Skype Installation

The application can be downloaded at It is recommended to install the latest version of the program, since the preceding versions don't support COM interface, they only have an API. However, the API doesn't support sending SMSes.

Well, Skype has already been installed. Now we have to download the COM library. It can be found at, in Downloads. Check the amount on the account to be used for sending SMSes. If there is not enough money, you can add some through Internet. It will not allow to send SMSes without money on the account, but regular messages can be sent without any problems.

For the terminal to access to Skype API, it must be registered. You can check whether it is permitted to work with the API using the menu of Tools->Options->Privacy->Manage other programs access to Skype. It must look approximately like this:

The terminal will be registered at the first attempt to use the library. It cannot be done manually. So, when the library is being installed for the first time, it is necessary to wait until a message is sent in order to have confirmed the permission to use Skype API. Skype will show the following dialog box:

After confirmation, the system will start working in the automated mode.

Installation of SkypeLib

Для In order to install the library named SkypeLib.dll, it is necessary to copy it to the experts/libraries folder in the terminal directory. The library named Skype4COM.dll must also be copied to this folder. Now we have to set up the terminal to be able to work with the DLL. For this, check field "Allow DLL imports" in the "Safety" section when attaching an EA as shown below:

Now we can use the library.

Some Important Details

Having some experience in testing and implementation, I noticed some "subtleties". For example, you have to consider that, if you have enough money on your account and send an SMS to a non-existing number, no error will be reported, the function will work successfully, whereas the message status will be set for “sending...”. This is why it is important to set up function inputs very clearly. It is also very important the you use Skype version 3. 0 (or later versions).

It happens (however, rather rarely) that COM object is not initialized and no messages will be sent. This can only be helped with reinstallation of Skype. The external interface is relatively new, not without bugs, so such unpleasant things may happen. It has happened twice within my knowledge. Let's hope that the later versions will work stabler.

It must also be noted that some additional libraries may be needed for SkypeLib. dll to operate. The problem is especially acute after the first service pack for Visual Studio 2005 has been released. The best way to solve this problem is to create a setup file. All necessary libraries will be included in it automatically. File Skype4COM. dll can be included in it, too.

Files Attached to the Article

Highs and Lows

The following disadvantages can be observed when using Skype SMSes:

This method has the following advantages:


We have learned how to send SMSes and regular messages via Skype. In such a way, we have got an interface, which is perhaps not the most convenient, but surely indispensable, to inform us about current events in the terminal. What comes next? Well, for example, Skype allows both sending and RECEIVING messages...